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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

Everything is addressed in the planning; the issue is that it's not being read. They have also neglected to read the email response from the CDC, which clearly states that while traffic modeling would be preferred, its absence will not halt the application.
Not that I would be clicking on it, but I won't hold my breath for a front page ox fail story correcting their previous badly researched story.
Not that I would be clicking on it, but I won't hold my breath for a front page ox fail story correcting their previous badly researched story.
They wouldn't do that that would be just silly
While that email says it won't stop the application we do still need to do it to satisfy occ even tho occ have said in a response in one of the planning documents that it might not be possible. I can't see occ holding it against us if cdc approved the application due to it meeting national standards
I continue to find the idea of objecting to a £150m investment in your local area on the grounds that you may want to go to Sainsbury's at 3pm on a Saturday every so often and don't want to have to take a slightly longer route quite hilarious.

Maybe I'm being naïve, but I just cannot see the planning committee rejecting such a once in a lifetime opportunity for the families and youth of CDC (and wider Oxfordshire) for fear of upsetting a handful of NIMBY's.
I continue to find the idea of objecting to a £150m investment in your local area on the grounds that you may want to go to Sainsbury's at 3pm on a Saturday every so often and don't want to have to take a slightly longer route quite hilarious.

Maybe I'm being naïve, but I just cannot see the planning committee rejecting such a once in a lifetime opportunity for the families and youth of CDC (and wider Oxfordshire) for fear of upsetting a handful of NIMBY's.
Which is why Layla Moran has kept quiet, she knows objecting to such investment would be political suicide, but also doesn't want to lose the NIMBY vote
Which is why Layla Moran has kept quiet, she knows objecting to such investment would be political suicide, but also doesn't want to lose the NIMBY vote
Is the NIMBY vote even that big? Because judging by the planning portal, it's a fraction of people who are supporting the stadium.
Is the NIMBY vote even that big? Because judging by the planning portal, it's a fraction of people who are supporting the stadium.
Certainly isn't in GE terms, although it may make a difference in the upcoming local elections.
I'd hazard a guess and say its fairly significant, Nimbys tend to be from the demographic that are the most likely to go out and vote, in my opinion.
fair point - especially regarding local elections. Look at KPC , which certainly seems to be steered and manipulated by a number of that ilk
The Lib Dems won the Chesham & Amersham by-election on a huge swing, largely by campaigning on NIMBY issues locally. HS2 being a big one.

HS2 has a wider effect than a football ground and over a lot longer time frame. Your Bicester nimby wont care about Kidlington, thankfully nimbys are very selfish people and only care about, as it says, their back yard.
More comments have been uploaded, all in support.

If the current trend keeps up I don't see how anyone can deny the overwhelming public support for the stadium both locally and county-wide. Im appreciating the level of support from the Kidlington area from those not reporting to be fans but wanting adequate facilities for young people - I suspect families of Kidlington Youth FC players?
HS2 has a wider effect than a football ground and over a lot longer time frame. Your Bicester nimby wont care about Kidlington, thankfully nimbys are very selfish people and only care about, as it says, their back yard.
Big old backyard for some of FoSB considering they have support in Jericho and the esteemed Lathbury Road
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