Yet another 'charity' thread!


Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
Hi all,

Some of you may remember that about 18 months ago on the forum, I shared that my wife Karen was ill. She had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She ended up having an operation and then some fairly gruelling chemotherapy.

I am happy to say that she is doing well at the moment and has all but recovered from the effects of the chemo (it's taken the best part of a year) with tests currently showing no recurrence of the cancer. Good news!

Ovarian cancer research (especially the 'clear cell' type she had) is underfunded and the disease is difficult to diagnose. So she has decided to walk 100 miles during March to try to raise some funds for the 'Target Ovarian Cancer' charity. If you could see how she was a year ago, walking 100 miles in a month is a bloody miracle and is a tribute to her sheer bloody mindedness! :)

Anyway - if you'd like to give a couple of quid the link is here:

I have attached a graphic showing the common symptoms of the disease - if you or you loved one is suffering matching symptoms, get to the docs and (from experience) make sure you keep going back and bothering them. They'll tell you it is indigestion, IBS etc etc etc.


Thanks everyone,

Jon (ZeroTheHero)
No problem. My wife went on a similar journey (breast cancer) and has just celebrated the 10 year anniversary of her last chemo. My best wishes to you all.
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Done, fabulous news and good luck, and to all on similar journeys xx
Done, fabulous news and good luck, and to all on similar journeys xx
Much appreciated - and yes, good luck to anyone else who is undergoing similar.

If anyone needs support, just PM me (disclaimer: I am not a doctor!).
If anyone is wondering about the rather odd £341 original target, she chose that because by the time she finishes the challenge at the end of the month, it will be 341 days since her last round of chemo.

Of course, the more the better! Thanks everyone for the support - I love this place...
Thanks to Chuckbert and Great Uncle Kip and 'Oxford Yellow' (whoever you may be)! (y)

I don't know about Karen, I've got a bit of a lump in my throat myself. Silly old softie!
Actually in a senior moment I used the username of Oxford yellow which I have no idea when I used that!!!
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