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Home gardening - "Grow your Own" thread.


Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
Like many others, I got into gardening over lockdown, acquired a greenhouse (free, buyer dismantles etc) and actually used the veg plot - one of the benefits of WFH. :cool:

The first year or so was a bit "chuck it & chance it" but fed us and filled a couple of freezer drawers.

Now we are hybrid working roughly 2 days in/3 days WFH it becomes a bit more regular and the range of veg etc has expanded.

2022 Veg Plot is - Runners, broad beans, french beans, swede, beetroot, carrots, various cabbage, spring onion, spinach, fennel, asparagus, courgettes & kale.

2022 Greenhouse is - Vine tomato, San Lorenzo tomato, sweet peppers, chilli peppers and pak choi.

So anyone else a closet Percy Thrower? :)
one of our own, one of our own Broad Beans and Carrots one of our own...The Swede was a disappointment but that Italian boy San Lorenzo has grown into the role.

The Only way is Essex on a Garden near you soon:)
Got well established Sage, Rosemary, Tarragon and Lavender. Just added another Lavender and Marjoram as well. Will slowly grow herb collection. Sadly, my 2 different Thyme bushes got accidentally killed by somebody else. So will need to get some more of them.Mint does its own thing so don't do anything with that but have a constant supply.

Garden otherwise is focused on wildlife, and those herbs fulfil that as well.
Does anyone grow hops? Missed the boat this year with planting but considering laying the groundwork for planting next year. Would love to do a homebrew with my own hops.

We mainly grow herbs - chives, lemonbalm, thyme and fennel (should have a big bulb soon, can't wait!)
I was on the waiting list for an allotment from the start of lockdown but eventually got on in June 21. Just getting to grips with it all now. Always had a decent garden but not for veg etc.
Growing potatoes, parsnips , leeks , onions at moment.
Tomatoes and Padron peppers from seed at home.
All a big learning curve
Me, opening this thread and immediately closing it again.

Taters, onions, shallots, peas, fennel, strawbs, raspberries, carrots.

Would like to buy a greenhouse but they're so expensive.
Taters, onions, shallots, peas, fennel, strawbs, raspberries, carrots.

Would like to buy a greenhouse but they're so expensive.

Don`t be fooled by "buyer dismantles and collects".... like I was. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

8 x 10 greenhouse appeared on marketplace. Only a mile up the road.

1 day to dismantle whilst getting covered in crud and muck.
1 day to transport to home. Ever tried fitting a 10ft long roof bar & side bars in a Nissan Juke?
1 day to clean and lay out in some sort of order. Tip - take photos and label pieces.
Order new rubbers, new glazing clips etc etc.
2 days to re-assemble and replace the panes that crack in transit.

Well worth it... :ROFLMAO:

Actually it was, although the next one we get will be bigger because you soon need more space!
My dad was a great vegetable grower, I guess I’ve inherited a certain mount of his enthusiasm for gardening, although perhaps not his talent!

These days I stick to spuds, spring onions, beetroot, lettuce, runner beans, carrots, radish, tomatoes, courgettes, strawberries and raspberries.

Also grow some flowers from seed as well as buying small plugs and growing them on. Had mixed success with cuttings, but have done well with geraniums and fuchsias.

Generally find gardening very rewarding and therapeutic.
Love this thread!

We got an allotment during the first lockdown, couldn't believe the site I contacted had a double plot going!

It was hard work!

I'll try and post some photos of what we inherited!

We have a massive horse hair problem, so most of the plot is under weed matting, with some no dig areas and some raised beds made from pallet collars.
Does anyone grow hops? Missed the boat this year with planting but considering laying the groundwork for planting next year. Would love to do a homebrew with my own hops.

We mainly grow herbs - chives, lemonbalm, thyme and fennel (should have a big bulb soon, can't wait!)
Grew hops last year from a plant I had (not sure of the variety). Nice aroma, but didn't use them as not home brewed for a few years now.

Had the allotment for about three years - hard going at first as was a completely new site. Good crops last year from strawberries, blackcurrants, runner beans, carrots, courgettes, cucumbers, onions, potatoes. All tastes so much better straight from the plot than the supermarket, and the most delicious of all is eating a sweet and juicy corn on the cob as soon as picked.
Asparagus is just coming through now after a year of not picking it.
Grew hops last year from a plant I had (not sure of the variety). Nice aroma, but didn't use them as not home brewed for a few years now.

Had the allotment for about three years - hard going at first as was a completely new site. Good crops last year from strawberries, blackcurrants, runner beans, courgettes, cucumbers, onions, potatoes. All tastes so much better straight from the plot than the supermarket, and the most delicious of all is eating a sweet and juicy corn on the cob as soon as picked.
Asparagus is just coming through now after a year of not picking it.
We started asparagus, but decided it's too long a wait and takes up precious space 😂
TBH I find gardening quite hard work and not all that interesting, but I like to make the garden look good for my wife. Really I use it mainly as an excuse to be outside and sit on a bench.
We started asparagus, but decided it's too long a wait and takes up precious space [emoji23]
I've got plenty of room and have it in a big raised bed. Planted two year old crowns so only have to wait a year or two to start harvesting. Pic obviously shows before they were covered!

It is relaxing sitting out there in the sunshine just occasionally pottering around. Lucky that the plot is just the other side of my garden fence so can be round there for a bit of peace and quiet in seconds!
I can grow herbs, flowers n many types of plants, - redone/ relaid out/ rebuilt several friends' gardens for them over the past 5-10 years .... though when it comes to pretty much all veg (& fruit) , they tend to need too much attention for my liking*

*the one exception is (strangely) Quince
.... though there is a quince variant named Sargentii
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I forgot the herbs & strawberries.

4 varieties of mint, chives, fennel, thyme and others. Some live some die!

I`m not taking photo`s because others already put me to shame.

The veg plot is only small so things get a bit crowded, I think proper gardeners call it companion planting or undersowing! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Grew hops last year from a plant I had (not sure of the variety). Nice aroma, but didn't use them as not home brewed for a few years now.

Had the allotment for about three years - hard going at first as was a completely new site. Good crops last year from strawberries, blackcurrants, runner beans, carrots, courgettes, cucumbers, onions, potatoes. All tastes so much better straight from the plot than the supermarket, and the most delicious of all is eating a sweet and juicy corn on the cob as soon as picked.
Asparagus is just coming through now after a year of not picking it.

I‘ve done a bit of home brewing over years, and yes some hop varieties smell amazing.
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