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Ex Player Jodi Jones

I do find the Jones situation odd, like many others it seem. Since it’s just coming across as vindictive and bad man management. Jones looked ok during pre-season and the. During an injury crisis of wingers seen nothing of him.
I can understand that he may not be able to play wing back - but it still seems like he has been frozen out when we could really need him. I don’t see how it does the player any good and also can’t see how it attracts players in the future if there is a risk the same could happen to them. Obviously something has happened - but all seems a bit odd.
Nobody has really addressed the ‘elephant in the room’ here. He’s now not getting any game time with us after having a loan agreement to another club pulled at the last minute. The elephant in question being that, by all accounts, he’s on a ‘pay as you play’ deal. So now the player is hardly getting a wage with us. I hope therefore that he’s already made a decent wage out of the game previously.

I’m not usually one for defending KR but I do wonder if somebody holding the purse strings has intervened in some way to keep his cost to the club down until he’s totally proved his fitness? Maybe Karl continuing to have Jones on the bench is his way of showing defiance in the decision - he’s done similar things in the past, like purposely not using full quotas of substitutes - and the player has become a pawn in some political situation?

I know it sounds ridiculous but the whole situation seems bizarre, and, until somebody at the club gives an explanation, it’s only natural that speculation will be rife.
Nobody has really addressed the ‘elephant in the room’ here. He’s now not getting any game time with us after having a loan agreement to another club pulled at the last minute. The elephant in question being that, by all accounts, he’s on a ‘pay as you play’ deal. So now the player is hardly getting a wage with us. I hope therefore that he’s already made a decent wage out of the game previously.

I’m not usually one for defending KR but I do wonder if somebody holding the purse strings has intervened in some way to keep his cost to the club down until he’s totally proved his fitness? Maybe Karl continuing to have Jones on the bench is his way of showing defiance in the decision - he’s done similar things in the past, like purposely not using full quotas of substitutes - and the player has become a pawn in some political situation?

I know it sounds ridiculous but the whole situation seems bizarre, and, until somebody at the club gives an explanation, it’s only natural that speculation will be rife.
I don't really know, but I always thought that Jones would be on a low basic wage so that he gets some income and then gets extra when he does play.

I hope the Malta games are televised, I'd be interested to watch him play.

Edit: As @werthersoriginal suggested, it could come in handy if we do want to give the players a rest during international breaks.
I don't really know, but I always thought that Jones would be on a low basic wage so that he gets some income and then gets extra when he does play.

I hope the Malta games are televised, I'd be interested to watch him play.

Edit: As @werthersoriginal suggested, it could come in handy if we do want to give the players a rest during international breaks.
Yeah I didn’t word my post very well. There will be a basic wage but structured so that there is significant increase based on appearances I would’ve thought.
Not sure what you mean by that. I wasn’t being sarcastic if that was what you were inferring…

Once again I’m reminded of why I’m spending less and less of my time on here 🤷🏻‍♂️
I don't think he was being nasty - more implying that what you said 'sounded a bit rude'. It is a great pic!
Not sure what you mean by that. I wasn’t being sarcastic if that was what you were inferring…

Once again I’m reminded of why I’m spending less and less of my time on here 🤷🏻‍♂️
I wasn’t aiming the handbags at you.
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I wasn’t aiming the handbags at you.
Who then Birdio?

Seems to me something has gone drastically wrong between the pre season games and Cambridge at home
He looked good to me and if not a starter certainly a must use sub.
Certainly after injuries to our other wingers. Does anyone know exactly what has happened. I have heard rumours he doesn’t pull his weight in training but that’s a rumour and anyway that would be sorted by now
It just doesn’t make sense when we are throwing kids on instead of him
Who then Birdio?
Presumably between KR and Jodi Jones but it begs the question what could he have really done so drastically wrong to be dragged to games and not used… Perhaps to teach him a lesson in teamwork… But then isolating him in that isn’t exactly a lesson in cohesion and togetherness. This doesn’t paint a pretty picture of Robinson for me. He gets jumped on far too often for my liking but from what little we know and can observe, he’s getting this one wrong for me in a big way.

Even if Jodi Jones is the devil incarnate and there were a big secret bust up where KR wanted to make an example of him, if that were the case would you want him around the match day dressing room? Why put it in the public eye and open it up to scrutiny? I made a long post about this situation not long ago and every time the topic comes up I struggle for a rational reason for KR’s approach on this matter.

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