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This seems like a decent start
Does it include treatment for obsesity, smoking, IVF, gender reassignment, herbal remedies, cosmetic surgery, etc? Does it include health tourists? That is a good start, but the world and expectations of what the NHS is, has changed a lot since it was started. So reasserting that for a modern world is what I think should happen. Rather than just piling on treatments on the NHS willy nilly, etc.
Interesting comment from Macron:

Emmanuel Macron has branded the leaders of the campaign for Brexit “liars”, in an extraordinary attack at the close of the Salzburg summit.

“Brexit is the choice of the British people.....pushed by those who predicted easy solutions. Those people are liars. They left the next day so they didn’t have to manage it,” the French president said.


Who could he be referring to? :cool:

I wish he was referring to Liam Fox with his approach that the country should pull its collective pants down and bend over to take it from the US.

So by default, we are going to be up the creek without a paddle, at least in the short term at this rate.
Whichever way you look at this and whichever way you voted in 2016, this is a complete mess and our government (and most of parliament for that matter) have been inept in their approach to it.

It doesn't even matter if the EU suddenly bend over and take May's plan because I very much doubt it will get the same support in our Parliament and would more than likely be voted down. So yes, no deal Brexit looks like the only conclusion.

So who are you prepared to believe on the impact that will have? Anything pessimistic is still regarded as "Project Fear" and anything optimistic is "Project Fantasy"

I think we're heading for a rather significant s**t storm both in political and economic terms - I don't think we've really begun to realise just how far reaching this will be...short or long term.
Just think who stands to gain the most from the break up/weakening of the EU and I think you will find who was really behind the leave campaign...problem is it will probably take longer than end of March next year to prove it. The only hope is that there is enough reasonable doubt between now and then to halt the process and re-run under far tighter controls on spending and verification of claims before they are made.
I wonder what we would have done for entertainment and news coverage for the last couple of years had the original vote had gone the other way?
Who would be leading the parties, who would be in power, what state would the economy be in, etc etc - would the world still hate us and laugh at us at the same time, and would we still come almost last in Eurovision (OK, I know the answer the the last one)???
Macron is currently less popular in France than Donald Trump is in the US. What a time to be alive. But agree with him about Cameron flouncing off in a hissy.

Maybot looks like toast and everyone better get ready for No Deal. I hear Noel Edmonds is free.
Brexit will be cancelled - it was never going to happen. The Vatican Rothschild reptilian 'deep state' would never allow such a thing.

The NHS does try to be efficient as this demonstrates and will be quite a saving!

Also, it demonstrates that NHS inefficiencies are not always down to them but also down to external pressures (ie. Cuts in Council budgets creating new pressures with increased bedblocking etc) and external bodies (such as Big Pharma).
To be fair to Sharp Edges, I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about Brexit - he was talking about the 2011 Alternative Vote Referendum. When 'No' won over two thirds of the vote.

I don't think so - read his/her post again. It says "we have a PR vote and they immediately introduce a policy of wanting another PR vote on the same thing because they didn't get the result they wanted". No-one, not even the Lib Dems, ever asked for a rerun of the AV Referendum - as you say, the result was perfectly clear (though I disagreed with the result and Cameron did his best to deceive and confuse....in fact I remember him talking about a boxing match in which the loser was declared the winner, which simply isn't possible in a two-horse race, even under AV).

No, Sharp Edges was talking about the EU referendum, which he thinks was held under a proportional representation system. He's wrong and it's worrying that people can be so badly informed.
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