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International News Afghanistan

Fair enough Danny. So what exactly do you suggest? The highland areas north of Glasgow-Edinburgh have thousands of square miles with no-one in them. There are also no houses or jobs or shops or transport links. How would you plan the distribution of the incomers?
Tbf Oete Ian Blackford said in the commons yesterday want to allow 35,000 refugees in, fine we will take the 20,000 the jocks can have 15,000. I wonder what he a Nicola would say if they was put on them.
Tbf Oete Ian Blackford said in the commons yesterday want to allow 35,000 refugees in, fine we will take the 20,000 the jocks can have 15,000. I wonder what he a Nicola would say if they was put on them.

Iirc, the Scottish Govt want to increase immigration to boost their population.
Tbf Oete Ian Blackford said in the commons yesterday want to allow 35,000 refugees in, fine we will take the 20,000 the jocks can have 15,000. I wonder what he a Nicola would say if they was put on them.
True, but they will be settled in urban areas. Danny's post suggested Scotland should take people in because they have lots of space. The space is in unpopulated areas. The housing is not.
Iirc, the Scottish Govt want to increase immigration to boost their population.
So they will take the extra 15,000 they’re calling for?
we have a duty to evacuate those that have helped the Alliance, ive just seen on the news that one interpreter has been refused permission to come here that is horrendous and I do hope he is sorted.
What I would love to know is what are the yanks doing to help those wretched people
True, but they will be settled in urban areas. Danny's post suggested Scotland should take people in because they have lots of space. The space is in unpopulated areas. The housing is not.
I know but likewise would the ANP be prepared to build accommodation for their share. Or will it be a case we can’t take anymore as we have run out of options?
Fair enough Danny. So what exactly do you suggest? The highland areas north of Glasgow-Edinburgh have thousands of square miles with no-one in them. There are also no houses or jobs or shops or transport links. How would you plan the distribution of the incomers?
well i didnt say it would be simple we could build temporary housing supply them with food etc .
So they will take the extra 15,000 they’re calling for?
we have a duty to evacuate those that have helped the Alliance, ive just seen on the news that one interpreter has been refused permission to come here that is horrendous and I do hope he is sorted.
What I would love to know is what are the yanks doing to help those wretched people

The Yanks are taking refugees as well but don't know how many.
If we distributed the 20k refugees (important to remember they’re not even coming all at once) across the 651 constituencies in the U.K. it would equate to 31 people.

For those that don’t know Arfon has the smallest constituency (electorate) in the U.K. with 39k people as of 2018.

20k might sound like a lot but in the grand scheme of things it’s absolutely tiny.
Delegation is a key tool for leaders..... the "office junior" Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park hardly sounds like a YTS employee.
I prefer to call him Zac Goldsmith, revolving door MP and failed London Mayor candidate who got whacked in the Lords in order to allow him to have a ministerial position as he isn’t a member of Parliament, which was one of Cummings’ big loopholes. That makes him an unelected bureaucrat, which is really weird given he was a big Brexit supporter. I’m looking, but I can’t find out how we get rid of him since we never voted him in to begin with?

Anyway. Let’s look at his background a little bit.

“Born in London to a notable family, the son of billionaire businessman and financier Sir James Goldsm…”

Christ. Let’s skip past this bit. Ah, here we go…

“In 1998, his uncle Edward Goldsmith made him editor of The Ecologist, a position he retained until…”

Blah blah blah blah. Let’s get to the bit where he’s qualified to be anywhere near a crisis in the Middle East. It must be here somewhere. What about…

“Goldsmith was made Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment and International Development on 27 July 2019 and was promoted to Minister of State with the right to attend Cabinet on 10 September 2019. He was defeated at the 2019 general election, again by Sarah Olney, with a majority of 7,766 votes. After the election, Boris Johnson awarded Goldsmith with a life peerage, making him a member of the House of Lords and allowing him to retain his ministerial position. On 13 February 2020, he acquired the additional role of Minister of State for Foreign Affairs with responsibility for…”

Oh. So he’s a billionaire, aristocratic, socialite posh boy with no grounds or mandate to be in his job, who has been handed absolutely everything from birth, including a role that has seen him wind up at the controls during a genuine international crisis.

