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I don't like doing this but..........time for change (Appy come home)

Let's hope our football club aren't trying to censor posters on this forum. That'd be a very very sad day.............
How do you think that might happen Simon? I know there are (probably) a few club employees posting on here who play their (perfectly legitimate) role as OUFC board supporters, but I really don't believe they're influencing ESB. After all, the forum doesn't have an editorial line and all views are encouraged.

If you mean the club are spinning in the local media, that might well be true and very disturbing.
I know Jerome likes to play the devils advocate and provide an argument to whatever the general narrative of the week is but I did find Nathan and his defence of Robinson a little bit ott last night. Maybe I just wanted them to voice my feelings and shout ‘YOU USELESS t**t!!’ very loudly on live radio though..
So we've got the media defending the almost indefensible OUFC team management. I don't see local Oxford media. Is there any hint of OxMail / Radio Oxford similarly defending the board?

And what of OxVox? I realise committee members have not been prolific posters on here, but there seems to have been total radio silence recently. Could do with a Trust view on all of this.
Oxvox committee meeting on going right now ....hopefully a report back from that is circulated rather sharpish
So we've got the media defending the almost indefensible OUFC team management. I don't see local Oxford media. Is there any hint of OxMail / Radio Oxford similarly defending the board?

And what of OxVox? I realise committee members have not been prolific posters on here, but there seems to have been total radio silence recently. Could do with a Trust view on all of this.
I didn’t actually hear it myself but I think somebody has posted that Nathan said last night that everyone should lay off of Tiger or words to that effect? I know RO want to keep lines of communication with the club open but..
The guys at Radio Oxford and Oxford Mail have done us proud for decades, so it really pains me to criticise them. Nathan's plea on Tuesday seemed very odd, almost sinister. I assume his role as Stadium Announcer involves some remuneration?

I'm often frustrated that Radio Oxford questions are lame, usually setting up the answer for whoever to agree with.

The Oxford Mail Sports dept are sadly little more than a Twitter account these days. Although i appreciate that's not David Pritchard's fault.

My point is we really need some proper, searching journalism digging around and asking the uncomfortable questions. But Radio Ox / Ox Mail are too comfy with the club and enjoying (enduring) a good 'gig' getting paid to watch the Yellows.

Right now we need a Paxman type character batting for us. As fans we have so many unanswered questions and our local media should not be afraid to ask them or challenge poor answers.
If the majority of fans thinks things need to change, when do we consider some sort of action as fans?
Struggling to see how the bookies have us at 11/4 to get relegated. Are they being too generous or are the fans being too pessimistic?
Re last paragraph, Accrington stewards were check away fans flags n banners to ensure there was nothing to 'enflame' oxford united? How would they know what was & wasnt inflamatory/ potentially inflammatory? Or were there (senior -presmumably?) Oufc stewards doing the censorship job on oufc travelling support? What ever happened to freedom of speech? This was still England last time I looked not a third world state run by a paranoid maniacal despot!

They would not let any banner or the like into the ground that would inflame the current situation at the club. They were their exact words. Whether they did check everyone's I don't know.

All it would have taken is a simple call from NM, on behalf of tiger and for accrington to agree.
They would not let any banner or the like into the ground that would inflame the current situation at the club. They were their exact words. Whether they did check everyone's I don't know.

All it would have taken is a simple call from NM, on behalf of tiger and for accrington to agree.
.... yet nothing about this communicated in advance to OUFC supporters by oufc official or via radio Oxford or Oxford mail.... apart from usual standard ground regs which are conditions of entry which apply to every game, and that there was no I follow coverage (?) ...(in the uk?) .... there isnt any reason i can come up with (!) As to why oufc board would instruct an away clubs stewards to check banners etc? .... very odd...it seems like the OUFC board and their bagman are seriously rattled by something, and/or want to divert (media) attention from something else?
I didn’t actually hear it myself but I think somebody has posted that Nathan said last night that everyone should lay off of Tiger or words to that effect? I know RO want to keep lines of communication with the club open but..

