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National News Sir Keir Starmer

Is that the Royal "We" ? They say a week is a long time in politics - 6 months or so might seem like a lifetime.

We probably differ on why we vote as well then - you should vote looking forwards not backwards.

You can`t change the past and can only try and make the future better.
If with taken that approach we'd never got rid of Robinson!!!!
If with taken that approach we'd never got rid of Robinson!!!!

The board acted based on a forward looking approach, got rid of KR (aka Boris) and appointed Manning (aka SKS) a "safe pair of hands, different to what we had" and he fecked off at the first opportunity. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Pretty much how politics is currently.
Although looking backwards can give you a good clue as to what is going to happen in the future.

Politics changes all the time - compare and contrast Labour under Blair, Corbyn, Starmer. Tories under any of their leaders over 14 years.

People have propensity to vote for whoever makes them better off, not their neighbour or people elsewhere.

Whilst some maybe worse off, there are plenty who are either not or "about the same". That`s how life tends to be.
Politics changes all the time - compare and contrast Labour under Blair, Corbyn, Starmer. Tories under any of their leaders over 14 years.

Selfish people have propensity to vote for whoever makes them better off, because they love a tax bribe whilst simultaneously moaning about the shocking state of public services.... it's a real headscratcher for them. They don't give a toss about their neighbour or people elsewhere, because Thatcher once said there's no such thing as society... it's everyone for themselves.

Whilst some maybe worse off - who gives a s**t - it's their own fault, so fuckem, there are plenty who are either not or "about the same". That`s how life tends to be if you have zero empathy or conscience and have been swallowing the Tory koolaid for the last 50 years.
Fixed it for you 😉

As I thought, you're clearly in the deluded Tory camp as opposed to the disillusioned one.
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Is that the Royal "We" ? They say a week is a long time in politics - 6 months or so might seem like a lifetime.

We probably differ on why we vote as well then - you should vote looking forwards not backwards.

You can`t change the past and can only try and make the future better.
The “we” is those of us that lost someone during that time.

Your loathing of the “we” is palpable.

A week is a long time in politics, but if you think “we” have forgotten you’re truly mistaken.

I genuinely wonder if you are a Russian bot.
Not sure that they’d get much attention here…. Sorry to burst your bubble but I think most on here are centrist (left or right) and it’s just a couple of right wingers that are more radical.

Leaving NATO on its own is bats**t crazy.

Easy to protest when there’s no Labour candidate, and you know that there’s a general election coming up.
George Galloway has been aptly described as Division in a Fedora.

He's as much part of the problem as the likes of Anderson, Tice, Farage, Braverman etc etc.

They're only interested in sowing division and stoking anger and bad feeling.

Conflicts have never been resolved through that approach and ultimately common ground and compromise must be found before anyone can move forward. As such, they will never offer the solution to resolve anything, but they sure know how to whip a crowd up.

I guess the irony in all this is that George Galloway agrees with practically everything the former Labour candidate was saying about Gaza.

And yes @Marston Road yellow is right. I think the majority in here are centre left/right. And I think most realise that any party not looking to inhabit that ground (as the Tories are rapidly vacating this space), doesn't stand a chance in any national election which will be won on national issues and not on protest votes over international issues, not matter how desperate those issues may be.

Consensus, not division is the only sensible way forward.

Lets surmise said party stands candidates where there is a large demographic that traditionally voted Labour...........
Why bother surmising, check the evidence. Galloway was the standing MP in Bradford West and, despite running an appallingly vindictive campaign was convincingly beaten by Naz Shah in spite of it being nationally a bad night for Labour. He remains a very articulate speaker and will provide much entertainment, but don’t get your hopes up that this signals change.
Why bother surmising, check the evidence. Galloway was the standing MP in Bradford West and, despite running an appallingly vindictive campaign was convincingly beaten by Naz Shah in spite of it being nationally a bad night for Labour. He remains a very articulate speaker and will provide much entertainment, but don’t get your hopes up that this signals change.
Precisely. I was speaking to a colleague who lives just outside Rochdale (not in Galloway's constituency I hasten to add) and there is real unease at his election and the real prospect that violence/riots will follow if something is not done to diffuse the situation. Galloway will do nothing to diffuse this, in fact as part of his campaign, he made it clear that it is Gaza first, Rochdale second and he is far more likely to add fuel to the fire than dampen it.

As a consequence, there are people living in fear of what this means for them on many levels.
Precisely. I was speaking to a colleague who lives just outside Rochdale (not in Galloway's constituency I hasten to add) and there is real unease at his election and the real prospect that violence/riots will follow if something is not done to diffuse the situation. Galloway will do nothing to diffuse this, in fact as part of his campaign, he made it clear that it is Gaza first, Rochdale second and he is far more likely to add fuel to the fire than dampen it.

As a consequence, there are people living in fear of what this means for them on many levels.

One wonders what niche part of society could possibly be driven by events in Gaza and can create fear amongst other law abiding citizens.

Whoever it is they won`t be having bacon sandwiches for breakfast.......................... 🤷‍♂️
Not sure this is the seismic thing it’s being made out to be, the Israel Palestine conflict is an issue for Muslims, Jews and a few left wingers but for the majority of the population it won’t decide how they vote, some seats which have large Muslim communities will be affected but by and large not the numbers to affect a general election.

Plus side is I got to see that Galloway pretending to be a cat clip again, that’s always entertaining.
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Not sure this is the seismic thing it’s being made out to be, the Israel Palestine conflict is an issue for Muslims, Jews and a few left wingers but for the majority of the population it won’t decide how they vote, some seats which have large Muslim communities will be affected but by and large not the numbers to affect a general election.

Plus side is I got to see that Galloway pretending to be a car clip again, that’s always entertaining.
I hadn't realised he was pretending to be a jaguar.
Not sure this is the seismic thing it’s being made out to be, the Israel Palestine conflict is an issue for Muslims, Jews and a few left wingers but for the majority of the population it won’t decide how they vote, some seats which have large Muslim communities will be affected but by and large not the numbers to affect a general election.

Plus side is I got to see that Galloway pretending to be a cat clip again, that’s always entertaining.
At least we're not like the US. For some reason it's a huge political issue over there

Seems JH has pulled the plug on the Labour spending plans by pulling the non-Dom plug early..... ;)

So they'll do absolutely nothing of note different on the economy. Labour are unlikely to cut funding to public services, so the alternative is tax rises (which they are also suggesting won't happen).

The lack of any kind vision I find utterly depressing
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