You’re right - “Lord Goldsmith” certainly isn’t a YTS. The YTS would probably be more qualified.

Another resounding victory for Patriotic Britain and the working classes. Thank God we have proper, experienced and democratically elected politicians in charge of everything. For a second there I thought we had a bunch of tub thumping idiots who can barely even tie their own shoes.

Up yours, London elite!
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I prefer to call him Zac Goldsmith, revolving door MP and failed London Mayor candidate who got whacked in the Lords in order to allow him to have a ministerial position as he isn’t a member of Parliament, which was one of Cummings’ big loopholes. That makes him an unelected bureaucrat, which is really weird given he was a big Brexit supporter. I’m looking, but I can’t find out how we get rid of him since we never voted him in to begin with?

Anyway. Let’s look at his background a little bit.

“Born in London to a notable family, the son of billionaire businessman and financier Sir James Goldsm…”

Christ. Let’s skip past this bit. Ah, here we go…

“In 1998, his uncle Edward Goldsmith made him editor of The Ecologist, a position he retained until…”

Blah blah blah blah. Let’s get to the bit where he’s qualified to be anywhere near a crisis in the Middle East. It must be here somewhere. What about…

“Goldsmith was made Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment and International Development on 27 July 2019 and was promoted to Minister of State with the right to attend Cabinet on 10 September 2019. He was defeated at the 2019 general election, again by Sarah Olney, with a majority of 7,766 votes. After the election, Boris Johnson awarded Goldsmith with a life peerage, making him a member of the House of Lords and allowing him to retain his ministerial position. On 13 February 2020, he acquired the additional role of Minister of State for Foreign Affairs with responsibility for…”

Oh. So he’s a billionaire, aristocratic, socialite posh boy with no grounds or mandate to be in his job, who has been handed absolutely everything from birth, including a role that has seen him wind up at the controls during a genuine international crisis.

You’re right - “Lord Goldsmith” certainly isn’t a YTS. The YTS would probably be more qualified.

Another resounding victory for Patriotic Britain and the working classes. Thank God we have proper, experienced and democratically elected politicians in charge of everything. For a second there I thought we had a bunch of tub thumping idiots who can barely even tie their own shoes.

Up yours, London elite!

I`ve got him on speed dial..... he was my only "Z" until the embarrassing mix-up with Zaki M.
Seems Zac G didn`t want to talk about piano`s....................... :ROFLMAO:
I prefer to call him Zac Goldsmith, revolving door MP and failed London Mayor candidate who got whacked in the Lords in order to allow him to have a ministerial position as he isn’t a member of Parliament, which was one of Cummings’ big loopholes. That makes him an unelected bureaucrat, which is really weird given he was a big Brexit supporter. I’m looking, but I can’t find out how we get rid of him since we never voted him in to begin with?

Anyway. Let’s look at his background a little bit.

“Born in London to a notable family, the son of billionaire businessman and financier Sir James Goldsm…”

Christ. Let’s skip past this bit. Ah, here we go…

“In 1998, his uncle Edward Goldsmith made him editor of The Ecologist, a position he retained until…”

Blah blah blah blah. Let’s get to the bit where he’s qualified to be anywhere near a crisis in the Middle East. It must be here somewhere. What about…

“Goldsmith was made Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment and International Development on 27 July 2019 and was promoted to Minister of State with the right to attend Cabinet on 10 September 2019. He was defeated at the 2019 general election, again by Sarah Olney, with a majority of 7,766 votes. After the election, Boris Johnson awarded Goldsmith with a life peerage, making him a member of the House of Lords and allowing him to retain his ministerial position. On 13 February 2020, he acquired the additional role of Minister of State for Foreign Affairs with responsibility for…”

Oh. So he’s a billionaire, aristocratic, socialite posh boy with no grounds or mandate to be in his job, who has been handed absolutely everything from birth, including a role that has seen him wind up at the controls during a genuine international crisis.

