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Transfer News 2022/23 Season Incoming Transfers and a few other things

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Couple of questions...

Are you employed directly by the League of Ireland? Or individual clubs?

By the same token, what sort of commision do the League of Ireland pay you (or is it direct from each selling club)?

Is there a flat rate for touting their players around or do you have to prove you've specifically mentioned player X on a certain clubs forum for the commision to kick in?

Does the commison have a sell-on clause (i.e. it's in your interest to keep in the ear of the fanbase that said player is doing better than they are)?

How many other forums do you tout them all on? Is it mostly around League One? Abroad too?

Do you tout on social media too?

Do you do this service for any other emerging nation's players?

Fascinating line of work, more power to you.

We're doing well out of it, hope you are too.
No but I did hear someone had a new extension built after Gavin Whyte was sold
If you think that's a promotion winning League One defence you need your head checking. Spend your time abusing negative posters and yet you seem to think that defence is anywhere close to even a top half defence. Furthermore, Findlay hasn't even signed although you are repeatedly referencing the fact he has - even though we know deals can be hijacked at any moment.

If you genuinely think that another team is going to come in and hijack a deal that has already been agreed and completed, while the player is flying from the USA to Oxford to sign a contract, you’re the one that needs their head checking.

And yes, as it goes, I do think that defence is capable of challenging for promotion. Have you even bothered to look at how good Findlay is? What the fans of his previous club think of him? What type of defender he is, and what he can bring to the team? No. Of Course you haven’t. Ignorance is bliss - at least for you.

You’re happy to post the same mindless nonsense on this forum, day in, day out, yet because I challenge you on what you are saying, I’m abusing you? Some people might be happy to tolerate you and your shite, but I say it like it is, and that won’t change. If you think that’s abuse, then you really need to toughen up, buttercup!

I really do wonder how people like you, survive in the real world. If you have the same outlook on life, as you do towards your football club, you must lead a very miserable existence.

I’ll continue to lead a glass half-full kinda life, whilst you continue to smash your half-empty glass to pieces, 3 weeks into a transfer window.
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The way some people are posting is worrying they need to chill out there is more to life than a transfer window
Precisely, surely people are married or have kids and have more important things to think about. I don't think I have a seen this forum so full of so many great managers and tacticians. Far better to just enjoy your hobby and let the manager do the stressing.
If you genuinely think that another team is going to come in and hijack a deal that has already been agreed and completed, while the player is flying from the USA to Oxford to sign a contract, you’re the one that needs their head checking.

And yes, as it goes, I do think that defence is capable of challenging for promotion. Have you even bothered to look at how good Findlay is? What the fans of his previous club think of him? What type of defender he is, and what he can bring to the team? No. Of Course you haven’t. Ignorance is bliss - at least for you.

You’re happy to post the same mindless nonsense on this forum, day in, day out, yet because I challenge you on what you are saying, I’m abusing you? Some people might be happy to tolerate you and your shite, but I say it like it is, and that won’t change. If you think that’s abuse, then you really need to toughen up, buttercup!

I really do wonder how people like you, survive in the real world. If you have the same outlook on life, as you do towards your football club, you must lead a very miserable existence.

I’ll continue to lead a glass half-full kinda life, whilst you continue to smash your half-empty glass to pieces, 3 weeks into a transfer window.
I'm glass half-full about many things but not this transfer window, you don't abuse me but your messages to Leysboy on the other hand....

Until Findlay has been announced by the club and passed his medical I'm not considering him to have signed. I'm sure he's a good player but we need a hell of a lot more than that to be competitive.

I think you're ignorant to how strong teams are going to be in this division and the transfer business many of the other sides have done. We are severely lacking at the moment and are facing our 4th consecutive season of decline (awaits someone talking about points totals)

I'm glass half full about some things, half empty about others. If you want to think the world's rosy because we've signed a centre back after letting a quality one go, losing dependable players like Williams, not signing a single person yet and the players we are looking at having appalling injury records, then that's your perogative.

I'm still awaiting this amazing transfer business coming soon that many have been touted. There is no way no signing by the 9th July, 21 days before the feckin season starts, can POSSIBLY have been the plan.
Changed that for you!
AND I have edited it for you. "I know nothing." Is this how you hope to gain the trust of fans you will now be working with? OUSP, seems rather an odd place to offer your assistance, considering how vile you are on her towards other posters opinions, if they dare to differ from yours.
Now if there was a picking legs off spiders OU committee you'd be chairman.
I cannot see how the chairman of OUSP, has even allowed you to stand for a position
I'm glass half-full about many things but not this transfer window, you don't abuse me but your messages to Leysboy on the other hand....

