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Trouble at Paddington?


Well-known member
In the pub and some mouthy Reading t**t is claiming Millwall attacked U's fans at Paddington last night. Never heard anything?
And was there a row shortly after the game past the BP garage on the main road? Loads of old bill running up road and sirens going.
Didn't see any trouble nor hear of any.
When we got back to Paddington about 9:15 there were 3 Millwall fans who had gone through the ticket entrance looking back towards the rail station shouting we're f×××××g Millwall etc. To a virtually empty concourse.
Didn't see any trouble nor hear of any.
When we got back to Paddington about 9:15 there were 3 Millwall fans who had gone through the ticket entrance looking back towards the rail station shouting we're f×××××g Millwall etc. To a virtually empty concourse.

I asked my Wall supporting mates and they knew nothing of it either, the Reading tosser was obviously talking rubbish.
And then throw in the scum being promoted !
How many years is it since all three teams were in the same division?
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