General POLL - Email OCC Before 19th September

Have You Emailed OCC Yet?

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Well-known member
14 Dec 2017
I hope that it's onto start a separate thread on what we all need to do next. @MJB posted this excellent piece in the Stadium Thread yesterday, but these things can sometimes get lost in the hundreds of posts that thread generates.

Have just sent in my email to County Council Cabinet members (cc'ing in my County Division Councillor) to urge them to approve progression to the next important stage of the process when they meet on 19 September.

All of the information you need, and helpful guidance, has today been added to the OxVox website here:

Would really urge everyone on here to send an email in and, as with the recent Survey, encourage friends, family members and colleagues to do the same.

It'll take less than ten minutes to do and will, again, make a big difference for the future of our club.

Perhaps if people could post when they’ve sent their own email in, that will encourage and remind others to do the same over the coming weeks.

It is really important that we contact our OCC members to ask for their ongoing support. We need to keep these on side, and remember that the legal letter and many of the anti comments are against the council are accusing them of bring corrupt! It will do us no harm at all to show them some love and respect to counter the other rubbish they are getting.
Given the importance of this latest stage of engagement activity for the stadium development, I’m starting a separate thread on this one. (Hope that’s OK Mods, as it risks getting a little lost in the more general new stadium thread).

As mentioned yesterday, I sent an email yesterday to County Council Cabinet members (cc'ing in my County Division Councillor) to urge them to approve progression to the next important stage of the process when they meet on 19 September.

All of the information you need, and helpful guidance, has today been added to the OxVox website here:

You can find your local County Councillor by putting your postcode into this website:

Would really urge everyone on here to send an email in and, as with the recent Survey, encourage friends, family members and colleagues to do the same.

It'll take less than ten minutes to do and will, again, make a big difference for the future of our club.

We can keep this thread simple - if people could post when they’ve sent their own email in and perhaps reshare the OxVox webpage above each time, that will hopefully encourage and remind others to do the same over the coming weeks.

Look forward to seeing people adding their confirmation of having sent their email in!
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Is there an easier way to copy all of the email addresses?
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Plus, you can quickly find your local County Councillor by putting your postcode into this website:

Please do include your local County Councillor, in addition to Cabinet members.
A massive thank you to @Scotchegg and @MJB for starting this thread and spreading the word. This is how we can work together to get this over the line. Positive action that the council can't ignore. Please take a few minutes to click the link and email the council cabinet. If you have already done that then talk to friends and get a few of them to do it too. We have the numbers, we need to make them count. If you had time to read this, you have time to send the email. The future of our club is in our hands. Time to show those that oppose us what real community looks like.

Thank you all for your amazing efforts. Time for one last push before planning !

Paul and all at OxVox
I live in CDC, should I email the OCC Chair aand then my District Councillor
I live in CDC, should I email the OCC Chair aand then my District Councillor
While there wouldn't be any harm done by including your District councillor, it's not really the focus as this stage as we're really wanting to ensure the County Council Cabinet members understand that there is strong support for them to proceed and not delay or reject the proposed lease/sale.

The key thing is therefore to send to Cabinet members (as below) and to also cc in your local County Councillor (which can be found here: if they're not a Cabinet member.

IF things proceed as hoped, attentions will then turn to CDC and you (and fellow CDCers) will become increasingly important.
Done. I highlighted how FoSB members bragged on social media that they would delay and frustrate the process where possible and thst their recent legal letter was an example of this. I've asked that it is paid no attention and is disregarded as a vindictive and spurious attempt at causing a delay for the enjoyment and a feeling of self-importance of a few serial objectors.
We’re up to ten confirmations from Forum members on this thread.

Would be good to double that number in the next day or two.
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