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Ex-Staff Chris Williams Leaves

Right. Now is the time for the club (basically Williams & Ferguson) to acknowledge his service and I'm sure they will. No one does it before there's an official announcement and those throwing their toys around last weekend need to calm down.
You would think after all these years your trolling would have got better Baldy but it hasn't, if anything it has got worse!

If you think writing a 9 lined article for someone who has done over 20 years service for the club, some of that during very dark and tough times is ok, then that says a lot about you as a person.

Although saying that, you're also the same person who said your son can't be gay because he likes sport (can't actually remember which sport you said that doesn't make you gay...).
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So what is the make-up of the media team now?

Communications Manager - TBC
Social Media Manager - Billy Lawrence
Programme Editor - Martin Brodetsky?

I know there was a chap doing an internship who did a lot of the matchday video content - no idea if he is still around.

Chris Williams and while back Liam Potter are big losses. Though Billy has been around the club a while now doing stuff for the women's team, and has been far more involved with first team socials and interviews since Liam left last season.
Assume Martin Brodetsky is still around but I don't get the programme so don't know seeing as they binned off The Preview Show on iFollow.
He's still listed on the website but then again so are Niall McWilliams and Harry Routledge.
Liam does The Fence End podcast and mentioned yesterday being brought in for the pandemic period.
Liam is on The Fence End podcast and mentioned yesterday being brought in for the pandemic period.
Different Liam, that's Liam Burton who did Instagram lives and matchday type shows during Covid.

Liam Potter was social media manager for 4 years.
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If I was an OUFC fan working for the football club right now, I'd be pretending to support someone else... I get the impression they don't want anyone there who will challenge them on how OUFC should be run or how it's been before. Williams and Benson clearing out anyone who dares to speak up?

If they think they can run this like a soulless Premier League franchise machine they are in for a rude awakening. Lower League clubs are pillars of the community, small fan bases that look after each other and devote themselves to bettering the club or keeping it moving forward, clearing local passionate people out of the club should not be done without good reason and to do so without a huge thankyou leaves a sour taste. That note about Chris leaving is pathetic, he deserves a lot more for his 20 years of service. If Tim Williams and Adam Benson feel that is appropriate I very much doubt they know how a club like this should operate.
It's also incredibly naive of them not to realise it will only come back to haunt them.
You say you run a business? I would never work for someone like you and I feel sorry for the people that you employ.

Your ability to not grasp basic facts, read the room and understand the holistic picture is scary.
I’d be interested in some evidence that he’s an employer. Some cold, hard facts rather than just speculation on a forum.
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