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International News Covid-19 .....

It's rare that @Essexyellows and I line up together but we do 100% on this.

Bridgen is the political equivalent on a Shock Jock who can only garnish attention by being more and more sensationalistic. He talks bollox and is a danger to the ill informed.

He`s a horrible person as well, having had the misfortune to interact with him on a couple of occasions.

The primary reason he wasn`t challenged in the house is that there was nobody left there to do it.

Almost like ignoring a screaming kid when you know nothing is wrong, they`ll run out of energy eventually and shut up.
I’ve been watching Dr John Campbell since before the vaccine was available, he’s slowly changed his views over that time. He was very pro at first but over time & all of the off data that keeps seeping out he’s become much more mis trusting of what we’re not told.
It was him that has highlighted our own government data showing that in the numbers one has to vaccinate in order to prevent 1 Hospitalisation are more people experiencing serious health issues.
According to stuff landing in the mailbox with monotonous regularity.....

"Since this is an RNA virus, it will continue to mutate as long as it continues to circulate in humans. Additional mutations as the virus adapts to the human host may make the virus less severe or more severe, or less or more efficient in spreading."

On a positive note the global economic crisis it may cause will make Greta happy as less "stuff" is made & shipped around the world, fewer folk flying about to places, few less people on the planet.......... its a winner! ?

Who knew eh? 🤷‍♂️
man made - COV 19

And here’s a proper scientific analysis that shows that it was not.
(I’m case you think it’s a case of he-said-she-said, it’s not. I understand the science and this PNAS paper knocks the idea out of the park).
I’ve been watching Dr John Campbell since before the vaccine was available, he’s slowly changed his views over that time. He was very pro at first but over time & all of the off data that keeps seeping out he’s become much more mis trusting of what we’re not told.
It was him that has highlighted our own government data showing that in the numbers one has to vaccinate in order to prevent 1 Hospitalisation are more people experiencing serious health issues.
'More'. That's scientific, ennit.
'More'. That's scientific, ennit.
Isn’t more like 1 enough. It’s the uk government figures. And if you look at age related cases they are even more higher. Dam I’ve done it again.
Some retired has been found a niche market for his youtube channel then swayed with the wind to keep the clicks coming.

Remind me who is conning who here?
With all due respect check out the uk government data for yourself.

With equal respect, I provide large chunks of that data and, as we all know, data can be interpreted anyway your agenda or preconceptions wish.

The data our Trust provides is validated and then mixed with everyone elses and lands here: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/

Something like 145 million jabs have been done and I have yet to see folk dropping dead because of them...........

PS: I`m still alive and well despite having had a J&J Trial shot, 1 shot of Moderna & 1 Pfizer.

PPS: I don`t have a youtube channel that surged in popularity when discussing my opinion of data...
With equal respect, I provide large chunks of that data and, as we all know, data can be interpreted anyway your agenda or preconceptions wish.

The data our Trust provides is validated and then mixed with everyone elses and lands here: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/

Something like 145 million jabs have been done and I have yet to see folk dropping dead because of them...........

PS: I`m still alive and well despite having had a J&J Trial shot, 1 shot of Moderna & 1 Pfizer.

PPS: I don`t have a youtube channel that surged in popularity when discussing my opinion of data...
Stop arguing with facts to a conspiracy theorist...
Stop arguing with facts to a conspiracy theorist...

We have a group of them in the City who regularly meet at the Clock Tower..... absolute fruitloops everyone of them.

Seems if you have been "vaxxed" you are a collaborator, and if you haven`t been "vaxxed" you are being robbed to pay for it.

Probably a hangover from similar in the late 1800`s.......
There used to be a guy where I work who I thought was OK, but I’ve now seen him on antivax and anti-LTN demos in Bonn Square. Wonder what next week’s cause will be?
You can’t really have a problem with someone being at an anti LTN demo? By knocking people for having a view about something like this you risk driving them into really weird stuff (plus they might well be right, what good do LTNs actually do)

Even the other stuff is people’s right, freedom of speech and all that, I just had a read through some headcases moaning about coverage of the England game tonight, apparently their can’t be a war in Ukraine as they had footballers playing and fans there at Wembley, all of which is obviously nonsense but you have to let these weirdo’s rant somewhere, at least nowadays it’s not just next to you on the bus.
You can’t really have a problem with someone being at an anti LTN demo? By knocking people for having a view about something like this you risk driving them into really weird stuff (plus they might well be right, what good do LTNs actually do)

Even the other stuff is people’s right, freedom of speech and all that, I just had a read through some headcases moaning about coverage of the England game tonight, apparently their can’t be a war in Ukraine as they had footballers playing and fans there at Wembley, all of which is obviously nonsense but you have to let these weirdo’s rant somewhere, at least nowadays it’s not just next to you on the bus.
I’m not a particular fan of LTNs but I just thought it was funny he was at both , as you say it’s a bit worrying that mainstream issues like that can get taken over by nutters
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