Chairman Winding up order served by Kassam

Interesting to note that both Sky and Quest, in their EFL goals segments, referred to off-field financial issues.

The national media are aware.
.... and you can bet your life that if they get wind of an opportunity to challenge the integrity of foreign owners / backers they'll be like dogs with bones in pursuing it.

Provided it's non-libellous and unlikely to rebound on individual posters or forum ownership, protest away and encourage the interest of the national media. Tiger will soon take note and, on the reasonable assumption he's not stupid, make statements.
OUFC s owner is on Rad Ox 5 min ff this Thurs (5.45pm - if he's not late!)....evening before is a meeting in j s sports bar (5.30_7.30 pm) where Matt Everett Kath Faulkner and co are taking as 're communication, ticketing and improving matchday experience. I'll be making an appearance, if there's a petition/question(s) to present by then I'll deliver it by hand to rad ox Thurs morning ....if that's any help etc?
Yes we do. There is the charge held by DE which is still registered at Companies House.

Let's do away with this "raised in error" nonsense. According to Banbury2018 the petition was issued on 16th March but the bill had been paid on 15th March. Leaving aside the obvious question of how he knows the dates so precisely, it's a bit naive to think that the process of HMRC drafting a petition and going to court to get it issued takes a matter of moments. I'm sure they would've spent a number of days trying to get this sorted before resorting to legal action. Trying to dismiss this as an "error" is simply ridiculous.

Administration may not be imminent, but three winding up petitions, and an attempt at a fourth, in a twelve month period is hardly indicative of a stable business with a healthy cash flow is it?! That suggests administration is more likely than not.

Was there a credible alternative in place when fans stormed the boardroom to force Kassam out? I don't believe there was. There will always be parties willing and able to buy a football club. Surely it's more irresponsible to sit and twiddle your thumbs as the club lurches from one crisis to another?

Frankly, there are a number of people, including yourself, who didn't heed the warnings that were given, probably because you didn't like those who were giving the warnings. To cling on to some vague notion that ST will see us right in the end, or that Thohir will come in post-April to save us is complacent in the extreme when seen in the context of all that has gone before, both in the last 12 months, and under ST's reign at Reading. "I told you so" doesn't really help anyone, but having read back some of the responses to my initial warnings about ST, myself and a few others could rightly demand a few apologies from those who seemed keen to usher ST in.

The time for OxVox to ask questions and patiently wait for answers has long since passed. The time for action and protest is NOW, before the next winding up petition comes along which may not get paid!
So you want an apology from the fans who didn't believe what you said about Tiger, the game hasn't played out yet..
You warned us about IL, that didn't quite pan out in your favour when he got us back in the league.
You warned us about DE, again that didn't quite pan out with promotion and 2 Wembley finals.

We have had 10 years of your warnings and it does wear a bit thin in the end, the constant bickering on here to try and prove a point on who's right or wrong, does your "efforts" really have any impact on our football club I find it hard to see.

That's not saying you don't have some valid points, but it's every day of constant why why why and then getting your chums to chip in to back you up, great win on Saturday by the way.
So you want an apology from the fans who didn't believe what you said about Tiger, the game hasn't played out yet..
You warned us about IL, that didn't quite pan out in your favour when he got us back in the league.
You warned us about DE, again that didn't quite pan out with promotion and 2 Wembley finals.

We have had 10 years of your warnings and it does wear a bit thin in the end, the constant bickering on here to try and prove a point on who's right or wrong, does your "efforts" really have any impact on our football club I find it hard to see.

That's not saying you don't have some valid points, but it's every day of constant why why why and then getting your chums to chip in to back you up, great win on Saturday by the way.

I’m disappointed with the way Darryl managed the club in the last two years of his tenure and the way he handed it over, so I think the warnings about his intentions probably beared fruits in the end.
People can try and re-write history but the last 12 months of Eales’ reign, who he sold to, who he didn’t sell to, the charges over the club and the subsequent catalogue of errors and financial issues from the new owner is why we are where we are now. There’s plenty of people to blame including people that put agendas ahead of what was best for our club. But we are where we are now. Now is about bringing fans together and showing we will not accept or be quiet when the future of our club is at stake and it is not being run properly.

Words have had no effect in changing the lack of substantial communication or the continued false promises of no more financial issues.

