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Respect with wearing or not wearing masks goes both ways. Remember that.
Meanwhile, on the actual subject of Tickets for Cambridge, we have less than 100 left out of the 1,400 allocated, so anyone wanting one needs to get in quickly before they're all gone.

I wasn't sure if there would be more people reluctant to return (due to COVID fears) or more people who have missed football so much that they are determined to make up for it by attending as many games as possible? Seems it may be the latter.

We've had very healthy season ticket sales too, so here's hoping restrictions stay away all season, and we get that great feeling of togetherness back again in front of large, safe, crowds, because I think we've all missed it so much.
Far right views, bit of a shift over from not wearing a mask.

Exactly.. while there are no restrictions in place its up to the individual to decide what's best for them. Sure ffp3 masks do have an affect in catching particles coming at you and away from yourself but no one is going around wearing them. Everyone is going round wearing a piece of cloth and calling it a covering. Now I work with removing asbestos quite often and the coveralls we have to wear are type 5 which ensure 99% of particles won't go beyond and on to your clothing. These cloth face coverings aren't nowhere near up to that standard so I see no point wearing them.
Exactly.. while there are no restrictions in place its up to the individual to decide what's best for them. Sure ffp3 masks do have an affect in catching particles coming at you and away from yourself but no one is going around wearing them. Everyone is going round wearing a piece of cloth and calling it a covering. Now I work with removing asbestos quite often and the coveralls we have to wear are type 5 which ensure 99% of particles won't go beyond and on to your clothing. These cloth face coverings aren't nowhere near up to that standard so I see no point wearing them.

I work with hazardous waste from asbestos to chemicals and I have been a bit bemused by the mask situation, even had to redo my confined space training this week so been doing a bit of theory around the subject and when you get down to the practical side of it these cloth masks/snoods are absolutely pointless, the surgical masks unless worn by everyone correctly are not far off (If you wear an airfed mask you realise how much escapes if not properly fitted, so the beard trend must make surgical masks pointless). You could even argue that by increasing a sense of safety in people they encourage people to get closer to others than maybe safe, especially in vulnerable people.

It would be better for the government to give proper FFP3 masks to the very vulnerable in my opinion than make everyone wear them.
I work with hazardous waste from asbestos to chemicals and I have been a bit bemused by the mask situation, even had to redo my confined space training this week so been doing a bit of theory around the subject and when you get down to the practical side of it these cloth masks/snoods are absolutely pointless, the surgical masks unless worn by everyone correctly are not far off (If you wear an airfed mask you realise how much escapes if not properly fitted, so the beard trend must make surgical masks pointless). You could even argue that by increasing a sense of safety in people they encourage people to get closer to others than maybe safe, especially in vulnerable people.

It would be better for the government to give proper FFP3 masks to the very vulnerable in my opinion than make everyone wear them.

Spot on, I forgot to add with ffp3 masks you have to be clean shaven and face fitted to the correct size for them to be 99% effective, if you have a stubble or a beard a full face hood must be worn.

It's up to people what they wish to do just like it is those who smoke and those that don't. But anyone to jump down on someone for not wearing a cloth over their mouth need to do some research for once in their life.
Spot on, I forgot to add with ffp3 masks you have to be clean shaven and face fitted to the correct size for them to be 99% effective, if you have a stubble or a beard a full face hood must be worn.

It's up to people what they wish to do just like it is those who smoke and those that don't. But anyone to jump down on someone for not wearing a cloth over their mouth need to do some research for once in their life.
😂😂 oh here we go. Watched a compelling YouTube video have you yeah?

The UK Government, WHO and the Mayo Clinic, and I'm sure literally any qualified medical body around the world, all say that wearing a face mask contributes to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Sure, not every face mask is surgical-grade quality, but they're better than nothing. Belittling them by calling them a 'cloth over your mouth' or suggesting that everyone not wearing one has 'done their research' (presumably, by extension, everyone wearing one is a 'sheep', right?) is so unhelpful, and really pretty selfish. Noone likes wearing masks every time they're indoors, everybody wants this to end. I just don't see why it's such a concession to experience some extremely mild inconvenience to accommodate people who are legitimately worried and concerned about the virus.
Covid attaches to water molecules through the respiratory function, and consequently masks of any description will prevent covid transmission both to and from the mask wearer. Comparing it to asbestos or hazardous chemicals is deliberately misguided.

