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General Modern Football: Is It Just Boring?

Football is becoming increasingly dull because:

1: Players don’t care about the clubs they play for, only the money they can earn.

2: Coaches nowadays look at a player with huge natural instinctive talent, and consider him “raw” and coach the natural instinctive talent out of him, and turn him into a conventional conveyor belt robot. The same happens in all sports these days, players over coached by overpaid coaches, desperately trying to justify themselves.

3: All of this over thinking tactics has turned the game into a boring affair. The recent high scoring games 4-4, 3-3, suggest they were entertaining and full of action and quality, but they were not, they were poor quality games, with a few flashes here and there. Punctuated by long farcical VAR nonsense!

I’d introduce a 30 sec clock on all VAR decisions, and if they haven’t decided by then, the original decision stands.

The whole player has to be over the line to be offside, just like goal line technology, not a toe or an elbow, the whole player. Would make it much easier to get decisions done quickly with no doubt.

And I’d introduce points for goals, so teams actually go for the throat more.

And I’d ban passing back to the goalie altogether, and the goalie would not be allowed out of the area at any point. Stops all this boring sweeper/goalie nonsense.

And retrospective 3 game bans and points deductions for and diving, anywhere on the pitch.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, there’s lots more I’d introduce to make the game better.
A lot of modern things are 'better' but kind of boring. If I want to go to a gig at the Zodiac I have to download an app and pay a booking fee and delivery charge even though you can only get the tickets online, and it's seven quid a pint in a plastic glass and not as loud as it used to be. But the sound's a lot clearer and it can still be exciting, and so can football. I was gripped watching the game online last night even though it wasn't a particularly eventful game and we were a bit disappointing. Young people maybe enjoy it in a different way from how people used to, but moaning about how things have changed just makes us sound old.
I'm in my early 20's and have been going to Oxford home & away for around 10 years. As I say, I know my memory pool isn't huge compared to a lot of Oxford fans but I just enjoyed following Oxford (and football in general) way more back when I started.

Modern football is a testament to modern life - tedious, expensive, over-complicated, and most of the time just not very exciting.
Football is becoming increasingly dull because:

1: Players don’t care about the clubs they play for, only the money they can earn.

2: Coaches nowadays look at a player with huge natural instinctive talent, and consider him “raw” and coach the natural instinctive talent out of him, and turn him into a conventional conveyor belt robot. The same happens in all sports these days, players over coached by overpaid coaches, desperately trying to justify themselves.

3: All of this over thinking tactics has turned the game into a boring affair. The recent high scoring games 4-4, 3-3, suggest they were entertaining and full of action and quality, but they were not, they were poor quality games, with a few flashes here and there. Punctuated by long farcical VAR nonsense!

I’d introduce a 30 sec clock on all VAR decisions, and if they haven’t decided by then, the original decision stands.

The whole player has to be over the line to be offside, just like goal line technology, not a toe or an elbow, the whole player. Would make it much easier to get decisions done quickly with no doubt.

And I’d introduce points for goals, so teams actually go for the throat more.

And I’d ban passing back to the goalie altogether, and the goalie would not be allowed out of the area at any point. Stops all this boring sweeper/goalie nonsense.

And retrospective 3 game bans and points deductions for and diving, anywhere on the pitch.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, there’s lots more I’d introduce to make the game better.
No extra points for hitting the score board? :(
The whole player has to be over the line to be offside, just like goal line technology, not a toe or an elbow, the whole player. Would make it much easier to get decisions done quickly with no doubt.
How would that make any difference? A toe or an elbow could keep them onside so it would take exactly the same amount of time to check..
Lads, you're all just getting older, it's not football that's getting boring, it's you - you've seen it all before and 2nd time round it's just not as exciting. You'll be sat in the pub (or more likely, your living room) in a few years moaning about how everything was so much better in the old days and the 90's/2000's/2010's/2020's (delete as appropriate) was the best decade.
Lads, you're all just getting older, it's not football that's getting boring, it's you - you've seen it all before and 2nd time round it's just not as exciting. You'll be sat in the pub (or more likely, your living room) in a few years moaning about how everything was so much better in the old days and the 90's/2000's/2010's/2020's (delete as appropriate) was the best decade.

Lads, you're all just getting older, it's not football that's getting boring, it's you - you've seen it all before and 2nd time round it's just not as exciting. You'll be sat in the pub (or more likely, your living room) in a few years moaning about how everything was so much better in the old days and the 90's/2000's/2010's/2020's (delete as appropriate) was the best decade.

We have already decided its the 90s, the debate has been done and won on here.
1970-71 was a awesome season I think , first game for me was a 0-0 home draw against Swindon I was hooked , lots of good footballers in the team , midweek reserve games under the flood lights so yes I think modern football is boring , the relentless sideway passing has replaced all out attacking play, yet I still go and watch it !
Lads, you're all just getting older, it's not football that's getting boring, it's you - you've seen it all before and 2nd time round it's just not as exciting. You'll be sat in the pub (or more likely, your living room) in a few years moaning about how everything was so much better in the old days and the 90's/2000's/2010's/2020's (delete as appropriate) was the best decade.

Lads, you're all just getting older, it's not football that's getting boring, it's you - you've seen it all before and 2nd time round it's just not as exciting. You'll be sat in the pub (or more likely, your living room) in a few years moaning about how everything was so much better in the old days and the 90's/2000's/2010's/2020's (delete as appropriate) was the best decade.
Maybe that's just because things are actually getting progressively worse...?

I think most would agree that football just doesn't have the same 'buzz' it used to.
Sometimes I feel I've stepped into some sort of space-time continuum on this forum - posters in their 20s who have barely lived bemoaning the fact that things were better in their day and others yearning to have lived in another era.

At least my nostalgia is based on having lived a few years!
Sometimes I feel I've stepped into some sort of space-time continuum on this forum - posters in their 20s who have barely lived bemoaning the fact that things were better in their day and others yearning to have lived in another era.

At least my nostalgia is based on having lived a few years!
But even nostalgia is not like it used to be. 🥴
Maybe that's just because things are actually getting progressively worse...?

I think most would agree that football just doesn't have the same 'buzz' it used to.
You're probably nostalgic for the days of Oasis and Britpop and wish you'd lived then. But for me that's modern rubbish that replaced the actual good stuff.
Sometimes I feel I've stepped into some sort of space-time continuum on this forum - posters in their 20s who have barely lived bemoaning the fact that things were better in their day and others yearning to have lived in another era.

At least my nostalgia is based on having lived a few years!

It's f*****g tragic to be honest.
You're probably nostalgic for the days of Oasis and Britpop and wish you'd lived then. But for me that's modern rubbish that replaced the actual good stuff.
I certainly think it's an overrated era but as a music obsessive (and my job as well), there's always a a ton of new stuff to listen to, although you wouldn't think that from a cursory look at the music thread here!
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