National News Covidiots.....

In this case ambivalent. I've got mixed feelings, in that the woman in question shouldn't expect sympathy, yet, at a human level, I can understand how disappointed she must have been so I'm not totally apathetic towards her situation.

That's fine then Pete, you're free to go.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Forgive me if I sound like a killjoy, but why are so many people hellbent on flying out on a plane full of people less than a metre apart, breathing reconstituted air, being transported to risk countries hovering on lockdown, where nothing is open?
And then criticise the government for ruining their holiday by forcing their return?
You couldn’t make it up!
Travelling abroad in the middle of a pandemic is Utterly ridiculous.
I despair of these tw@ts moaning about it on tv while over there.
Don’t f*****g go there!

There ya go, my shout though my letterbox is now over!?

Amen ?
While in no way condoning what she did I'm intrigued to know what the advice is for someone who gets a positive result while away from home.

How, and more importantly, where do they go to self isolate / quarantine?

Obviously, in this case she should not have travelled in the first place, but what if you are already at your destination when symptoms appear?
While in no way condoning what she did I'm intrigued to know what the advice is for someone who gets a positive result while away from home.

How, and more importantly, where do they go to self isolate / quarantine?

Obviously, in this case she should not have travelled in the first place, but what if you are already at your destination when symptoms appear?
First drive to Barnard Castle to check your eyes in case you misread the result. Then go to a local convenience store without wearing a mask while claiming you've just returned from holiday and didn't know the rules, Then have a dinner party for more than 6 people. Finally take public transport to Westminster and back. Simple.
While in no way condoning what she did I'm intrigued to know what the advice is for someone who gets a positive result while away from home.

How, and more importantly, where do they go to self isolate / quarantine?

Obviously, in this case she should not have travelled in the first place, but what if you are already at your destination when symptoms appear?
Does every member of Parliament not have accommodation paid for in London, as well as in their constituency? They shouldn’t have been there in the first place as they had symptoms to the point that they sought a test before travelling.

Unacceptable behaviour and they should resign immediately.
I think she’s definitely taken the top spot for U.K. covidiot of 2020. There’s been some absolute whoppers but this is P**s poor behaviour and really does show what a shower we have representing our constituencies.

3.4 tells you what to do if you get symptoms whilst away & the test comes back positive, go directly to home, use private transport etc.

This silly person has had the test (symptomatic) didn`t wait for the result, felt better (It`s only a sniffle for many!!) and then went out & about when she should have been isolating.
Bang to rights for a fine and the P45.

At least Dom used his own car and avoided people.... ;)

3.4 tells you what to do if you get symptoms whilst away & the test comes back positive, go directly to home, use private transport etc.

This silly person has had the test (symptomatic) didn`t wait for the result, felt better (It`s only a sniffle for many!!) and then went out & about when she should have been isolating.
Bang to rights for a fine and the P45.

At least Dom used his own car and avoided people.... ;)

Stop making it personal. :p:)
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