Seeing as so many disregard research, I'll give my own personal experience. For 18 months I have been working in an enclosed working environment where social distancing is impossible. I have worked directly with people who were symptomatic and subsequently tested positive, and vast numbers who were non-symptomatic but highly likely that they were also positive. Ventilation is extremely limited, work spaces are communal, surfaces are perfect for holding the virus and cleaning whilst well intended has been pretty poor.

But I didn't catch covid, and more importantly didn't then pass that on to my family. Why? Because I wore face masks at all times and other PPE when required. And I maintained high standards of personal hygeine and sanitation. Did I just get lucky, or did these preventative measures keep me safe?
If you want to wear one, wear one. If you don’t, dont.

Don’t view your personal belief as better than someone else’s differing one. Respect no matter what.

The only punishable crime is not singing your heart out for the boys on Saturday!
Sure, not every face mask is surgical-grade quality, but they're better than nothing.
Which is surely the point. Ever since 'Freedom Day' (and that theory is worth a discussion on its own) some people have adopted the attitude that they won't do anything that isn't legally prescribed. Carry on folks. Personally, I'll continue to wear my pathetic mask in any environment where there are lots of people, some of whom might be Covid-carriers or at risk of serious illness if they catch it.
😂😂 oh here we go. Watched a compelling YouTube video have you yeah?

The UK Government, WHO and the Mayo Clinic, and I'm sure literally any qualified medical body around the world, all say that wearing a face mask contributes to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Sure, not every face mask is surgical-grade quality, but they're better than nothing. Belittling them by calling them a 'cloth over your mouth' or suggesting that everyone not wearing one has 'done their research' (presumably, by extension, everyone wearing one is a 'sheep', right?) is so unhelpful, and really pretty selfish. Noone likes wearing masks every time they're indoors, everybody wants this to end. I just don't see why it's such a concession to experience some extremely mild inconvenience to accommodate people who are legitimately worried and concerned about the virus.

Social distancing stopped the spread of the virus as is the vaccine is doing now. Masks/face coverings that 90% of the population were asked to wear have little effect. Go in a covid ward anywhere across the country and see what the nurses are wearing they aren't wearing a piece of cloth with a oxford badge on.

I'm not calling any one a sheep if they wish to wear one , it's up to the individual.
But I didn't catch covid, and more importantly didn't then pass that on to my family. Why? Because I wore face masks at all times and other PPE when required. And I maintained high standards of personal hygeine and sanitation. Did I just get lucky, or did these preventative measures keep me safe?

You mean you assume that's the reason? For all you know you could be immune from catching this virus.
Which is surely the point. Ever since 'Freedom Day' (and that theory is worth a discussion on its own) some people have adopted the attitude that they won't do anything that isn't legally prescribed. Carry on folks. Personally, I'll continue to wear my pathetic mask in any environment where there are lots of people, some of whom might be Covid-carriers or at risk of serious illness if they catch it.

Can you please stop thinking of others & yourself and just reclaim your freeeeedddoommmmmmm? ;) :ROFLMAO:


Work have retained MITIGATION for that very reason....... reducing risk for people because, at the moment, it is the sensible thing to do.
If we all do a little collectively we achieve a lot.
Nobody is claiming that any face covering will work 100% but if it reduces that risk for someone else by 50% or more............ why not?
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Can you please stop thinking of others & yourself and just reclaim your freeeeedddoommmmmmm? ;) :ROFLMAO:

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Work have retained MITIGATION for that very reason....... reducing risk for people because, at the moment, it is the sensible thing to do.
If we all do a little collectively we achieve a lot.
Nobody is claiming that any face covering will work 100% but if it reduces that risk for someone else by 50% or more............ why not?
Why not? Because you don't HAVE to! Sod personal responsibility, I want my life back.
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