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General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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Sorry but in the context of what was being talked about those addresses are in the public domain and relevant
People on the KPC who don’t live in the area have made a decision on behalf of the people who do live in the area
You can make that point without sharing the actual address . Given how heated things are getting on here I think it’s very inadvisable to share the actusl
Speaking of screenshots...
View attachment 11835

"These people"

Let's hope the council don't let hate, snobbery and prejudice triumph tomorrow.

Anyone got a link to the meeting tomorrow? Would love to watch.
Any chance of us getting a photo of those councillors who are on the KPC who don’t live in Kidlington onto a leaflet

What do these people have in Common with Kidlington residents?

Nothing but they will make bad decisions on your behalf
Any chance of us getting a photo of those councillors who are on the KPC who don’t live in Kidlington onto a leaflet

What do these people have in Common with Kidlington residents?

Nothing but they will make bad decisions on your behalf

No, we're better than that.

Plus we only need the influence the decision makers, I.e the OCC cabinet.
Think it will get the ok but more consultation to be done first, report back to OCC in 3 months to talk terms

How can more consultation be done without plans being submitted? Doing a consultation again now would be about as useful as a fart in an elevator. Anything other than a Yes tomorrow and I have serious doubts of who is running this county.
How can more consultation be done without plans being submitted? Doing a consultation again now would be about as useful as a fart in an elevator. Anything other than a Yes tomorrow and I have serious doubts of who is running this county.
Part of a yes vote tomorrow is exactly to have more consultation. It's not a yes to go straight to planning.

Section f of the recommendations:

Instruct officers to identify further opportunities for engagement with a broad range of stakeholders as proposals for a scheme are developed.
This should include an engagement strategy from OUFC to demonstrate how they will take into account stakeholder and community views as the scheme promoter.
How can more consultation be done without plans being submitted? Doing a consultation again now would be about as useful as a fart in an elevator. Anything other than a Yes tomorrow and I have serious doubts of who is running this county.
I may not have expressed myself correctly,but what I meant was that they will get to move forward but with some proviso or other,so a fudge.Don’t know exactly what form it will take but it may not be a clear Yes
If anyone were to read the last few pages of this thread it would be very easy to represent those who support the stafdium as abusive, and posting the home addresses of those who oppose the stadium could he seen as threatening.

Because I support the new stadium I suggest that the posts that are particularly abusive - or reveal home addresses are deleted
Just for the sense of balance, do you condemn the abuse, lies and bordering on racist comments from FOSB?
If anyone were to read the last few pages of this thread it would be very easy to represent those who support the stafdium as abusive, and posting the home addresses of those who oppose the stadium could he seen as threatening.

Because I support the new stadium I suggest that the posts that are particularly abusive - or reveal home addresses are deleted

You've written that you "support the stadium" and "support the new stadium". That's certainly a good start. Now would you like to tell us whether you support the stadium at either Stratfield Brake or at the Triangle and, if so, what actual steps have you taken to turn your support into action?

Or, as I suspect, do you support a new stadium as far away as possible from Kidlington while still staying within the borders of England?
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