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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

Join forces???? They don't want the stadium, they are just playing delay & Not getting the planning game..
Positive news about the stadium from The Fail.

Of course it's buried in the sport section. I hate that rag.

highly likely the bulk of that will be regurgitated at the FF on thurs eve ( taking up valuable time for Questions with information already widely known)
As a result, no comments on it. As soon as OUFC are mentioned in the main pages, all the non-OUFC fans pile on to comment.
sad but very true ... which kind of confirms the ( majority of the) opponents to the Stadium on the triangle ( Chester V, his so called 'green' henchpeople, FoSB, KDW, KPC and others) have absolutely zero interest in sport of any sort
I really don't think people like Suzie or Ian would be able to sit in a room with us kinda people it would be far to unsafe for them 🤣🤣

You know us football fans.. scum of the earth... Hooligans....

Nope they are much safer at home behind their keyboards
I really don't think people like Suzie or Ian would be able to sit in a room with us kinda people it would be far to unsafe for them 🤣🤣
They won't like visiting areas of the county like Blackbird Leys as well, although I guess there's always a first time for everything
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