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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

He was a token choice for the election in the new constitutiony, there’s no chance he gets voted in, in Bicester or the other parts of the constituency. He knows what’s coming, he’s just making the most of being an arrogant prat while he can.

How does the song go?

Na na na na, na na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye..

That will being song real soon and good riddance and great news for the whole of Oxfordshire!
If I had the brains I'd like to put myself up as an independent candidate because I'm sure just by saying I support the stadium proposal I could beat him into 5th place 🤣🤣
For balance, Nigel Simpson should not be there either. He's an OUFC fan and season ticket holder.

The full CDC Planning Committee are listed here: https://modgov.cherwell.gov.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=117

It's currently 8 CON, 3 LAB, 3 LDs, 2 INDs 1 GRN. Those numbers generally work in our favour since we know that the Conservatives and Labour are generally behind this but lose a couple of Tories (such as Simpson above) and in steps Middleton and the numbers look more shaky.

As you mention, Cllr Mawson and reserve Cllr Middleton have made their feelings well known. Neither should be anywhere near this although @Oxymoron seems to be the poster clued up on exactly what seems to be a 'conflict of interest' or predetermined viewpoint. Ian Middleton likes the sound of his voice so much that any one can see that his mind has been made up. Fiona Mawson is harder to prove. I suspect she is 'Ferretmeister' on the OM comments page but she's certainly not said anything majorly damning, nor can we prove it is her. That said, she has voted against the stadium as a KPC councillor though.

I've mentioned before that Cllr McLean has never actually voted against the stadium as a councillor for KPC. She abstained in the 7 September KPC motion to oppose the stadium and was the only KPC councillor to do so (Item 23/059). She's voted in favour of objecting to the stadium unless KPC's usual four demands were met in June 2023. I don't suspect she's a true ally but she's presented herself more fairly knowing she wears more than one councillor hat.

FYI - the next two Planning Commitee meetings are scheduled for Thursday 6th June at 4pm and Thursday 4th July at 4pm.
Don’t forget the local elections are at the end of May
These councillors may not be there in June. With the Conservatives doing so badly in most polls it wouldn’t surprise me if the Lib Dems and Greens got more seats, which is not good news for us.
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He was a token choice for the election in the new constitutiony, there’s no chance he gets voted in, in Bicester or the other parts of the constituency. He knows what’s coming, he’s just making the most of being an arrogant prat while he can.

How does the song go?

Na na na na, na na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye..

That will being song real soon and good riddance and great news for the whole of Oxfordshire!

Chants you don't hear at football anymore #43:

"Na na na na,
Na na na na,
Hey hey,
What a w****r"
If I had the brains I'd like to put myself up as an independent candidate because I'm sure just by saying I support the stadium proposal I could beat him into 5th place 🤣🤣
You should do it! I'd donate to your campaign

Is there a deadline when to submit yourself as a candidate?
Middleton's going to be £500 down then?
Absolutely when it comes to an election people revert to type and vote for your normal 3 it's not like your local election
Greens have one MP the same amount as reform uk and workers for Britain
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