Until Findlay has been announced by the club and passed his medical I'm not considering him to have signed. I'm sure he's a good player but we need a hell of a lot more than that to be competitive.

I think you're ignorant to how strong teams are going to be in this division and the transfer business many of the other sides have done. We are severely lacking at the moment and are facing our 4th consecutive season of decline (awaits someone talking about points totals)

I'm glass half full about some things, half empty about others. If you want to think the world's rosy because we've signed a centre back after letting a quality one go, losing dependable players like Williams, not signing a single person yet and the players we are looking at having appalling injury records, then that's your perogative.

I'm still awaiting this amazing transfer business coming soon that many have been touted. There is no way no signing by the 9th July, 21 days before the feckin season starts, can POSSIBLY have been the plan.

I've said before that if you listen to Robinson he is targeting the Coventry game for pre-season proper as far as games are concerned so if we haven't made 2, 3, 4 signings in the next week then you may begin to have a point.

Findlay was playing at the beginning of the week, he has been training continuously, fitness won't be an issue and 3 games and 2 weeks of training will be plenty for him to get an understanding with the team.

Gavin Whyte has been back in training a week and would have completed Championship level fitness testing. He knows the players and the club. If he was to come in then he'd be ready to go straight away.

Nicky Cadden has been given this weekend to decide so I'd expect him to sign early next week if he does. If he doesn't then we have at least 2 other left backs on our radar and you'd expect us to complete one of them soon.

Tyler Morton is undergoing PL fitness training and is apparently sorting out housing down here. Again, a player that should be fine with a few games and 2 weeks training together.

Then we have Jodi Jones and (maybe) a striker already training at the club.

So we could very quickly have players signed and ready to go for Derby.

It's not impossible for us to be having a squad like this in a weeks time, so please chill a little. And this certainly doesn't mean the others won't also be coming in. I'd expect at least one more striker, a winger or 2 and a young Irish player.

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AND I have edited it for you. "I know nothing." Is this how you hope to gain the trust of fans you will now be working with? OUSP, seems rather an odd place to offer your assistance, considering how vile you are on her towards other posters opinions, if they dare to differ from yours.
Now if there was a picking legs off spiders OU committee you'd be chairman.
I cannot see how the chairman of OUSP, has even allowed you to stand for a position

You do know that I'm not part of OUSP don't you?
I'm glass half-full about many things but not this transfer window, you don't abuse me but your messages to Leysboy on the other hand....

Until Findlay has been announced by the club and passed his medical I'm not considering him to have signed. I'm sure he's a good player but we need a hell of a lot more than that to be competitive.

I think you're ignorant to how strong teams are going to be in this division and the transfer business many of the other sides have done. We are severely lacking at the moment and are facing our 4th consecutive season of decline (awaits someone talking about points totals)

I'm glass half full about some things, half empty about others. If you want to think the world's rosy because we've signed a centre back after letting a quality one go, losing dependable players like Williams, not signing a single person yet and the players we are looking at having appalling injury records, then that's your perogative.

I'm still awaiting this amazing transfer business coming soon that many have been touted. There is no way no signing by the 9th July, 21 days before the feckin season starts, can POSSIBLY have been the plan.

Why do you have so much faith in those teams, yet you clearly have so little faith in the club that you support? You believe that all of these teams are going to be so strong, but what is that belief based on? Intuition? Facts? Nothing?

What business has been done that we should genuinely be concerned about? I’m not seeing much of anything, but maybe I’m missing something? It can all change in the space of a week, so instead of beating the club with the same old stick, why don’t you try a bit of patience, and look at the situation with a bit of objectivity?

Good things come to those who wait. Some signings may take a little longer, due to a number of reasons. For example: A player being overseas (Findlay), players being with their parent club for pre-season (Whyte/Morton etc), or we might have to do some extra negotiations to get the deal over the line (Cadden). There are so many factors at play, when it comes to a transfer. It’s not fair to say it was clearly not the plan, when really, none of us know whether it was or it wasn’t! We could sign 6 players in the next 6 days, and all of this noise becomes completely irrelevant..