We are in such a state that whomever owns the club needs to make some really tough decisions as we are a loss making business with no stadia, a terrible relationship with our landlord and a license agreement that’s winding down and a charge over us by our previous owner.

Some huge issues hang over our club. These need addressing now and simply admonishing the ownership with statement after statement clearly isn’t changing the situation. I really hope OxVox can lead here.
People can try and re-write history but the last 12 months of Eales’ reign, who he sold to, who he didn’t sell to, the charges over the club and the subsequent catalogue of errors and financial issues from the new owner is why we are where we are now. There’s plenty of people to blame including people that put agendas ahead of what was best for our club. But we are where we are now. Now is about bringing fans together and showing we will not accept or be quiet when the future of our club is at stake and it is not being run properly.

Words have had no effect in changing the lack of substantial communication or the continued false promises of no more financial issues.

We are in such a state that whomever owns the club needs to make some really tough decisions as we are a loss making business with no stadia, a terrible relationship with our landlord and a license agreement that’s winding down and a charge over us by our previous owner.

Some huge issues hang over our club. These need addressing now and simply admonishing the ownership with statement after statement clearly isn’t changing the situation. I really hope OxVox can lead here.

It's ironic that you talk of other people's agendas!!

But let's look at the beginning of your post. DE had the right to sell to who he wanted. He put a valuation on the club and it's assets and that valuation was met by Tiger. A financial arrangement was agreed between the two parties to offset some payments inline with agreed payments for previous player sales. No different from the deal Sunderland did with parachute payments and many other business deals. Tiger passed the fit and proper tests and would have had to evidence that he had funds available to cover expected costs. There is nothing to indicate that Tiger hasn't paid DE the funds within the agreed timeframes.

So DE may not have sold to your preferred bidder, but what did he do wrong? How would he be able to predict if there would be issues with getting funds into the country, or late payments? Even with the arbitration, DE is no fool and would have entered into this with what he would hope was a strong case to reduce the service fees.

So, without rewriting history, what exactly did DE do that was wrong?

And as for bringing fans together, are you prepared to support OxVox in their stance, or will you seek to undermine their position or look to form another supporters group? If there was a second supporters group, what would this aim to achieve?
It's ironic that you talk of other people's agendas!!

But let's look at the beginning of your post. DE had the right to sell to who he wanted. He put a valuation on the club and it's assets and that valuation was met by Tiger. A financial arrangement was agreed between the two parties to offset some payments inline with agreed payments for previous player sales. No different from the deal Sunderland did with parachute payments and many other business deals. Tiger passed the fit and proper tests and would have had to evidence that he had funds available to cover expected costs. There is nothing to indicate that Tiger hasn't paid DE the funds within the agreed timeframes.

So DE may not have sold to your preferred bidder, but what did he do wrong? How would he be able to predict if there would be issues with getting funds into the country, or late payments? Even with the arbitration, DE is no fool and would have entered into this with what he would hope was a strong case to reduce the service fees.

So, without rewriting history, what exactly did DE do that was wrong?

And as for bringing fans together, are you prepared to support OxVox in their stance, or will you seek to undermine their position or look to form another supporters group? If there was a second supporters group, what would this aim to achieve?

Refused to sell to a group of genuine supporters who knew the value of the club, to instead sell to a man who left Reading under a cloud who wanted to pay slightly more on the tick?

DE sold to the highest bidder. 100% self interest.

Did we ever find out whether he wrote off all the debts incurred on his watch like he promised?

Why was it he sold up?
Why was it he sold up?

You will be told that he was driven out by ungrateful supporters by some on here - some of them are scared that a commotion will scare off OUFC's Acting Owner Sumrith Thanakarnjanasuth, I can't see it myself.

Back to Slippery, in my view he got bored, decided (after belatedly finding out about the stadium) that he couldn't or wouldn't fund a championship team and got the hell out.
Refused to sell to a group of genuine supporters who knew the value of the club, to instead sell to a man who left Reading under a cloud who wanted to pay slightly more on the tick?

DE sold to the highest bidder. 100% self interest.

Did we ever find out whether he wrote off all the debts incurred on his watch like he promised?

Why was it he sold up?

Was Satori a genuine fan?? And how many league chairmen were genuine fans before they took over? Was DE, IL, Kassam, Maxwell genuine fans? Why does this matter?

