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Away Match Build Up 10/09/2022: L1 - Shrewsbury Town v OUFC

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If you had to decide in an hour whether to go ahead with football matches, how would you judge the mood? I'm 60 and think football should have continued until the funeral.
Do you think in general it's an age thing? Or perhaps not.
In some ways we are thinking that nothing cheerful should continue don't be too jolly, but this is an Elderly lady has died. Not a young lady, nowadays we celebrate Elderly people for there life. The Government made the right decision to leave it to individual organisations.
Who knows what she would have wanted but I can honestly say if I died and I had the choice between all football matches being postponed for a weekend, or going ahead but my picture would be shown, my name would be sung and everyone would be fondly remembering and celebrating me - I’d personally much, much rather the latter.
Who knows what she would have wanted but I can honestly say if I died and I had the choice between all football matches being postponed for a weekend, or going ahead but my picture would be shown, my name would be sung and everyone would be fondly remembering and celebrating me - I’d personally much, much rather the latter.
As someone above said, I think cancelling was the decision least likely to lead to bad publicity- I can imagine all the moaning at shots of loud football fans, ‘not very respectful is it?’ I don’t really have a view either way as I wasn’t going to go but I think it was predictable.

PS I love the idea of everyone singing my name if I died! But the Queen wasn’t as egotistical as me I expect.
Look, whether the decision is right or wrong it was always, always going to happen. HM had been on the throne for longer than the majority of us on the forum have been alive. Time to sit back, mourn (if you like) the end of an era and do without 22 people kicking a ball of air around for a couple of hours for a weekend. I think we can all cope with that.
As the saying goes; ‘read the room’, it’s not difficult.
Reading a room is easy. Reading a nation is much more difficult. Those who shout loudest on social media tend to be disproportionately heard; and because people often surround themselves with people who think like them, they assume that everyone shares their opinion.

For example, the FSA thinks most fans wanted the games to go ahead:

‘The FSA, which represents fans in England and Wales, encouraged football authorities to proceed with matches so that fans could pay respect to the Queen, as they did at West Ham and Manchester United on Thursday in European competition fixtures… “Our view, which we shared with the football authorities, is that most supporters would have liked to go to games this weekend and pay their respect to the Queen alongside their fellow fans.”’

Maybe they’re wrong, and you’re right, but I’d like to know how you’ve come to that conclusion beyond ‘reading the room’, whatever that means.
I disagree with the decision.

Totally agree that national anthem, armbands and silence is a far better tribute.

People have to go to work today, nobody is giving cash for them to sit home and mourn, life does go on. It has to. Nobody forces people to go to football but it has been an incredibly tough few years and life is still incredibly tough for many. Football is that release.

I respect the queen hugely but people should be free to pay respects to a very privileged old lady who passed in the way they see fit. Not forced.
Your attention seeking has plumbed to new depths of desperation. ‘Very privileged old lady’? for f***s sake man, show some respect to the dead or better still say nothing at all.
No one is forcing you to pay respects in any way whatsoever, no one is telling you what to do, in fact no one is forcing you to do anything at all. Can you not spend 90 minutes in one afternoon doing something other than watching football? Or just doing nothing? Just for one Saturday?
Try it, spend a mindful 90 minutes reflecting on your own life, you might find it useful.
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Your attention seeking has plumbed to new depths of desperation. ‘Very privileged old lady’? for fucks sake man, show some respect to the dead or better still say nothing at all.
No one is forcing you to pay respects in any way whatsoever, no one is telling you what to do, in fact no one is forcing you to do anything at all. Can you not spend 90 minutes in one afternoon doing something other than watching football? Or just doing nothing? Just for one Saturday?
Try it, spend a mindful 90 minutes reflecting on your own life, you might find it useful.
I think you’d probably be better off paying respects than getting angry on a football forum
Your attention seeking has plumbed to new depths of desperation. ‘Very privileged old lady’? for fucks sake man, show some respect to the dead or better still say nothing at all.
No one is forcing you to pay respects in any way whatsoever, no one is telling you what to do, in fact no one is forcing you to do anything at all. Can you not spend 90 minutes in one afternoon doing something other than watching football? Or just doing nothing? Just for one Saturday?
Try it, spend a mindful 90 minutes reflecting on your own life, you might find it useful.

You don’t seem to be getting most peoples point, that is why is going to/playing football less respectful than doing the something other that you mention?

The whole respect thing is now just being chucked out to shut down any arguments anyway, no one has shown any disrespect to The Queen on here, it’s a matter of personal interpretation as to what constitutes respect anyway.

I think some people have to take into that a lot of people are not that bothered as well, it was barely mentioned at my work today, some people just want to get on with their lives, as is there right.
Reading a room is easy. Reading a nation is much more difficult. Those who shout loudest on social media tend to be disproportionately heard; and because people often surround themselves with people who think like them, they assume that everyone shares their opinion.

For example, the FSA thinks most fans wanted the games to go ahead:

‘The FSA, which represents fans in England and Wales, encouraged football authorities to proceed with matches so that fans could pay respect to the Queen, as they did at West Ham and Manchester United on Thursday in European competition fixtures… “Our view, which we shared with the football authorities, is that most supporters would have liked to go to games this weekend and pay their respect to the Queen alongside their fellow fans.”’

Maybe they’re wrong, and you’re right, but I’d like to know how you’ve come to that conclusion beyond ‘reading the room’, whatever that means.
Perhaps you’re overthinking this one, however the ‘view’ of the FSA is based on what?
But ‘reading the room’? Look at the extent of the coverage on television, look at the reaction and response from across the world to this event, it’s reach is global, the impact and effect of the news is worldwide, reaching every person of every social class and background, that’s a big room. Now you can call me old school but going to a football match two days after the death of our Queen, the longest serving monarch in our history, who gave her life to this country, is way, way down on my list of priorities. I couldn’t care less about a game, and it is, a game.
It’s massively disproportionate to cry that you’re being hard done by because you can’t go to a football match, that’s just disrespectful, but it’s also a sad indictment of our times that the nation isn’t collectively showing respect by cancelling all sport this weekend.
You don’t seem to be getting most peoples point, that is why is going to/playing football less respectful than doing the something other that you mention?

The whole respect thing is now just being chucked out to shut down any arguments anyway, no one has shown any disrespect to The Queen on here, it’s a matter of personal interpretation as to what constitutes respect anyway.

I think some people have to take into that a lot of people are not that bothered as well, it was barely mentioned at my work today, some people just want to get on with their lives, as is there right.
And that, in my view, is a sad indictment and reflection of the most vocal posters on here, and perhaps of society nowadays, that respect for the Monarchy and all they achieve is sadly absent.
I think you’d probably be better off paying respects than getting angry on a football forum
Not angry my friend, just a bit sad that a few vocal posters on here feel they have to shout about how different they are to the majority in the UK who respect the Queen and all she did for them.
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