You say you’re glass half-full about many things, but I am genuinely concerned by that statement. I’m really struggling to differentiate between your glasses? It’s not just this transfer window that you are inherently negative about, is it?

And for the 6th time this week, we have signed Ciaran Brown. Please stop saying we haven’t signed anyone, because it’s just not true. Statements like that, make it hard to take what you are saying, seriously.

Not one person has suggested that our transfer business will end when we announce Findlay. Of course we need more than him, and we will get more than him! You know FULL WELL, we are pursuing high-quality players, and high-quality players won’t just squat and cough, because the mighty Oxford are calling!

I look forward to having a decent conversation with you, once this period of hysteria has finally come to an end. It won’t be long. Have faith..
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Blimey. What’s your expectation for our league position may I ask?

Fairly high, because I think we’ll sign a new left back who would play ahead of Brown. Can’t be playing 2 left-footed CBs, everyone knows that
Why do you have so much faith in those teams, yet you clearly have so little faith in the club that you support? You believe that all of these teams are going to be so strong, but what is that belief based on? Intuition? Facts? Nothing?

What business has been done that we should genuinely be concerned about? I’m not seeing much of anything, but maybe I’m missing something? It can all change in the space of a week, so instead of beating the club with the same old stick, why don’t you try a bit of patience, and look at the situation with a bit of objectivity?

Good things come to those who wait. Some signings may take a little longer, due to a number of reasons. For example: A player being overseas (Findlay), players being with their parent club for pre-season (Whyte/Morton etc), or we might have to do some extra negotiations to get the deal over the line (Cadden). There are so many factors at play, when it comes to a transfer. It’s not fair to say it was clearly not the plan, when really, none of us know whether it was or it wasn’t! We could sign 6 players in the next 6 days, and all of this noise becomes completely irrelevant..

You say you’re glass half-full about many things, but I am genuinely concerned by that statement. I’m really struggling to differentiate between your glasses? It’s not just this transfer window that you are inherently negative about, is it?

And for the 6th time this week, we have signed Ciaran Brown. Please stop saying we haven’t signed anyone, because it’s just not true. Statements like that, make it hard to take what you are saying, seriously.

Not one person has suggested that our transfer business will end when we announce Findlay. Of course we need more than him, and we will get more than him! You know FULL WELL, we are pursuing high-quality players, and high-quality players won’t just squat and cough, because the mighty Oxford are calling!

I look forward to having a decent conversation with you, once this period of hysteria has finally come to an end. It won’t be long. Have faith..
Time will tell. I want you to be right, but I'm worried. Looking at players like JJ and a player who hasn't played in a year makes me fear groundhog day.

One last question before I try and cheer up and be patient: Do you think the fact we haven't signed anyone new yet (I refuse to count players we had last season on loans) is deliberate, or is a clear indicator we have missed out on targets?
One last question before I try and cheer up and be patient: Do you think the fact we haven't signed anyone new yet (I refuse to count players we had last season on loans) is deliberate, or is a clear indicator we have missed out on targets?

I wouldn’t say it’s deliberate, because of course, the club (and every other club?) will always want to get business done as quickly as possible. More often than not, that’s just not the reality of the situation. I am sure, given our decent recruitment history, targets would have been identified some time ago.

However, as I mentioned before, higher quality players will have higher-demands, and those deals will take longer to complete, due to the finances/conditions that those deals involve. There are plenty of free agents out there that we could sign in a matter of hours, but those aren’t necessarily the players that we need at the club, if we are serious about ‘going for it’ this season.

If we’re looking at bringing in the likes of Morton/Scarlett on loan, Cadden/Finlay/Devoy and Whyte on permanent deals, then yes, I can totally understand why those deals have taken a little longer to complete. We can sign shite for the sake of it, just to say that we have; or, we can take our time and ensure that the players we end up with, are the ones that we actually want, and are best for the team!

Up to this point, I am yet to think “b****r, we’ve missed out on xyz” - I suppose you can think that about every player that joins another club, but have we actually been interested in them? Probably not. It’s hard to give you a definite answer to your question, because I don’t know for sure. This is just my opinion.

