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Well-known member
11 Dec 2017
Mousinho goes and we’re almost immediately a bunch of headless chickens. Is there anyone on the playing staff who can step up?

Moore’s a decent centre back but he’s captain in name only, there’s no one on the pitch driving standards.

Have no idea on dressing room politics but surely isn’t it time to give Long the armband?
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Perhaps the football management could have a think about that?

Welcome back, Rip van Winkle BTW (y)
Mousiniho was a huge loss, now made worse with Taylor jumping ship too.

It’s interesting that Robinson goes to great pains to let us all know how he’s great friends with both Mous and Taylor, and yet it is he who has created a situation and atmosphere where even our most senior pros both wanted out.
Yes, classic Orkney/ Mous was there last night sitting two along from me - all we kept getting was a roll of his eyes - he knows what's happening!
Were Wayne Brown and Leon B-S both missing from the dug out last night?
It’s just weird. The desperation both last night and pre-Ipswich in telling everybody what great mates he is with them, how they’ll always speak on the phone etc. Bizarre behaviour.

Karl talking to a farmer early this morning:

Have no idea on dressing room politics but surely isn’t it time to give Long the armband?

Maybe - although there's an argument that he shouldn't even be in the team at the moment.

Yes, he's our best CB in terms of bringing the ball out, but I'd argue that he's probably our 4th best defender at the position right now. His play for the second goal on Wednesday was just bizarre - he's our CB, we're scrapping for the ball on the far left touchline, and he's pushing up ten yards into the opposition half and getting taken out of the play by the simplest of rolled passes, leaving them 3-on-2.

If we go to 3-5-2 (as we should) then I can see the argument for having Long in there; but if we stick with four at the back, I would rather see Findlay or Brown at LCB. We're in a scrap, and we've got to tighten up defensively.
Mousinho goes and we’re almost immediately a bunch of headless chickens. Is there anyone on the playing staff who can step up?

Moore’s a decent centre back but he’s captain in name only, there’s no one on the pitch driving standards.

Have no idea on dressing room politics but surely isn’t it time to give Long the armband?
agree - not necessarily the best player we have- but always gives his all. And he's one of our own
And also what was very noticeable there, is that if this was not long after Smith missed that good chance to lob the keeper (I think it was), then it is an appalling lack of teamwork that he was left standing on his own . Moore or someone should be with him, encouraging him - or if you prefer a different approach, giving him a bollocking! (No seriously suggesting the latter). But for pity's sake communicate with him!!!
Reference the missing coaching staff, I know just what we can do. A couple of blow up dummy's, stick a photo of the missing staff member on the face of each dummy and, lo and behold, Karl will feel so much better!
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