Home Match Day Thread 29/12/23: L1 - OUFC v Derby County

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Simple question to you all, were we ever good enough this season, are we expecting too much especially after the rubbish we witnessed last season. I’ve seen all the home games this season and I wouldn’t say that we’ve been outstanding in any of them. Just saying……..
He joined a team doing well though. I can't be the only one who was looking forward to a new manager bounce from second and are slightly disappointed it hasn't happened and momentum appears to have been lost.
Have taken us from 2nd to 6th in a short period of time
I think a new manager bounce often happens because a team has been struggling before they arrive. A small amount of regression to the mean, and suddenly looks like they've turned it around. Whereas in our case that regression takes us the other way...
Don't know if this has been picked up on but what about these stats from last night.

OUFC 34:66 Derby

OUFC 4:17 Derby

With our only 34% possession Derby managed to commit 17 fouls (there we more missed by the ref noticeably the handball just before their second). The more than just judicial use of the professional field was a clear Derby tactic. Hate it. Cheating in plain sight.

Yes, I'm still feeling a bit bitter.
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The frustrating thing about last night except the result was that so many people in the crowd were screaming to push up and deny them the space to work. Without providing player instruction to engage their midfielders and wing backs, the balls were going to keep coming in and Buckingham’s response was to keep the same shape and defensive line. If he did want players to push up and engage I didn’t see any evidence of it. He would have been a perfect no.2 and learned his ropes in the English game but throwing him in now as quite a few of us said was a backward step and it’s a massive error in judgement when there were better candidates available who already had the know how. Massive waste of time, effort and money. We’ll finish mid table at best.
The frustrating thing about last night except the result was that so many people in the crowd were screaming to push up and deny them the space to work. Without providing player instruction to engage their midfielders and wing backs, the balls were going to keep coming in and Buckingham’s response was to keep the same shape and defensive line. If he did want players to push up and engage I didn’t see any evidence of it. He would have been a perfect no.2 and learned his ropes in the English game but throwing him in now as quite a few of us said was a backward step and it’s a massive error in judgement when there were better candidates available who already had the know how. Massive waste of time, effort and money. We’ll finish mid table at best.

When you say push up and engage, presumably you are talking about pressing? The issue with pressing is to be effective it requires the whole team to be involved and is pretty high octane. You need to be able to swap players from the bench who can do this. I would say we simply don't have a fit enough squad to do this currently.
Manning did have his pick of strikers and chose two who were hopeless, while Bodin has been pretty good this season, especially under Manning. Some of our best players this season have been Robinson signings, in fact.

Bodin has been Bodin, some good games, some where he might as well not have been on the pitch (those probably as a winger where he always looks out of place) and out for a while, that’s what you will get with him though, not going to change.

Robinson was here for over 5 years and has only been gone for one transfer window, I would hope some players he signed were playing well else we would go down. He left absolutely no centre forwards and no full backs beyond Long, was always going to be a struggle starting from scratch in a couple of positions, this isn’t Sunday league where you can just someone’s mate in (actually that was the Robinson model), to push on from a side who should of been relegated last year to a side who go up was always a massive task.
When you say push up and engage, presumably you are talking about pressing? The issue with pressing is to be effective it requires the whole team to be involved and is pretty high octane. You need to be able to swap players from the bench who can do this. I would say we simply don't have a fit enough squad to do this currently.
Agreed. With the players available the only option we had was to soak up the pressure. They had very few shots on target; In fact we had more shots on target (6) than they did (5) we ran out of time.
It’s a minimum of two extra minutes so it was 29 seconds within the possible added time.
I know it's a minimum but they say that incase something happens during the added time, like an injury, during last night's 2 mins that wasn't the case, just Derby corner after Derby corner.
If we go In 2:0 at half time, I don't going they dominate so much 2nd half.
Clutching at straws I know
When you say push up and engage, presumably you are talking about pressing? The issue with pressing is to be effective it requires the whole team to be involved and is pretty high octane. You need to be able to swap players from the bench who can do this. I would say we simply don't have a fit enough squad to do this currently.
No I’m not saying necessarily high intensity pressing. The starting positions from where we were defending were too deep. When the balls were flying in, quite often the fresh leg players we brought on - Machecran and Henry were sitting deep not engaging, Brannagan was also very deep so virtually all our midfielders were completely ineffective. If they were trying to pass it through us, sitting deep would have been fine but their strategy was to cross the ball in at every opportunity which is where the goals came from.
Yep what wankers, they dont need working limbs to f*****g run.
I'm reading every amazing excuses in the book.
It's mind boggling.some absolute amazing experts on this forum would make wonderful FIFA 23/24 managers.
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