DE sold to the person who matched his valuation. That's his choice. If you sell your house, would you sell to someone offering less just because they promised to keep your wallpaper?!

The only hard debt that I'm aware of is the structured payments to DE and now the service charges to Kassam. I'm sure if there were other debts they would have been reported openly by now.

He sold up because he no longer wanted to fund a club with little opportunity to make any money. I'm guessing he was either hoping to go straight up to the Championship or do a deal on the stadium. Once it was clear neither were likely, he jumped before he started losing more money. Again, that's his choice.
Just read an article about our eric - it seems he is very much an in demand chap, imagine the pressure to.. "bring professionalism and sanity back to football in the nation"..
I reckon bringing professionalism and sanity back to our current chairman will be challenge enough! ?

Just read an article about our eric - it seems he is very much an in demand chap, imagine the pressure to.. "bring professionalism and sanity back to football in the nation"..
I reckon bringing professionalism and sanity back to our current chairman will be challenge enough! ?

At least he might be able to strike up a deal where we get paid to lose!!! ?
What’s the end game with these ‘protests? ‘ if you want the owner out, who’s replacing him? Oxvox? Where are we playing? Who’s paying for the new ground? Who’s funding the training ground and the burgeoning youth and under 23 squads?

No one’s got the answers here as far as I can see.

It’s an issue of communication really. I cannot recall a more vapid PR strategy by an owner of OUFC. Ever.

In contrast the maligned D Eales - why incidentally? - set out a game plan, communicated it effectively, engaged with the supporters and got on field success. UptheU’s tells us how disappointed he was with the last two years of his reign. Just the two Wembley finals Sean!

Back in 2019 someone at the club needs to really communicate with the supporters - and fast.

Everything at OUFC seems shrouded in confusion. My instinct - still - is that there is money floating around - but there’s a massive management vacuum leading to godawful cock ups and Karl Robinson - really - acting as MD when he should be concentrating 100% on keeping the team up. I actually feel quite sorry for our manager - he’s chief cook and bottle washer.

McWilliams in contrast is almost invisible.
What’s the end game with these ‘protests? ‘ if you want the owner out, who’s replacing him? Oxvox? Where are we playing? Who’s paying for the new ground? Who’s funding the training ground and the burgeoning youth and under 23 squads?

No one’s got the answers here as far as I can see.

It’s an issue of communication really. I cannot recall a more vapid PR strategy by an owner of OUFC. Ever.

In contrast the maligned D Eales - why incidentally? - set out a game plan, communicated it effectively, engaged with the supporters and got on field success. UptheU’s tells us how disappointed he was with the last two years of his reign. Just the two Wembley finals Sean!

Back in 2019 someone at the club needs to really communicate with the supporters - and fast.

Everything at OUFC seems shrouded in confusion. My instinct - still - is that there is money floating around - but there’s a massive management vacuum leading to godawful cock ups and Karl Robinson - really - acting as MD when he should be concentrating 100% on keeping the team up. I actually feel quite sorry for our manager - he’s chief cook and bottle washer.

McWilliams in contrast is almost invisible.

In two cup finals in a competition that our very own fans couldn’t really give two hoots about.

No matter how you put it Tim, Darryl’s last two seasons paled into insignificance to his previous two seasons. The wheels had started to fall off and it was very clear he wanted out for both personal and financial reasons, especially after Appleton left when the Sartori deal collapsed. Basically his empire had fully collapsed with Appleton being his last chance.
People can try and re-write history but the last 12 months of Eales’ reign, who he sold to, who he didn’t sell to, the charges over the club and the subsequent catalogue of errors and financial issues from the new owner is why we are where we are now. There’s plenty of people to blame including people that put agendas ahead of what was best for our club. But we are where we are now. Now is about bringing fans together and showing we will not accept or be quiet when the future of our club is at stake and it is not being run properly.

Words have had no effect in changing the lack of substantial communication or the continued false promises of no more financial issues.

We are in such a state that whomever owns the club needs to make some really tough decisions as we are a loss making business with no stadia, a terrible relationship with our landlord and a license agreement that’s winding down and a charge over us by our previous owner.

