Disappearing posters?

Pete Burrett

Active member
6 Dec 2017
Having posted on Yellows / TIU for about 15 years now it's occurred to me that some familiar, regular poster names seem to have disappeared from the forum. No doubt some have rejoined under new names, but which disappeared posters do you remember?

In no particular order, these few spring to my mind;

oufcyellows (prolific poster who I believe joined the OxVox committee for a while)
Myles (Francis)
Liverpool Ox
Mark Sennett
Simon Bradbury
TT / Truth Teller (although I suspect he's alive and well on the board under another name)
Pogue Mahone
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Gary Baldi was also fairly prolific until the summer but hasn't posted for a long time.

With everything that has happened the last year I hope they are all well. We all have our arguments on here but we're all fans and want the same thing.
Good point. Looking at the members list looks as if GB has deleted himself from the forum.
Pete, interest thread considering the impact of Covid. Generally I understand there has been an uptake in Forum participation and other platforms such as Discord and Telegram. Around the world people have been under lockdown quite often with less interaction whether in the workplace or socially. So it could be a surprise that some members have left.

Although, and am sticking my head out now, for me Football isnt the same at present. Plus, some of the topics, posts and arguments on here have possibly made the forum not such a nice please these days.

Is it me, or has Brexit, Trump, BLM, the current target China (read Communism, Russia, ISIS as he previous "enemies"), Hong Kong, all created a more divisive society?
Having posted on Yellows / TIU for about 15 years now it's occurred to me that some familiar, regular poster names seem to have disappeared from the forum. No doubt some have rejoined under new names, but which disappeared posters do you remember?

In no particular order, these few spring to my mind;

oufcyellows (prolific poster who I believe joined the OxVox committee for a while)
Myles (Francis)
TT / Truth Teller (although I suspect he's alive and well on the board under another name)
Pogue Mahone
charliesghost ? :sneaky:
I was on TIU under a different name, couldn't really keep the original as I moved towns.

I do remember a few of the posters on their like Hazz, LondonRoader,. I do remember it go a bit stupid before it died with members being banned for petty reasons.
TIU was fantastic compared to what this place has become. Arguments/discussions could go on for weeks on end and there were some very strong characters. It was all a bit new, which probably explains why it appeared to be so much busier than this place. Everyone posted under pseudonyms, so you never really knew who you were arguing with, which added to the "edge" that was often present.

I don't know whether it's the forum that's changed since TIU or society? Everything now seems so sanitised and I don't post anywhere near as much as I did previously.

Saddletramp and Godalming Yellow are another couple of regulars no longer around.
TIU was fantastic compared to what this place has become. Arguments/discussions could go on for weeks on end and there were some very strong characters. It was all a bit new, which probably explains why it appeared to be so much busier than this place. Everyone posted under pseudonyms, so you never really knew who you were arguing with, which added to the "edge" that was often present.

I don't know whether it's the forum that's changed since TIU or society?

Saddletramp and Godalming Yellow are another couple of regulars no longer around.

Society I would say. Alot of people don't use forums anymore, Facebook and twitter has took over like we have 3 current oxford united fans groups on Facebook with posters I recognise from the TIU days.
A few others spring to mind. As above, they could very well post under different names or have voluntarily taken themselves off elsewhere.

Debbie Harry
Lone Gunman
Football isnt the same at present. Plus, some of the topics, posts and arguments on here have possibly made the forum not such a nice please these days.

Is it me, or has Brexit, Trump, BLM, the current target China (read Communism, Russia, ISIS as he previous "enemies"), Hong Kong, all created a more divisive society?
I have no stats to prove this, but seems to me that ten years ago there was a higher percentage of OUFC/general football threads than there is now.

Brexit and Trump have both certainly led to more divisive attitudes, both on Yellows and in the country as a whole. Brexit brought out extreme views; Leavers were racist or at least xenophobic, Remainers were traitors and unpatriotic. All nonsense of course, but believed to be true by enough people to keep the narrative going.

Trump's 'make America great again' mantra earned adulation from some who wanted Boris to do the same in the UK.

One things for sure, Yellows admin keeps a lid on most extremist views. TIU became very unpleasant in its dying days - anyone remember the Nazis (and I use that word accurately on this occasion) who used to post on the Brighton Argus site until they were banned and sought sanctuary on the Oxford Mail site? Poster 'Rizla' was a particularly nasty individual.
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A few others spring to mind. As above, they could very well post under different names or have voluntarily taken themselves off elsewhere.

Debbie Harry
Lone Gunman
The latter two were certainly prolific! I remember Saddletramp used to frequent a basement bar in Wantage, as he often reminded us!
TIU was fantastic compared to what this place has become. Arguments/discussions could go on for weeks on end and there were some very strong characters. It was all a bit new, which probably explains why it appeared to be so much busier than this place. Everyone posted under pseudonyms, so you never really knew who you were arguing with, which added to the "edge" that was often present.

I don't know whether it's the forum that's changed since TIU or society? Everything now seems so sanitised and I don't post anywhere near as much as I did previously.

Saddletramp and Godalming Yellow are another couple of regulars no longer around.
Eric Read was a troublemaker too. ;)
What was the poster with fat fingers called? He was fond of right wingers (not in the football sense)
Perhaps some fans have an alternative on discord / telegram etc?
The latter two were certainly prolific! I remember Saddletramp used to frequent a basement bar in Wantage, as he often reminded us!

Saddletramp certainly kept things parochial. I remember an exchange on one of the many public transport adaptations that are mooted for Oxford and his instant response was ‘why would anyone from Wantage use it?’ Maybe because it looks beyond those from Wantage, ST?

Funnily enough I spotted in a BBC Have Your Say comments section a poster called ST who posted in a similar style. They may well be around but have decided against boards like this nowadays.
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