I heard exactly what Nathan said and was surprised tbh - He basically said that we as fans should get behind the football club 100% and support the team, he then went onto say that any negativity doesn’t bode well and could genuinely get the owners backs up and that we should all think very carefully, bizarre comments especially as we are the paying customers, Robinson Out Out Out!!!!!
This is all starting to P**s me off now. Over 300 (spartan like) loyal supporters travelled hundreds of miles to support their club that is currently a shambles on and off the field and all the thanks they get is to have their banners and flags checked to avoid upsetting the owners?! And the local media are warning people to stop upsetting him.. my god have I been transported to N Korea without realising it? What the effing hell is happening here?
Regardless of what happens with Robinson (and I can't see him leaving before the end of the season), what remains of our season can't rest on one man alone.

The coaching set up has Robinson, Derry, Faz and Chrissy Allen, and everyone of them needs to give a damn sight more. This isn't a situation where we had Mickey Lewis trying to stop the rot, but 2 experienced managers, a coach who has worked at the highest level, and a young and highly regarded coach who's blood runs yellow and blue. Between them they did to start taking ownership of this situation and, at the very least, make us hard to beat.

We've also got players like Mackie, Mous, Eastwood, Nelson and Kashi who are all leaders in their own right. They need to start leading in the dressing room and on the pitch to get everyone fighting for the cause. It has to be bodies on the line for every game that remains. We're too bloody nice and need to get tougher and rougher. If we start taking the fight to the opposition then it will create the gaps and chances for Whyte, Sinclair, Browne and Graham to get in and cause damage. No one should need to rely on the manager to get them up for the battle, that has to come from within.

Tiger needs to get a grip and take control of what is going on. He needs to come out and say what the hell is going on. Kassam needs to be paid and all rumours of non payments to lawnmower man and others needs to be put to bed once and for all. This will only happen with honesty and that might mean breaking a few confidentialities in order to give assurances to everyone involved with the club. I don't mind if he says he's skint and hoping to get through to April for St. Erick to come in. It almost doesn't matter, but if we're deep in the s**t then the earlier we know that the earlier we can start to look at ways to get out of it. He needs to be at every game that remains (or every home game as a minimum). He need to make it clear that this season has been a failure in every sense and that even if Robinson is staying for now, that this will be reviewed in the summer.

And yes, of course, Robinson needs to take responsibility for what is going on, get his head out of his a**e and start leading the team. He might have had to do all the scouting and contract dealings. He might attend the youth games, the womens games and travel throughout Europe for our greater good, he might be overseeing the training ground issues or putting an arm around the staff in the offices, but the one job he will be judged on is the results on the first team. Nothing else. He needs to palm everything else off and give 100% focus to Blackpool and each game until we are mathematically safe. He is a good enough manager to keep us up. The players are good enough to stay up. But none of that matters if the performances from top to bottom are massively below what all would expect.

As fans, it is frustrating and I understand why people want to storm the boardroom, or shout abuse at anyone that they see as responsible for this mess. But the only thing we can do to influence this for the better is to turn up in numbers and support the team for 90 minutes for every game that remains. Vent as much as you like on here, turn flags upside down or inside out. But once that whistle blows at 3pm on Saturday give everything you have until the final whistle at Luton in May. That might sound like selling out and letting everyone off the hook, but it is all we have right now.
The guys at Radio Oxford and Oxford Mail have done us proud for decades, so it really pains me to criticise them. Nathan's plea on Tuesday seemed very odd, almost sinister. I assume his role as Stadium Announcer involves some remuneration?

I'm often frustrated that Radio Oxford questions are lame, usually setting up the answer for whoever to agree with.

The Oxford Mail Sports dept are sadly little more than a Twitter account these days. Although i appreciate that's not David Pritchard's fault.

