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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

FoSB are going to tell their 'supporters' what to say.
At that stage, there could be a big increase in the number against
We need to push for many more in favour (presumably Oxvox will help push this?)
FoSB are going to tell their 'supporters' what to say.
At that stage, there could be a big increase in the number against
We need to push for many more in favour (presumably Oxvox will help push this?)
Some of there members have already commented I recognise some of the names. massive push now from oufc supporters in Kidlington could counter it
Some of there members have already commented I recognise some of the names. massive push now from oufc supporters in Kidlington could counter it
Or a big push after, to balance the for/against split post FoSB

3. Footbridge​

There isn’t one! The application completely disregards the promises made by the likes of Tim Williams (Oxford United's CEO) not so long ago. This is an integral part of the offer sold to the local community and must form part of this planning application.
How many times FoSB. It's a separate planning application.
Everything is addressed in the planning; the issue is that it's not being read. They have also neglected to read the email response from the CDC, which clearly states that while traffic modeling would be preferred, its absence will not halt the application.
Said it many times, the time for conjecture is over. If FoSB cannot be bothered to read the planning application they should just be quiet and stop making up stories. It's not helpful to anyone.
Well he did post a copy of an Oxford Mail front page to me to try and counter the negativity they print.View attachment 18549
But even that headline is a half truth, which you can see by zooming in and reading the text... "Grant Ferguson revealed a figure of £130 million to £150 million"
But even that headline is a half truth, which you can see by zooming in and reading the text... "Grant Ferguson revealed a figure of £130 million to £150 million"
My complaint was I feel justified and with him posting that in his email reply to me if I remeber correctly there was a bit of a commotion from the antis and how are we going to afford that
And yet another one who believes everything fosb say lies lies and more lies View attachment 18539
Rather than get angry over this I actually find it hilarious.
The lies and fake facts spouting are laughable. The best by far though is the big bad ‘hooligans’. I’d love to know which games they have been to in recent months where there has been trouble.

What I will say is, they don’t want the stadium in their ‘village’ which I completely understand, so it’s a very good job that it’s not in Kidlington(OX2).
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