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General Tim Williams Vote of Confidence

Do you have confidence in Tim Williams leadership?

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I gave it a listen this morning. I'll keep it brief.

- Catty tone to the 'customers' reaction from fans. Not a good look. Own it, apologise for it and move on.

- Happy with the commitment levels from the owners re. the stadium/if we go down to League 2 (which should be planned for, Tim).

- Not happy with the responses re. DoF, collective responsibility for making decisions be that sacking KR or otherwise. That sort of gumpf comes out of KR too and TW alluded to it last time with all the talk about signings. I do not for one minute believe that Josh Murphy was a collectively agreed decision upon by all of the recruitment team.

- Bearing in mind GF and TW were more-or-less announced at the same time, I'm surprised at the lack of communication between the two.

- Others criticise the response to the first question. I'm more sanguine about it. He can't say back or sack either way as he becomes hamstrung by whatever response he says. Back him, we continue to lose and he looks the fool/annoys the fanbase more or we sack KR straight after defeat at the weekend and his words ring hollow. Say's KR will be saced and KR's job here is undermined. He has to tread a fine line.

I have a sense that the board are in a panic over the managerial situation now. They now know it should have happened earlier but kept with KR because he has form with getting us out of the brown stuff before. Now that we're in a tailspin at the wrong time of the season - the period in previous seasons when previously KR has started to turn us around - they don't know what to do. They're gambling on sticking with him in the hope he can reverse it rather than sacking him, bringing someone new in and nothing changing with the results. It's a hell of a gamble and not proving a popular one.
Just another belated aside, TW explictly mentioned the things he had read from supporters recently. I inferred that as not simply relating to emails, but also this forum and there would be much crossover in terms of content anyway.

I mention this as it is so tiresome to see the usual posters refer to this forum as obscure or unrepresentative and unimportant. This is despite there being no comparator fora and those posters OWN ignorance of what is or is not representative.

This place is a pretty good litmus test of the range of opinion, and there's no need to paint so many fellow supporters as reactionary, unthinking and knee-jerk, just because they are capable of critically engaging with what the club says, what it does AND it's on field performance.
Just another belated aside, TW explictly mentioned the things he had read from supporters recently. I inferred that as not simply relating to emails, but also this forum and there would be much crossover in terms of content anyway.

I mention this as it is so tiresome to see the usual posters refer to this forum as obscure or unrepresentative and unimportant. This is despite there being no comparator fora and those posters OWN ignorance of what is or is not representative.

This place is a pretty good litmus test of the range of opinion, and there's no need to paint so many fellow supporters as reactionary, unthinking and knee-jerk, just because they are capable of critically engaging with what the club says, what it does AND it's on field performance.

He made it clear today that he reads the forum.
Williams has put this club back years and years.

He’s either incompetent or powerless.

Either way he’s costing the club a lot of money in more ways than one.

Reading between the lines and I actually think it's more a case that he's powerless and all he can do is tell the board what needs doing.

Which if true, is pretty incredible failure from the board if they're happy for Williams to go under the bus along with Robinson and our season.
Just another belated aside, TW explictly mentioned the things he had read from supporters recently. I inferred that as not simply relating to emails, but also this forum and there would be much crossover in terms of content anyway.

I mention this as it is so tiresome to see the usual posters refer to this forum as obscure or unrepresentative and unimportant. This is despite there being no comparator fora and those posters OWN ignorance of what is or is not representative.

This place is a pretty good litmus test of the range of opinion, and there's no need to paint so many fellow supporters as reactionary, unthinking and knee-jerk, just because they are capable of critically engaging with what the club says, what it does AND it's on field performance.
I always say a forum is far more concentrated in terms of content. So when things are going bad, the negative posts are far far more noticeable.

In Twitter, posts are diluted with the millions of other unrelated Tweets.
Reading between the lines and I actually think it's more a case that he's powerless and all he can do is tell the board what needs doing.

Which if true, is pretty incredible failure from the board if they're happy for Williams to go under the bus along with Robinson and our season.
Indeed. All we can do as fans is put pressure on Williams as it is neither possible or politic for us to protest against the Board given their proximity and the damage it would do to us in the long-term.

As I’ve said elsewhere, if Williams has unexpectedly realised he is a puppet, he should resign as otherwise he’ll be left out to dry as this farce continues. It’ll be more damaging to his career in the long-term to be KR’s lapdog.

Unfortunately, like KR, he’s unlikely to walk in that scenario unless he gets a new job lined up.

So either way the rot continues to destroy our club from the inside.
Indeed. All we can do as fans is put pressure on Williams as it is neither possible or politic for us to protest against the Board given their proximity and the damage it would do to us in the long-term.

As I’ve said elsewhere, if Williams has unexpectedly realised he is a puppet, he should resign as otherwise he’ll be left out to dry as this farce continues. It’ll be more damaging to his career in the long-term to be KR’s lapdog.

Unfortunately, like KR, he’s unlikely to walk in that scenario unless he gets a new job lined up.

So either way the rot continues to destroy our club from the inside.
The only way TW can regain respect is

A) Grow some balls and a backbone and sack KR

B) Grow some balls and a backbone and resign if he’s nothing more than the boards fall guy
I’ll hold my hand up. I’ve been very critical of TW, to a point that, if he takes any notice of my posts he would probably think I’m an utter bellend. I would understand that. My defence is that it’s been out of frustration from seeing the club I love suffer.

Fair play to him, and the board, they’ve done what needed to be done, all be it, a few months too late. So apologies for the strong words and thank you.

Now let’s see how efficiently they bring in a replacement.

I might even think about changing my vote if it goes well
Undoubtedly this was a tough decision to make for the board.
It was long overdue. The most worrying aspect of it all is that they were willing to fly in the face of all reason in order to keep him here and in doing so, it is them that have looked completely out of touch with the situation as it evolved.

While there will need to be some kind of inquiry into how they became so myopic, Now is not the time to dwell on it as we need to solely focus on finding someone to motivate and organise us back into some kind of credible shape to dig us out of the s**t.
Seeing us home from here is very doable with the right person tasked with the job in hand.
It won’t be easy everyone knows that, but the board have taken a decision that now brings the fans back on board. Their support is now back on.
This is a critical stage now for the board find a coach to secure the club going forward.
Let’s all hope that they can get this bit right.
Can someone advise me of the separate functions (as opposed to separate titles) of Tim(id) Williams and Niall McWilliams. Do we need either or neither?
I’d say it’s time to revisit this thread.
Tim seems to now think it is the fans fault for the lack of results due to poor atmosphere in the ground.
On top of that, we have long serving staff leaving the club who aren’t even being subtle about getting digs in against this clown.

It’s time to put the pressure on Tim and co and a perfect chance to do this is at the up and coming fans forum.
Thank you for getting this thread back in the what’s new section.

My answer to this, when first posted, was yes, since changed to NO.

This was the result as of 2137 on 24th March.

Yes 64
No 116


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