BotleyOx Level: Jack Midson (68 Apps, 15 Gls) Messages 439 Reaction Score 280 20 Apr 2018 #1 Had a rather busy week taking in a game or two and a couple of dinner dates with people in the industry one of them gave me an old rosette Anyone able to identify when it was issued ???
Had a rather busy week taking in a game or two and a couple of dinner dates with people in the industry one of them gave me an old rosette Anyone able to identify when it was issued ???
Cass63 Level: Callum O'Dowda (106 Apps, 14 Gls) Messages 1,343 Reaction Score 2,094 20 Apr 2018 #2 No but it was obviously for ‘best in show’.
Northstandboy Owner Staff Member Messages 10,946 Reaction Score 10,291 20 Apr 2018 #3 It looks like the UKIP colours.
BotleyOx Level: Jack Midson (68 Apps, 15 Gls) Messages 439 Reaction Score 280 20 Apr 2018 #4 Definitely before 1996, phone number begins with 0244 Attachments 20180420_122807 (1).jpg 125.1 KB · Views: 14