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Disappointing Service

Yes, the remaining home games would cost £440 if you paid £22 a ticket. £400 if you paid the discounted membership rate.
Well that answers that then, the full price is still a large saving and good value.
In my opinion it should be on a case by case basis, if in this case it can be shown that all tickets have been purchased for other games surely they club should, as a gesture of goodwill, offer the ST
at the pro rata price.

This person has been a ST holder for a number of seasons and unforunatley this season was unable to commit to one due to work.

For those that are saying “the clue is in the name” etc etc, if that is the case should the club still be selling SEASON tickets when the season has begun so is no longer a ticket for the whole season?

I’ve not done the maths but I believe there is still a saving IF all games are attended, but that’s not really the point.

It may not matter anymore as it is, after this disappointment I understand the person involved isn’t keen on attending any of the remaining fixtures as they feel let down by the club on this occasion so ultimately it is the club that loses out on additional revenue.

It’s a shame as the cheap tickets for the Shrewsbury game and the new membership option are good ideas and gestures but that’s some good work that has been undone what appears to be a money grabbing act.

Had the earlier games not already been attended and at full price I would be inclined to agree that the full price should stand but as there is evidence, via the clubs own ticketing system that these tickets have been paid for it’s not really fair to expect them to be paid for again.

As has been mentioned above, does the club have time to do this calculation every time the situation arises?

Well I don’t know, but I’ve managed to do the calculation in around 45 seconds:

£330 / 23 = £14

£14 * 3 = £42

£330 - £42 = £288

I would also imagine these situations are rare, and would have thought some discretion would be used.

The club would actually be £24 better off by allowing this transaction based on £22 for each game in the south stand.

As it stands they are now likely to be £288 worse off plus any spend in the club shop etc
Why does this have to be played out on a public forum with everyone chucking in their opinion? Just take it up with OxVox/Kath and maybe the club will be able to help if it’s kept private. Doing this publicly means nothing can be done as the club will be seen to make concessions/policy changes and then a precedent is set and will be inundated with other requests. They can’t win.

Why do so many of our fans want to run the club down? Enjoy and embrace the service they provide the community, play your part in that come on.
I would have had more sympathy had it not been stated that they would now not attend any more matches because of their treatment! Get a grip!! Stop sulking and either take a hit on the games paid for or pay for up coming games - but to not go to any more games is frankly pathetic.
I would have had more sympathy had it not been stated that they would now not attend any more matches because of their treatment! Get a grip!! Stop sulking and either take a hit on the games paid for or pay for up coming games - but to not go to any more games is frankly pathetic.

Agreed, any excuse to not support the U's from some!
Let's also not forget you get a free tenner to spend in the club shop with a season ticket. So it's 2 1/2 tickets or so down.
I would have had more sympathy had it not been stated that they would now not attend any more matches because of their treatment! Get a grip!! Stop sulking and either take a hit on the games paid for or pay for up coming games - but to not go to any more games is frankly pathetic.

I've got a season ticket but depending on how things turn out I might not see a game this season. They still make a saving overall, ensure their seat etc so it is a bit tantrummy.
I managed to lose my season ticket card after the Fleetwood game. So the Saturday of the Burton game, I rang the ticket office at about 1pm, they printed a match day ticket for my seat and put it aside in reception, free of charge.

Today I still haven't found it, so called ticket office, they are printing a new one, sending it to me by post, also free of charge.

So thank you ticket office and OUFC, it's not all bad news.
I managed to lose my season ticket card after the Fleetwood game. So the Saturday of the Burton game, I rang the ticket office at about 1pm, they printed a match day ticket for my seat and put it aside in reception, free of charge.

Today I still haven't found it, so called ticket office, they are printing a new one, sending it to me by post, also free of charge.

So thank you ticket office and OUFC, it's not all bad news.

Lost mine too - they had the replacement in the post the same day.
I think the point is more about being expected to essentially pay again for games which they have already attended and paid full price for.

In the past I’ve had season tickets and had to miss games and have done so already this season and of course I am not requesting a refund.

Regardless of whether you consider it to be a bit stroppy or pathetic (as someone else so eloquently put it) is irrelevant.

The club should, in my opinion use some discretion and offer the reduction as a gesture of goodwill due to the fact that the games have already been attended.

Of course I don’t expect everyone to agree, but it isn’t unreasonable for someone to not want to use a company who has provided what they consider a poor service.

This seasons average attendance for opening three games is 6154

Last season it was 6802 (2nd to 4th games exc Portsmouth as it’s a bit of an anomaly)

With this in mind I’d have thought the club would be keen to ensure as many people come to games as often as possible.
I think the point is more about being expected to essentially pay again for games which they have already attended and paid full price for.

In the past I’ve had season tickets and had to miss games and have done so already this season and of course I am not requesting a refund.

Regardless of whether you consider it to be a bit stroppy or pathetic (as someone else so eloquently put it) is irrelevant.

The club should, in my opinion use some discretion and offer the reduction as a gesture of goodwill due to the fact that the games have already been attended.

Of course I don’t expect everyone to agree, but it isn’t unreasonable for someone to not want to use a company who has provided what they consider a poor service.

This seasons average attendance for opening three games is 6154

Last season it was 6802 (2nd to 4th games exc Portsmouth as it’s a bit of an anomaly)

With this in mind I’d have thought the club would be keen to ensure as many people come to games as often as possible.

And point would be - have the club really got the staff to do a case-by-case calculation?
Of course I don’t expect everyone to agree, but it isn’t unreasonable for someone to not want to use a company who has provided what they consider a poor service.

We are not taking about a company, but a football club and support shouldn't depend on service. We have a crappy 3 sided stadium with average food and warm crappy beer. It is cold all year round with toilets I wouldn't let me dog use. We have put up with some awful games from some awful players. We have all had a pretty poor service over the last decade or 2 - but we still come back because it's Oxford United. If that isn't enough for 'your friend' then that's their problem.
We are not taking about a company, but a football club and support shouldn't depend on service. We have a crappy 3 sided stadium with average food and warm crappy beer. It is cold all year round with toilets I wouldn't let me dog use. We have put up with some awful games from some awful players. We have all had a pretty poor service over the last decade or 2 - but we still come back because it's Oxford United. If that isn't enough for 'your friend' then that's their problem.

I think that concludes the discussion.
I sent Andy Taylor, who I believe is the SLO, an email last Sunday about the state (flooded and even worse than usual) of the SSL toilets.
A week later no acknowledgment or reply. In any business that’s crap service for a paying customer. Still lots wrong with our club sadly, simple courtesy is easy to achieve and should be a given in todays world.
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