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National News Shamima Begum

I think we can all agree that the real victims in this are the youth of today with the ridiculously easy access to porn that will never know the pleasure of that porn mag you hid under your bed as a teenager.
Or the ones we used to retrieve from the ditch by my house when the Gas Board workers threw them over the hedge. Happy days (apart from those ones when the pages were strangely stuck together). 😳
Or the ones we used to retrieve from the ditch by my house when the Gas Board workers threw them over the hedge. Happy days (apart from those ones when the pages were strangely stuck together). 😳

Must of been their dirty hands from working causing that.
I’d agree that the weight of public opinion is different from mine, although I think she may well be someone that has done horrible, terrible things.

I’d also agree that she should not have airtime, and should not be shown as the grieving mother and bride in the press.

I genuinely think the only point of contention is how we treat our enemies. I personally believe that we show the world how great we are by dealing with the issue head on getting the perpetrators in a UK/ international/ Syrian/ Iraqi court and closing the door on this sorry chapter. By not doing that all we are doing is letting it rumble on and on for years, with groups getting more and more militant in camps growing angrier and stronger.

You must know that by not dealing with this definitively now that in a year or two this will come back again and IS will have its oxygen. If we keep ignoring IS it won’t go away.
Bizarrely it kind of mirrors the kr out thread sides. Pretty much everyone actually thinks he should go, but the arguments arise about what the process and timeline should be and sensationalising his activities.
Just to play devil's advocate, does anyone agree with me that the police should be allowed to use torture in exceptional circumstances? I'm referring to the couple who have been arrested in Sussex but are refusing to say where their baby is. The use of torture on these two lowlifes could potentially have saved the baby's life.
Just to play devil's advocate, does anyone agree with me that the police should be allowed to use torture in exceptional circumstances? I'm referring to the couple who have been arrested in Sussex but are refusing to say where their baby is. The use of torture on these two lowlifes could potentially have saved the baby's life.
No. Never. Jesus Christ.
Just to play devil's advocate, does anyone agree with me that the police should be allowed to use torture in exceptional circumstances? I'm referring to the couple who have been arrested in Sussex but are refusing to say where their baby is. The use of torture on these two lowlifes could potentially have saved the baby's life.
What did you have in mind ?
Just to play devil's advocate, does anyone agree with me that the police should be allowed to use torture in exceptional circumstances? I'm referring to the couple who have been arrested in Sussex but are refusing to say where their baby is. The use of torture on these two lowlifes could potentially have saved the baby's life.
Oh, there was me thinking you were going to go more along the lines of trying to get Matt Hancock to tell the truth.
Just to play devil's advocate, does anyone agree with me that the police should be allowed to use torture in exceptional circumstances? I'm referring to the couple who have been arrested in Sussex but are refusing to say where their baby is. The use of torture on these two lowlifes could potentially have saved the baby's life.
Does anyone actually have these thoughts?

So we think you’re bad so we’ll strap electrodes to your B*****s till they drop off unless you tell us what we want???? Oops sorry you’re innocent

Genuinely think this is both the most dangerous and frightening question I have ever seen posted on here…..
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"Just to play devil's advocate, are human rights bad? wouldn't it be better to leave it up to the decisions and morays of the, completely unbesmirched, police force?"
Just to play devil's advocate, does anyone agree with me that the police should be allowed to use torture in exceptional circumstances? I'm referring to the couple who have been arrested in Sussex but are refusing to say where their baby is. The use of torture on these two lowlifes could potentially have saved the baby's life.
No. That is the most stupid idea I have read for ages. Once torture is legalised then it would be used for all sorts of 'crimes'. Not to mention it is illegal internationally and morally repugnant to anyone with a shred of decency.
To answer LowerSouth's question, something relatively mild like waterboarding, which has been used by the CIA at Gutanamo Bay (presumably with the approval of the US government, which would make it easier for the UK government to defend its use here in exceptional cases where the life of a missing child is at risk)
Is "Relatively Mild" torture even a thing? The whole point of torture is to inflict enough pain to get a response.

No. Just No.
To answer LowerSouth's question, something relatively mild like waterboarding, which has been used by the CIA at Gutanamo Bay (presumably with the approval of the US government, which would make it easier for the UK government to defend its use here in exceptional cases where the life of a missing child is at risk)
I've always thought waterboarding is maybe too medieval for a civilised country like the UK. Water and cloth. It's primitive and frankly dangerous.

Thumbscrews, stocks, racks and iron maidens were actually huge technological advancements by historic law enforcement officers, and served to allow for moderate pain and discomfort without risking life and limb.

I wouldn't be against an open inquiry into the safety and merits of reintroducing these interrogation aids on a targeted basis for future use.
Certainly a barmy idea.

However, once due process is observed, I would like to see far more stringent sentences dished out.
Bloody hell, 13 pages of this, the sympathy some of you are throwing her way is admirable considering I doubt she would have given two shits if your head had been swiftly removed from your body

Think you're all best off concerning yourself with whether or not you'll be able to locate a lettuce at Tesco later.

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