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The stuff the family and friends have been doing is not on. Says a lot about that individual communities warped perceptions of normality that they will not accept that a mawkish shrine to a career criminal is wildly inappropriate and threatening.
I can't see how putting up a shrine to someone who has died is threatening? When gang members are shot in the street they put flowers there. Someone being a criminal doesn't make it easier for his family to grieve so I don't see why people putting up a display is so bad; I can't believe there are people who destroy a memorial and believe they are in the moral highground.

Obviously it's wrong to burgle and I think the man was totally within his rights to defend his home as he did, I don't think there's anything wrong with the dead man's family putting up a memorial for a bit.
According to one newsreader the intruder fell onto his own screwdriver in the struggle,if correct then not murder but self inflicted.
Right outside the house of the person he was robbing and who accidentally "killed" him in the scuffle? Bit much for me. By all means have a shrine in their home community and celebrate the chaps life as they wish to remember him, but on the property of the couple who don't want it? Cold and threatening of 2 OAPS, one who has dementia and the other who is too afraid to go home because he fears for his life.
Trouble is these Pikeys think they can do what they like. Word is they are even trying to make the funeral procession go past the old guys house and stop for a moment to “pay their respects” to the dead bloke.
Right outside the house of the person he was robbing and who accidentally "killed" him in the scuffle? Bit much for me. By all means have a shrine in their home community and celebrate the chaps life as they wish to remember him, but on the property of the couple who don't want it? Cold and threatening of 2 OAPS, one who has dementia and the other who is too afraid to go home because he fears for his life.

Indeed, the couple have had death threats and are having to sell the house. So their whole life has been ruined in a community they were settled in.
Trouble is these Pikeys think they can do what they like. Word is they are even trying to make the funeral procession go past the old guys house and stop for a moment to “pay their respects” to the dead bloke.

I hope the locals block the road if that happens.
Dead career criminal who left all his "rights" outside when he broke into someones home in the middle of the night whilst armed.
The police acted appropriately at the time to establish the facts, although I doubt there was much need to hold him as long as they did barring protecting him from the burglars "family" and the press.
Since then the dead mans family have waged a campaign of intimidation hidden under the umbrella of "grief". They want a memorial then put it outside wherever he lived.
Good riddance to bad rubbish & I hope the poor home owning victim in this case can return to some normality for his later years.
He done what many would do in the same circumstances.
I have no sympathy for the burglar....tough s**t you lost.
The whole family are scum and have a long history of unpleasantness and crime.
they steal from those who have little and show complete and utter contempt towards anyone that challenges them
The 72 grand that he charged an OAP for replacing one broken roof tile says a lot about Mr Vincent and his cohorts views on society and the decisions they made to make a living. The fact they didn't stop after getting caught says more. While I appreciate and understand the shock and grief that the family are suffering with, they are perpetuating the stereotypes around traveller communities by acting as they are. The very stereotype they complain about.

The Polices step back from the memorial only enables the travellers behaviour on their manor. What a world we all live in
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