National News Boris Johnson


Staff member
5 Dec 2017
A huge day for Boris, i think he will lose the vote.

If he wins the vote, previous PM's have walked shortly after. But this is Boris, he will not follow the trend!
He will win, get a reprieve and no further vote for at least a year. The upcoming by elections will not bring anything but a moment of embarrassment and then it's business as usual.
It's almost as if the whole thing was engineered to save him.
He’ll survive it. And then he’ll get a battering at the by elections.

The snivelling patheticness of the Tories and the boot-licking, toadying hangers on disgust me. This is the worst government we’ve ever had and it’s so frustrating that we have to wait until 2024 to get rid of them. And even then the right wing press will spring into action to ensure the silver vote, the lower-middle classes and 1%ers vote to keep them with scaremongering about foreigners or Labour tanking the economy.

I despise Johnson. Hopefully I’m wrong and the c**t is thrown out of Number 10.
I think he will scrape a win, but like his predecessors who faced similar, an won, will be deposed in a short while ....two by elections looming results of which may well make his PMship untenable

the booing on Friday probably tipped the balance with some fence sitting tory MPs finally tendering letters to the 1922 committee

Ive not voted in the poll as there's only two options - 'win- but ousted' would be my vote if it was to be available as a choice
He will win. Only just, but enough to win none-the-less. And where more honourable past Prime Ministers would step aside for the good of the party and country, this is Boris we're talking about. He'll do all he can to eke it out for as long as he can. And the brown-nose brigade (Gove, Raab, Dorries, Shapps) will no doubt offer their full support. Wouldn't want to be thrown off the gravy train would we?
I think he will be damaged politically.
There is no way he will lose the vote tonight.
He might last until after the by election defeats, depending on how bad they are
He will win it....but as has been pointed out elsewhere, far better PMs than the current embarrassment have been mortally wounded after winning said vote and have ended up falling on their own sword. That however would take moral fibre and scruples, both of which have become extinct in Number 10 under Boris.

It is far-fetched, bordering on delusional from Tories to think that Boris stands any chance of winning the next election for the Tories and their best hope is to cut out the putrification of the party sooner, rather than later before it becomes terminal.
I think he will be damaged politically.
There is no way he will lose the vote tonight.
He might last until after the by election defeats, depending on how bad they are
How bad indeed.

And do Tories think Boris surviving tonight will harm or help their fortunes in those by-elections?

My guess is it will harm them further.

Tories are on a hiding to nothing with Boris.
Depending on the numbers, as they say, you can put holes in the ship's hull but it's the ones below the waterline that sink it.

In all politics, it is "what happens next" that matters and that is often unseen or unknown.

Interesting times and the choices made could define the next 4,8 or 12 years.

And one of my more left-wing friends posted this.....

"He'll offer policy/promotion bribes to back-benchers and/or threaten to call a GE if he loses.
If the latter, many of his new back-benchers will lose their seats and they know it."
Mind you Jacob Rees-Mogg is right when he says there is always a groundswell of opinion against any leader, be it Brexit or anything else
Mind you Jacob Rees-Mogg is right when he says there is always a groundswell of opinion against any leader, be it Brexit or anything else
Moggy was just on Jeremy Vine extra.... unbelievably he was claiming ( in a round about way) its remainers in the tory party who have manouvered the vote of no confidence in the PM . Ignoring Party gate (s), breaching ministerial code, etc, and the booing on Friday at St Pauls too

Moggy may be taking his Minister for Brexit opportunities ( or what ever its called) role too seriously?
Moggy was just on Jeremy Vine extra.... unbelievably he was claiming ( in a round about way) its remainers in the tory party who have manouvered the vote of no confidence in the PM . Ignoring Party gate (s), breaching ministerial code, etc, and the booing on Friday at St Pauls too

Moggy may be taking his Minister for Brexit opportunities ( or what ever its called) role too seriously?
Someone has to :ROFLMAO:
Moggy was just on Jeremy Vine extra.... unbelievably he was claiming ( in a round about way) its remainers in the tory party who have manouvered the vote of no confidence in the PM . Ignoring Party gate (s), breaching ministerial code, etc, and the booing on Friday at St Pauls too

Moggy may be taking his Minister for Brexit opportunities ( or what ever its called) role too seriously?
what the man that went to the readers of the sun to come up with ideas?
He’ll survive it. And then he’ll get a battering at the by elections.

The snivelling patheticness of the Tories and the boot-licking, toadying hangers on disgust me. This is the worst government we’ve ever had and it’s so frustrating that we have to wait until 2024 to get rid of them. And even then the right wing press will spring into action to ensure the silver vote, the lower-middle classes and 1%ers vote to keep them with scaremongering about foreigners or Labour tanking the economy.

Hopefully the Tory rebels (or a sufficient number) vote against his policies along with Labour/Lib Dems/SNP etc, should he survive, so that he can't get anything through Parliament. Johnson will probably then try to get another early General Election. Voting against the Govt may see the Tory Rebels having the Whip removed which could split the Tory vote in a GE if they decide to stand against the 'official' Tory candidate who will probably be from one of the loon factions' viewpoint.
Moggy was just on Jeremy Vine extra.... unbelievably he was claiming ( in a round about way) its remainers in the tory party who have manouvered the vote of no confidence in the PM . Ignoring Party gate (s), breaching ministerial code, etc, and the booing on Friday at St Pauls too

Moggy may be taking his Minister for Brexit opportunities ( or what ever its called) role too seriously?

He was always going to do this when him, Mad Nad etc have nothing else to go on.
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