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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

Regardless of having a footbridge or not, I would be very surprised if there isn't a requirement to widen the footpaths (and maybe put in vehicle/pedestrians seperation) all the way down the train station, they're quite narrow paths for 16k folk to walk along all at once

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Naughty Carpy, I saw what you did there!
We all know 16000 fans won’t all be walking along there at once due to the offerings on for fans at the new stadium so I’d imagine you will get a natural surge of fans after a game but certainly not 16000 all at once. Fans will plan their day around time it takes to get away from the ground, stagger their journeys accordingly. Before a game then it will very much be a gradual flow of people arriving between 12 and 3 like it is now at the Kassam.
Stops on the Oxford side of Oxford Parkway according to the plans on that site, maybe continuing it through to Kidlington is part of the new housing development, wouldn't make sense to spend all this money and not connect the quaint little village of Kidlington.

I was led to believe although the road may be shut, buses and emergency vehicles would still be able to use it..... at a slow er speed
Probably not the right place to put this but I'm selling my 26 editions(a-z) encyclopedia not needed anymore as I know Steve hill
I'm also selling my entire collection of Only Fools and Horses, as his satire for the hard of thinking will happily satisfy my comedy needs.
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All this stuff about how it 'could' be funded does worry me. At this stage, I'd hope they'd *know* now it *would* be funded.
Being a member of fosb 🤣🤣

Dear Friends

As you may have read in the local press (paywall) https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/24150634.oxford-united-stadium-plans-lack-bridge-causes-concerns/ (paywall) Oxford United has recently submitted a planning application for the stadium. The application will be available to view on Cherwell’s planning portal once it has been validated by officers. Based on previous experience of the club’s output it’s possible the application may fall short of the council’s requirements. So we await developments with interest.

It is notable that Oxford United has confirmed it is undertaking a separate planning application process to build a bridge over the road from the station. However, for a number of reasons, we don’t believe that this footbridge will ever be built. This means that Oxford United’s previously proposed road closures are still a key concern. We were therefore pleased that our most recent Freedom of Information request yielded an email from Cllr David Robey, Chair of Kidlington Parish Council, to the leader of Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), Cllr Liz Leffman. Cllr Robey writes on behalf of the four parishes of Kidlington, Gosford & Water Eaton, Begbroke & Yarnton: “the four parishes are gravely concerned by Oxford United’s current plans to close the A4260 before and after matches at the new stadium”.

Cllr Robey quoted OCC’s position as follows: “The County Council cabinet has required OUFC, before the lease of the Triangle site is finally agreed, to produce detailed plans that include the following:

e) Develop new pedestrian and cycle entrances and routes to improve accessibility, including a new pedestrian route across the Oxford Road, such as a footbridge, that improves pedestrian and cyclist access to the site from Oxford Parkway railway station and the Park & Ride without disrupting vehicle movements on the Oxford Road.”

Cllr Liz Leffman’s response was: “I understand your concerns, which I share. I can assure you that OCC's position is that stated by Cllr Dan Levy in his recent letter . We stand by our original decision, and we will not support any proposal that includes the closure of the road on match days.

It would seem impossible therefore for OCC to support this planning application in its current form.

We will keep you updated.

Best wishes

Friends of Stratfield Brake
They want a bridge, OUFC are applying for permission to build a bridge. Let's join forces to ensure that the bridge is built!
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