Some huge issues hang over our club. These need addressing now and simply admonishing the ownership with statement after statement clearly isn’t changing the situation. I really hope OxVox can lead here.
We have been losing money for years, that’s the nature of football clubs up and down the country, there is no magic formula to being self sustaining and even your “mates” from up the road bulked at the cost and how much money they would have to spend with no profitable return. SD put that case on here many a time about the ground situation.
Both IL and DE brought us fans success on the pitch, football is an entertainment business and they produced the goods, that was regardless of whatever warnings were flagged up.
I as a fan want to see success on the pitch and enjoy it, I can accept some faults behind the scenes because football fans up and down the country will tell you about problems with their club, every club has issues, football has issues, if you and Myles want to start a crusade crack on but don’t expect everyone to actually believe what you say.
In two cup finals in a competition that our very own fans couldn’t really give two hoots about.

No matter how you put it Tim, Darryl’s last two seasons paled into insignificance to his previous two seasons. The wheels had started to fall off and it was very clear he wanted out for both personal and financial reasons, especially after Appleton left when the Sartori deal collapsed. Basically his empire had fully collapsed with Appleton being his last chance.
I see it differently, I’m happy watching and enjoying the success the owners bring, none are perfect, none will tick all the boxes and yes we get pissed off with some of the things they do or don’t do, we can all pick fault in things and moaning on here is the right place but not sure how effective that can be, there is no football utopia around the corner for any club.
I see it differently, I’m happy watching and enjoying the success the owners bring, none are perfect, none will tick all the boxes and yes we get pissed off with some of the things they do or don’t do, we can all pick fault in things and moaning on here is the right place but not sure how effective that can be, there is no football utopia around the corner for any club.

Ah, that’s it then, we all might as well pack our bags and give up.

I’ve worked under a number of CEO’s who like you say get some things rights and some wrong, but I would say majority of the times they tend to get it right, whereas, our owners tend to get it wrong majority of the time or have their own agenda which isn’t in the best interest for the club.
So you want an apology from the fans who didn't believe what you said about Tiger, the game hasn't played out yet..
You warned us about IL, that didn't quite pan out in your favour when he got us back in the league.
You warned us about DE, again that didn't quite pan out with promotion and 2 Wembley finals.

We have had 10 years of your warnings and it does wear a bit thin in the end, the constant bickering on here to try and prove a point on who's right or wrong, does your "efforts" really have any impact on our football club I find it hard to see.

That's not saying you don't have some valid points, but it's every day of constant why why why and then getting your chums to chip in to back you up, great win on Saturday by the way.
Firstly, no I don’t want apologies from anyone. But considering the way people (including you in this very post!) like to crow when it’s perceived that I’ve got something wrong, I think I’m justified a certain amount of schadenfreude.

Secondly, I didn’t warn anyone about IL, so no idea where that’s come from! I was very critical of Nick Merry, more so of the fans who worshiped him like some sockless-messiah; remembering how he was welcomed into that pub in Lewes still makes me cringe.

As for DE, I have on more than one occasion acknowledge the good stuff which happened on the pitch. But I’ve also acknowledged the absolute calamity over the last year or so of his reign. A number of people have highlighted areas of the club ST has invested in as evidence of his commitment, but seem unable to recognise that these same areas are those which were systematically dismantled by DE as he was seeking to recoup every penny he could. There’s also the small issue of arbitration and the relationship with Firoka which has cost the club thousands of pounds. So, yes DE did do some good things but, imho, he left the club in a less sustainable position than when he got here.

As for my “mates” chipping in, they are all independent people capable of forming their own opinions and posting their own comments. Lord knows I’ve disagreed with Charlie many times over the years. And if you want to throw that allegation at me, perhaps we should turn that around and look at how you are so keen to protect your mates and deflect any criticism of how the deal with ST was ushered through with no public scrutiny from the very organisation who exists to protect the club? But I’d rather play the ball than the man.
What we tend to forget is there is only one "consistent" factor in the last decades of lurching from peaks to troughs........... us, the supporters.
Chairman, Managers etc etc all do their bit for many differing reasons and go............ ironically Kassam has been around longer than many of them in one shape or form, maybe he`s more like us than we care to admit.
What we tend to forget is there is only one "consistent" factor in the last decades of lurching from peaks to troughs........... us, the supporters.
Chairman, Managers etc etc all do their bit for many differing reasons and go............ ironically Kassam has been around longer than many of them in one shape or form, maybe he`s more like us than we care to admit.
Maybe the fact that Kassam has been around longer than many of them is due to the fact he owns the stadium.
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