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Away Match Day Thread +++ 24/11/18 Bradford City v OUFC +++

Should be 10 minutes of stoppage time for us against 10 men. Won't make much difference if we can't convert.
After the shambolic cockup of the last transfer window I am definitely not looking forward to the January one.
question ( unanswered from Oxvox open members meeting)is, where is ANY funding to improve the squad coming from?
mushroom treatment from the board and owner really isnt helpful IMO
question ( unanswered from Oxvox open members meeting)is, where is ANY funding to improve the squad coming from?
mushroom treatment from the board and owner really isnt helpful IMO

I’m still wondering why the process changed in how we pay HMRC which seemed to work effectively in the past.
I think with the last few mins I just hope Robinson brings in two strikers cos tbh we have been pretty poor in patches in this game and when we’ve been decent we just can’t bloody score
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