You’re right - “Lord Goldsmith” certainly isn’t a YTS. The YTS would probably be more qualified.

Another resounding victory for Patriotic Britain and the working classes. Thank God we have proper, experienced and democratically elected politicians in charge of everything. For a second there I thought we had a bunch of tub thumping idiots who can barely even tie their own shoes.

Up yours, London elite!
Apart from being a failed London Mayoral candidate, he also allowed himself to be pushed into a Xenophobic campaign that spectacularly rebounded on him. His constituency was next to that in which I live and I went to a ‘hustings’ in Richmond. I have to say that in a large field, he was one of the thickest, self regarding, ill qualified idiots I have ever witness stand for public office and I’ve seen Ian Duncan Smith in action.
Apart from being a failed London Mayoral candidate, he also allowed himself to be pushed into a Xenophobic campaign that spectacularly rebounded on him. His constituency was next to that in which I live and I went to a ‘hustings’ in Richmond. I have to say that in a large field, he was one of the thickest, self regarding, ill qualified idiots I have ever witness stand for public office and I’ve seen Ian Duncan Smith in action.

Politicians just think differently to us normal folk.............. it's all about who your mates are irrespective of party.
Prime example locally - Keith "Call me Jim the washing machine salesman" Vaz, steps down from his post and Leicester East gets Claudia Webbe.
She was an Islington councillor at the time and got parachuted in by JC & the Exec.
Took her until shortly after her court case started and losing the whip until she resigned from the council role.
Politicians just think differently to us normal folk.............. it's all about who your mates are irrespective of party.
Prime example locally - Keith "Call me Jim the washing machine salesman" Vaz, steps down from his post and Leicester East gets Claudia Webbe.
She was an Islington councillor at the time and got parachuted in by JC & the Exec.
Took her until shortly after her court case started and losing the whip until she resigned from the council role.
I certainly wasn't making a party political point as regards Goldsmith - the fact that he is an unqualified, thickhead who knows the right people doesn't make him unique, it happens across the board. It was amazing it took two elections to oust him - he was a pro-Brexit campiagner in the constituency I believe had the biggest remain vote in the UK.

Oddly enough, the odious and corrupt Vaz actually stood in Goldsmith's old constituency when he was working his way up to a winnable seat. He then stood as an MEP candidate in Surrey West where I was a young, idealistic member of the local party and campaigned on his behalf. He was a horrible man, making it perfectly clear through his half-assed campaign that he was being fast tracked and barely engaging with the team. He had no chance of winning but his attitude stank.
I was a young, idealistic member of the local party and campaigned on his behalf. He was a horrible man, making it perfectly clear through his half-assed campaign that he was being fast tracked and barely engaging with the team. He had no chance of winning but his attitude stank.

Can never understand how someone can campaign on behalf of someone they think was a horrible little man who they don’t believe in.

Being young and idealistic is no excuse as you’re basically just lying and pulling the wool over the eyes of the electorate.

Ah, business as usual then.
Can never understand how someone can campaign on behalf of someone they think was a horrible little man who they don’t believe in.

Being young and idealistic is no excuse as you’re basically just lying and pulling the wool over the eyes of the electorate.

Ah, business as usual then.
Just the sort of dismissive comment and pay off I'd expect. These are the sorts of things we learn through life, we don't all have your gift of foresight.

We were actually set up to campaign before we met the candidate - as he was working his way through the party machinery we didn't really know what sort of individual we would end up with. Policy wise we seemed to be on the same page and initially all seemed OK, it was only as things progressed that the fuller picture emerged. Obviously in your life full of certainty you'd have called it straight away.
Yes I've known people who campaigned in elections, who only gradually got to know the candidate, and were variously impressed or not impressed. I think Layla Moran was highly regarded by her team.
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