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General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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Just a word of caution this poster Yellow Taxi could be part of the anti stadium brigade hope of to get some bites and to be verbally abused and threatened by decent posters on her who which nothing more than to have a stadium of their own. If that is his aim then he may try and point this out at the meeting tomorrow to say what thugs we are.
Please do jot rise up and make threats or abuse for him to label us tomorrow or at any other meetings that may be held regarding the stadium.
Just a word of caution this poster Yellow Taxi could be part of the anti stadium brigade hope of to get some bites and to be verbally abused and threatened by decent posters on her who which nothing more than to have a stadium of their own. If that is his aim then he may try and point this out at the meeting tomorrow to say what thugs we are.
Please do jot rise up and make threats or abuse for him to label us tomorrow or at any other meetings that may be held regarding the stadium.


That’s the way that lot work.

Keep poking & poking till people break.
Emil sent this evening:

Dear Councillor Leffman and County Council Cabinet,

As a resident of Oxfordshire and an avid follower of multiple local sporting organisations, including Oxford United, I felt compelled to write to you, in order to confirm my support for the proposed new stadium at The Triangle site, south of Kidlington.

Oxford United have played a huge part in my life throughout my 30 years of following the football club. We have seen many highs and many lows but one constant throughout all of the history is the support, affection and love with which the football club is held by so many, across not only Oxfordshire or Britain, but in fact the world.

We have seen on numerous occasions that the Oxford United community will support and help the club to thrive. Indeed, we have taken over 30,000 supporters to Wembley on various occasions and you will have seen recently that we packed out the Kassam Stadium for the visit of Arsenal.

Oxford United is more than a football club to me. It represents an extension of my family. My sense of pride at following United is like nothing else. Many close friendships have been formed, as a result of following Oxford United.

When faced with the prospect of not having our football club to support after the lease ends at the Kassam Stadium, is a feeling that is causing great anxiety to me and many of my fellow season ticket holders. It must not be underestimated just how important 125+ years of history is to all of us.

Your support and engagement for the new Triangle proposal is so vitally important for the very existence and safeguarding of our only professional sports club in the county. On Tuesday 24th January, I implore the Cabinet to, without delay, approve the plans for the stadium in order to provide our football club with a chance to progress to the next stage of the planning process.

Our very existence is in your hands and with your support, we will be able to help Oxford United continue to make our county proud and to look forward to a prosperous future.

Wholeheartedly, I thank you for your time and the consideration that you are giving to our future.

FOSB are run by people who don't even live in Kidlington either.

SwissYellow has been following up with them about this on Twitter and they've been very coy with their response.
They don’t speak for many people. The only thing they want to do is push their own agenda. A few NIMBY’s will use their campaign to give credence to their own NIMBYism.
Good points @bazzer9461 and @YellowSubmarine . Supporters of the stadium -on this thread particularly-should remember that this is a public forum and they might find their posts read by others or screenshot, and sent to the press.

Which is why I consider Doxxing or abuse inadvisable. You are representing the club and the fans.
Good points @bazzer9461 and @YellowSubmarine . Supporters of the stadium -on this thread particularly-should remember that this is a public forum and they might find their posts read by others or screenshot, and sent to the press.

Which is why I consider Doxxing or abuse inadvisable. You are representing the club and the fans.
Please give an example of when you have been "abused" by anyone on here.
Will the decision be a yes, no or will it be delayed?

I’ll go first:

Good points @bazzer9461 and @YellowSubmarine . Supporters of the stadium -on this thread particularly-should remember that this is a public forum and they might find their posts read by others or screenshot, and sent to the press.

Which is why I consider Doxxing or abuse inadvisable. You are representing the club and the fans.

Speaking of screenshots...

"These people"

Let's hope the council don't let hate, snobbery and prejudice triumph tomorrow.

Anyone got a link to the meeting tomorrow? Would love to watch.
Good points @bazzer9461 and @YellowSubmarine . Supporters of the stadium -on this thread particularly-should remember that this is a public forum and they might find their posts read by others or screenshot, and sent to the press.

Which is why I consider Doxxing or abuse inadvisable. You are representing the club and the fans.
You just another negative response to try nd get a reaction.
Now once again mods can you do something about this non OUFC poster?
If anyone were to read the last few pages of this thread it would be very easy to represent those who support the stafdium as abusive, and posting the home addresses of those who oppose the stadium could he seen as threatening.

Because I support the new stadium I suggest that the posts that are particularly abusive - or reveal home addresses are deleted
Sorry but in the context of what was being talked about those addresses are in the public domain and relevant
People on the KPC who don’t live in the area have made a decision on behalf of the people who do live in the area
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