My point is we really need some proper, searching journalism digging around and asking the uncomfortable questions. But Radio Ox / Ox Mail are too comfy with the club and enjoying (enduring) a good 'gig' getting paid to watch the Yellows.

Right now we need a Paxman type character batting for us. As fans we have so many unanswered questions and our local media should not be afraid to ask them or challenge poor answers.
I feel I have to stand up for RadOx here. I'm an OUFC fan in exile, so I do miss some of the coverage, but I do try to catch the 'extra time' broadcasts after the games. Just listened to Tuesday's and I thought that they gave a pretty fair assessment of the state of things. Nathan Cooper certainly didn't pull any punches in his KR interview, in his opening question I think he described the goals we had conceded as "relegation goals", and later on went on to talk about something needing to be done otherwise "we know how this ends". As for the so called plea, I didn't hear that, but is it possible that he was simply reporting what he'd heard from within the club, rather than expressing his own opinion? Wherever that view is coming from, I would hope that the club would realise that a lot of fans are at their wits end with the current direction of the club, on and off the field, and that it's hardly surprising that they vent their feelings.
I think Nathan really understands both sides, is connected to both and can say things a BBC journalist cannot. I can well imagine he also understood that game would give him the best audience to say it to.

Let's be honest, take a look at club's social media channels and some of the stuff people are saying is properly mental and idiotic.
KR twists and turns his comments based on anything he can latch on to, anything to deflect away from himself, his tactics, his management and his personality.
Sure the players might like him. I’ve worked for bosses who who do anything for you, back you to the hilt and are really nice people but they just weren’t very good at their job. They realise that in the end and move on to roles more suited.

What is it this time KR. The lack of players, the injuries, the ref, bad luck, lack of a striker, the opposition nasty tackling.
Oooh Karl I wonder why we're conceding goals? Could it be that you (yes you!) signed a terrible left back and had no proper cover? Or that you signed 2 right backs, who are already no longer at the club for crying out loud! Both or them awful. Or that you left us with just two proper centre half's? The team needed rebuilding in the summer and you decimated it.

Read this sound familiar

He needs to go. Next home game we need to make our feelings known. ROBINSON out!
I think we all kinda knew Robinson was a big risk and was probably third/fourth choice. As soon as Robinson was linked with us, we had Dons and Addicks fans warning us of his traits, and they appear to be 100% correct.

In the calm of the training ground, he says all the right things, "great club", "proud history" and comes across as a genuine person. And people ITK keep saying he still has the dressing room. But fundamentally, there is something very wrong at the club.

Once highly rated players have become very average and higher league loan signings (given a chance to kick-start their careers) have in general been poor.

The only real glimmer of light are the two Irish lads. We are a very unbalanced squad made up entirely of midfielders, and really lacking some grit - Todd Kane, Skarz, Dunkley, Whing etc.

Conclusion: Sorry, time to go KR.
KR twists and turns his comments based on anything he can latch on to, anything to deflect away from himself, his tactics, his management and his personality.
Sure the players might like him. I’ve worked for bosses who who do anything for you, back you to the hilt and are really nice people but they just weren’t very good at their job. They realise that in the end and move on to roles more suited.

What is it this time KR. The lack of players, the injuries, the ref, bad luck, lack of a striker, the opposition nasty tackling.
Oooh Karl I wonder why we're conceding goals? Could it be that you (yes you!) signed a terrible left back and had no proper cover? Or that you signed 2 right backs, who are already no longer at the club for crying out loud! Both or them awful. Or that you left us with just two proper centre half's? The team needed rebuilding in the summer and you decimated it.

Read this sound familiar

He needs to go. Next home game we need to make our feelings known. ROBINSON out!

That article on KR Shaun really says it all doesn't it!

Our Chairman (Sumrich Thaithatsnevathere) will not be at the Scunthorpe game (apparently) & he just does not have the cojones to sack Karl - Thai people are very trusting & it will take something massive (unfortunately like relegation) for him to admit he made a mistake.
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