International News Covid Passport....


Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
Being considered that you may need to prove your vaccine status to get in to events....... degradation of civil liberties? Discrimination? Or right?
Being considered that you may need to prove your vaccine status to get in to events....... degradation of civil liberties? Discrimination? Or right?
no one will be forced to take up the offer of the vaccine.... though its that to highly likely to travel abroad, as well as to gain access to events, venues & establishments ( bearing in mind owners, licensees, promoters are likely to be held liable for the safety of their customers) will require official proof of vaccination , whether it be a 'passport', certificate or similar ( which will likely have a (n annual?) fee paid for by the individual,) required to allow entry

National ID card (of sorts) by stealth, or our caring (!) government 'looking after' the safety of (most of) its citizens ( albeit by charging a fee for a passport/ certificate) .... I wonder which ....perhaps a bit of both?
no one will be forced to take up the offer of the vaccine.... though its that to highly likely to travel abroad, as well as to gain access to events, venues & establishments ( bearing in mind owners, licensees, promoters are likely to be held liable for the safety of their customers) will require official proof of vaccination , whether it be a 'passport', certificate or similar ( which will likely have a (n annual?) fee paid for by the individual,) required to allow entry

National ID card (of sorts) by stealth, or our caring (!) government 'looking after' the safety of (most of) its citizens ( albeit by charging a fee for a passport/ certificate) .... I wonder which ....perhaps a bit of both?

Can`t say I have ever been opposed to a National ID card to be fair.
We are all getting those little appointment tickets from our Covid jabs so it could be as simple as showing one with your name on it..... unfortunately easily forged and won`t take much "wear and tear" so replace it with a plastic card with a chip in it.................... "big data`s dream ticket"....
Can`t say I have ever been opposed to a National ID card to be fair.
We are all getting those little appointment tickets from our Covid jabs so it could be as simple as showing one with your name on it..... unfortunately easily forged and won`t take much "wear and tear" so replace it with a plastic card with a chip in it.................... "big data`s dream ticket"....

dont we already have them , well, all who hold a provisional Driving Licence....or a (n ) EU /UK Passport certainly do

.... and it could be said that anyone who owns/uses a mobile phone/smartphone/ hand held device is similarly able of being 'watched'/ monitored too

in principle Im opposed to a National ID card, ....albeit we/ 'the man' already have the above anyway
All but the most "off the grid" individuals already have an identity that is readily accessible to the civil & military security services and multiple government agencies. A physical card would be mainly for show...
To drive, I have a driving licence. To travel, I have a passport. When I went to work, I had an ID card.

What's the problem? I get vaccinated and I get a card which says so. No problem for me.
Can`t say I have ever been opposed to a National ID card to be fair.
We are all getting those little appointment tickets from our Covid jabs so it could be as simple as showing one with your name on it..... unfortunately easily forged and won`t take much "wear and tear" so replace it with a plastic card with a chip in it.................... "big data`s dream ticket"....
No need EY - Bill Gates and Microsoft can track all those who have had the vaccine due to the microchip hidden in it - simples!
What's the problem? I get vaccinated and I get a card which says so. No problem for me.
It’s whether or not that’s all it is that I have half an eye on, personally. I’m taking the vaccine when it’s my turn and if I have to have some sort of ‘passport’ to show that then I suppose that’s just how it is, but in this day and age I wonder what it is and where it leads. Mainly because we as humans tend to deal almost exclusively in three questions:

1) What is that?
2) How does it work?
3) How can I use it for my own benefit?

It’s the third question that tends to balls everything up, and it always comes along and finds a way to make even the most noble and beneficial of things terribly corrupt and nasty. Not to mention dangerous.

I really hope that if it happens it’s a card or something similar. You’re totally right in that we carry those anyway, so that’s easy. If it turns out to be some sort of app that’s built by another bunch of donors, however, then I’m going to need a bigger bong.
I'm all for a vaccine card of some sort. When I get offered it, I'll be there like a shot (pun intended) to protect myself and those around me. I will also favour businesses whether they be pubs, restaurants, hotels of airlines who insist on this card for entry. Why should I put myself at risk due to the selfishness of others?

I also see it as the only way in which society can safely reopen. If you don't want the vaccine then that's each individual's right but imho you should expect that you will face some restrictions as you will be considered more of a health threat and thus more dangerous than those that have had the vaccine. To take ML's point, you can only drive if you have a licence, the rationale being that you are at a level of safety that allows you to proceed in that activity.

Thorny old issue and a legal minefield. Very tricky for those who can't have the vaccine due to genuine health reasons but I will have little sympathy for those who can and choose not to have a vaccine if they moan about a resultant lack of liberty.

What will be very interesting will be the stats that start to show C19 deaths once the vaccine rollout is complete and % of deaths amongst those that have had/not had the vaccine. Might encourage a few more to have it.
Being considered that you may need to prove your vaccine status to get in to events....... degradation of civil liberties? Discrimination? Or right?
I think it’s a fair system, no 2 vaccinations and no entry. Taking a lateral flow test is not an accurate test to see if you have covid. If live events take place and the younger population teens - 35+ won’t have been vaccinated if allowed to attend an event without the vaccinations required could lead to a 3 wave.......just saying before someone bites my head off.
I agree Bazzer. I don't understand the objections that I have heard. 'It's divisive' -no it's not, there is a division by virtue of those who have been vaccinated and those who haven't. That's a fact, and it's a divide, not divisive. 'It's discriminatory', sorry how? 'It's an extension of state power', what the power to halt the virus or am I missing something? How would those in power benefit? 'But some people have immune problems so can't be vaccinated, what about them?' People with disabilities are entitled to permits and reserved parking spaces, not too hard to join the dots I would have thought.
If the Government take’s personal charge of rolling out the Vaccine Passports it’ll all be academic anyway, with a huge cost attached for good measure
I can see them having a purpose for travel etc, same as any other required vaccine.

To go to the local for a pint? Hmmmm less so.
I can see them having a purpose for travel etc, same as any other required vaccine.

To go to the local for a pint? Hmmmm less so.
Do you want to share inside space with people who refuse vaccinations? As opposed to those who can’t have them. I certainly don’t - presumably the passport could show whether you are exempt from a vaccine
Do you want to share inside space with people who refuse vaccinations? As opposed to those who can’t have them. I certainly don’t - presumably the passport could show whether you are exempt from a vaccine
When everyone has been offered a jab, then yes I agree with you. Will be a bit harsh before then if all the 80 year olds are allowed in to Wetherspoons and the 20 year olds can't go in... Who will drink all the jugs of shite cocktails?
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