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How to complete the season

What a childish post maybe you think it’s ok for people to die? Maybe members of your family may die
Bazzer. Seriously. I know we’re all going mad with boredom but surely even you remember what sarcasm is.

Of course I don’t want the floodgates opened, you wally.
I never implied that lockdown would be lifted so quickly and, more importantly, I never said that it should be or that it was OK to just let people die.

All I said was that I think things will happen more quickly than some seem to think.
As I pointed out if it’s lifted it will have to be at a very slow rate so as to make sure we don’t have the 2nd spike.
I’m on lockdown for 3 months and it’s doing my head in but I would rather watch football again ( eventually ) than catch the pesky blighter and end up well playing for the Jesus 11 as a midfielder taking out old Lucifer
Bazzer. Seriously. I know we’re all going mad with boredom but surely even you remember what sarcasm is.

Of course I don’t want the floodgates opened, you wally.
I do remember sarcasm but this is doing my head locked down with the Mrs 6’weeks so far and another 7 to go ?

sorry if I put it across wrong there have been some planks who don’tgive a shot about this pandemic
I don’t know what you’re saying, to be honest. I can’t make out a word when you’re hysterical ?

You've read my posts before, I see. :)

Seriously, guys, I was just putting forward an opinion on how things might play out. The IFR is likely to be low, we're getting to know more about how the disease works as time goes by, better at saving people's lives, and those in charge will be looking at all those things when they decide where to go from here.

Some posters seem to think we're going to be locked down forever, but we won't.
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Some posters seem to think we're going to be locked down forever, but we won't
I said to my mum back in March when this kicked off that I thought around June they’d fling us all back outside, and basically go “If you’re at risk then stay put - that’s on you.” I remain quietly confident that I won’t be far off with that.

How stupid of an idea that is or could be in the end is another matter entirely. But we’re going outside soon, come what may. The entire global economy can’t afford anything else.
Yes, I think June is when things will start to happen. As you say, it remains to be seen how wise that will be.
Hopefully, it's not too much too soon. And a lot of Covidiots will take the P**s, of course.
To go back to the original course of the thread: just chuck the players in onesies complete with club embroidered face masks.
As I pointed out if it’s lifted it will have to be at a very slow rate so as to make sure we don’t have the 2nd spike.
I’m on lockdown for 3 months and it’s doing my head in but I would rather watch football again ( eventually ) than catch the pesky blighter and end up well playing for the Jesus 11 as a midfielder taking out old Lucifer

Good luck with Lucifer, he is a hell of an opponent.
1,724 corona tests carried out at all 36 clubs in Bundesliga 1 and 2.
10 positive tests recorded.

Meanwhile, Salomon Kalou livestreams himself shaking hands with players, breaking COVID testing protocol and catching his teammates complaining about salary cuts. What an absolute fanny!

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1,724 corona tests carried out at all 36 clubs in Bundesliga 1 and 2.
10 positive tests recorded.
Pah, we'll be fine, we'll just lock everyone up in the same hotel and only let them out twice a week over two months to play two games a week - won't happen to us, no-one'll get ill, it'll be fine!!
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