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National News Vaccine - have you had yours?

Have you had your vaccine?

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Which jab?

I had Pfizer and felt pants after the second one. Nice rash around the injection site as well as flu like symptoms.

AZ/Oxford. Feels pretty similar to the response to the 1st one, hopefully it goes as quickly.

You know it makes sense. :) (y)
Had mine today at the Heysel vaccine centre, a big expo hall right opposite the stadium. Bit of an emotional rollercoaster when I got back and found the half time scores.
Mrs QR is having her jab today. I've been sat in the car park at the Madejski (Ka$$am want an option 😡) for over an hours now. P**s up in a brewery comes to mind. Appointment was for 12:50!
Had my first one yesterday at Grenoble Rd. In and out in 15 minutes and got a free sticker.

Had a bit of a fever last night but it was gone by the morning.
I'm still in the bloody madejski car park! 12 bloody 50!
Still there or did it get done? Greater good and all that................. ;) :)
It was Mrs QR, I was driving. Yes sorted in an hour and a half. Very little chance to social distance inside the venue due to zigzag queuing system as used in airports. I have my second on Friday at my local surgery which was hyper efficient for my first jab,and administered by a doctor (I think Johnson fixed that one for me as well 😉).
I had my first vaccination via my GP surgery very late February, hence Ive been waiting for my GP surgery to inform me when Im getting part 2 .... finally got the date and time for my 2nd vaccination today... only 9 days to wait now
Im getting my first AZ on Saturday. They’ve just opened vaccination up to over 50s here and are encouraging people to get done, but it was a massive PITA to make the booking. Phone only - no online bookings, 5mins of robospiel before I could select that I wanted an appointment, 25 minutes in the phone queue (“we value your call ...”) and then my details were taken and manually entered by someone who could neither hear nor spell. Then making the appointment was like negotiating brexit: “when would you like it?” “When is there a spot?” “Tell me a day and I’ll see if we have a spot” “Monday” “no. Should I have a look at Tuesday?” “Yes, please” “no, nothing on Tuesday”. I was about to morph into Basil Fawlty.

I’m a patient bloke who strongly wants to get jabbed, but there are lots here who are less patient and have more qualms who would just give up.
Work have got 81% of the staff fully jabbed and just popped the 150k total jabs done across 3 hubs.
Pretty impressive and even the reduction in supply didn`t have much impact on the process.
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