I’m sure by this time next week, there will still be space on the positive bus. If all goes well, I hope to see you on it! [emoji4][emoji590]
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I wouldn’t say it’s deliberate, because of course, the club (and every other club?) will always want to get business done as quickly as possible. More often than not, that’s just not the reality of the situation. I am sure, given our decent recruitment history, targets would have been identified some time ago.

However, as I mentioned before, higher quality players will have higher-demands, and those deals will take longer to complete, due to the finances/conditions that those deals involve. There are plenty of free agents out there that we could sign in a matter of hours, but those aren’t necessarily the players that we need at the club, if we are serious about ‘going for it’ this season.

If we’re looking at bringing in the likes of Morton/Scarlett on loan, Cadden/Finlay/Devoy and Whyte on permanent deals, then yes, I can totally understand why those deals have taken a little longer to complete. We can sign shite for the sake of it, just to say that we have; or, we can take our time and ensure that the players we end up with, are the ones that we actually want, and are best for the team!

Up to this point, I am yet to think “b****r, we’ve missed out on xyz” - I suppose you can think that about every player that joins another club, but have we actually been interested in them? Probably not. It’s hard to give you a definite answer to your question, because I don’t know for sure. This is just my opinion.

I’m sure by this time next week, there will still be space on the positive bus. If all goes well, I hope to see you on it! [emoji4][emoji590]
You sure? According to Kip we’ve been in for and missed out on EVERY player that’s signed elsewhere in this league? 👀
If we are going to sign Morton I would say that’s an amazing signing! Played for Liverpool in crunch games I would have thought he would have gone on loan to championship rather than league one! Not sure I believe he will sign for us.
Apologies I’m a working man, and didn’t notice your post. Until you posted a rude reply today.

Here is an interesting stat

Playoff final defeat
Playoff semi final defeat
Fell short of the playoffs, and blew it ourselves against Morecambe,Plymouth, and Sunderland.

So following that pattern we can expect the club to slip slightly. Which is incredibly frustrating, because we should going in the opposite direction. I don’t believe KR will get this football club promoted. Whilst finishing in the playoffs is nice, we should be looking to take that extra step, yes other clubs are spending big wages, but they are in a s**t or bust scenario. Peterborough is a team that works the same model as us, and do it effectively. So if they can go up, so can we.
That’s not at all the point that was being made 😂. You’ve completely changed the conversation to do yourself a favour. You said we’re going to languish in mid table - where’s the proof? If we’re going to start talking about if/when he will get us promoted that’s a different debate all together. FWIW I don’t think he will either this year, but he won’t be mid table and he won’t have failed.

You chip in every day saying he’s going to get sacked because he hasn’t signed anyone. Could be his last at the club. He’s failing. It’s utter B*****s based on B*****s. You simply just don’t like the guy. And that’s fine, but it’s not a good enough reason to sack him.
Unlike the rest of you! I am truly in the know as my predictions will demonstrate in the weeks ahead:

A. We will either make no further signing or some signings
B. We will either finish in the top of the table, mid table, or towards the bottom

Now that’s cleared I hope we all go out, enjoy the sunshine, and have a lovely, relaxed weekend.
I've said before that if you listen to Robinson he is targeting the Coventry game for pre-season proper as far as games are concerned so if we haven't made 2, 3, 4 signings in the next week then you may begin to have a point.

Findlay was playing at the beginning of the week, he has been training continuously, fitness won't be an issue and 3 games and 2 weeks of training will be plenty for him to get an understanding with the team.

Gavin Whyte has been back in training a week and would have completed Championship level fitness testing. He knows the players and the club. If he was to come in then he'd be ready to go straight away.

Nicky Cadden has been given this weekend to decide so I'd expect him to sign early next week if he does. If he doesn't then we have at least 2 other left backs on our radar and you'd expect us to complete one of them soon.

Tyler Morton is undergoing PL fitness training and is apparently sorting out housing down here. Again, a player that should be fine with a few games and 2 weeks training together.

Then we have Jodi Jones and (maybe) a striker already training at the club.

So we could very quickly have players signed and ready to go for Derby.

It's not impossible for us to be having a squad like this in a weeks time, so please chill a little. And this certainly doesn't mean the others won't also be coming in. I'd expect at least one more striker, a winger or 2 and a young Irish player.

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Bloody genius tactics. I always thought we should put a keeper up front and a striker or 2 in goal. I like how you've given them double barrelled names too, always good for moral
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