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Matches Best moment of the season (so far)

I still AM angry about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t wish to lean too heavily on hindsight - and clearly we’d all like to have won the home game - but I’ve really come to terms with that loss.

The fact that it kick-started our season, we went to theirs and won (in agonising fashion for them given the penalty save) and ultimately they went down while our dropped points didn’t cost us a play-off place...

Revenge really is a dish best served cold!
There's been many highlights this season, great goals, superb comebacks, key victories, and the impressive stepping up a level into becoming key players of players like Long, Stevens, Moore, Atkinson, Sykes and Agyei.

But for me, Sunday's result is the best moment of the season.

After such a bad start to the season, and players looking bereft of inspiration, form and fitness, to pull together, and battle their way up into the playoffs, is a remarkable achievement, and to seal it on the final day of the season, with a superb team display, and then the nerve racking final moments at Fratton Park, and then the scenes of celebration at the full time whistle, seeing the joy and togetherness of all the players and staff, and the celebrations of all of us on this forum, made for a truly joyous occasion, and felt like we'd already sealed promotion!

It feels amazing to know we're now in a position where our fate is in our hands, and we could achieve something that many of us thought was done and dusted weeks ago, and while all the individual moments throughout the season were great, Sunday really was the icing on the cake.

Fingers crossed for a big Wembley cherry on top!
The two for me are
1 Sams 2 goals against the Gills
2,Jacks Penalty save against Charlton
If you'd told me at the start of the season (after Clare had signed), that Stevens and Long would end up being the top two Player of the Season candidates, I would have assumed the season would go badly wrong - injuries, having to rely on those two, bravely fighting relegation.

That it's because they stepped up after Clare and Easty faltered, and were catalysts for our Play Off push has been unbelievable.
The worst moment was there wasn't fans in the ground for alot of it. Imagine Sundays game with a big crowd learning that Pompey had bottled it would of been pitch invasion and everything. The two away games v Rochdale and Shrewsbury where we sneaked the win in the last knockings. Its been a strange season and to me these playoffs are a bit of a free hit as we haven't been in them for a length of time. What a roller coaster of a season though !
Sunderland away. So much raw emotion throughout that game that galvanised the club in it's fight for the rest of the season.

The tunnel incident, the second goal when Brannagan was on the floor, the knee slide, Robinson calling Kettle a c**t, Mous and Shorty smiling back at that t**t Power! That game hurt as badly as the Swindon defeat and we were still hurting for Accrington.

But everyone came together with a do or die attitude and the turn around since then has been incredible. Robinson in particular deserves a huge amount of credit. He changed the way we set up, and has brought a steely calmness to the fight. We've not panicked when going behind, we've stuck to our game and Crewe, Lincoln, Gillingham, Shrewsbury x2 and Burton have all been masterclasses in playing the "Oxford" way. I just hope to God that we get the chance to rub Sunderlands smug little faces into the ground once again with 5000 knee sliding across the hallowed turf!!
Agyie's added time goal at home to Northampton. From where I was sat (SSL just up from the scoreboard ) I was right behind the line/curve of the ball. There's nothing like BEING THERE.
I second that (I was in SSL, 2nd row back, somewhere between the East Stand corner flag & home dugout, and that Agyei strike/ goal was superb to watch as it curled unstoppable into the net )
I think the best moment of the season is going to be (hopefully) turning up at the stadium to watch some live football.
Little bit different and maybe not the other to say best.

But the way the club from top to bottom has handled itself throughout the year (season)

Ranging from the way Cameron was treated for his injury not just the initial work on not only recognising their Kay be a potential big problem to the support they offered him and his family.

To the way the club kept in touch with supporters during the lockdown, calling people doing little visits with gifts etc.

Also to families who suffered losses of loved ones. May not seem much to fans of other clubs but those calls and mentions on the web site would have meant a lot to the families.

The allowance to let flags be hung in the stadium again may seem simple but to have flags at the stadium means a lot to the families who lost someone close and also to fans who can’t attend.

And finally the way whole club from top to bottom carries itself when Mickey Lewis sadly passed.

A club legend who’ll be forever remembered.

The send off at Ox City was very moving and showed what he meant to the club and how close we all are as one.

We are all a part of this fantastic club. We may argue on here, we may chip away at each other. But one thing will never be lost. That is that we are United. We are Oxford United and we will win and lose together and all be back next season no matter what.

Keep the faith. UTO
Great post this, UTFO
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