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Engerland v The Sweaties

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Poor first half after the first ten min ....bring on grealish
Sterling lost the ball more times than he passed it. Can we please sub him for Grealish.

I expect ultra safe Southgate will stick with the current 11.
Well that was good (not) it can only get better and hopefully we turn up at half time because we haven’t arrived yet get mount off bring grealish on and James he’s done nothing get trippier on
I’m not terribly unhappy with that. It’s very apparent we need to move the ball more quickly - but beyond a couple of moments it was largely pretty calm and controlled from England. It’s important not to lose our heads in a game like this.

Based on Scotland’s system and the pattern of play, we’ve got too many water carriers in the middle of the pitch. We don’t need Rice, Phillips and Mount all dropping short and passing five yards either side.

Grealish for me. Either he slots in to the midfield 3 instead of one of Mount/Phillips, or we play him further forward and put Foden more centrally.

Phillips may as well not be playing. He hasn’t been needed to break up play or crowd the midfield (where he was excellent against Croatia) and he doesn’t have the attributes required to break the lines or unpick a team who are playing almost a flat back 5 when we have the ball…
Said it after the first game - Mount, Phillips and Rice are all decent players, but as a midfield three, they're a really conservative choice. Not enough creativity to open up international defenses (even Scotland's).

Compounded today by the fact that all of the front three are having mares.

I want to see Foden back in the midfield three (probably in place of Mount) and then someone with pace and skill (probably Sancho) in the right sided forward role.

Otherwise we're just going to trundle to either a 0-0 or a tedious 1-0 decided one way or the other by a set piece.
Crikey what a poor showing. Hopefully England get it together at half time and kick one in the Scotland net in the second half.
I’m not terribly unhappy with that. It’s very apparent we need to move the ball more quickly - but beyond a couple of moments it was largely pretty calm and controlled from England. It’s important not to lose our heads in a game like this.

Based on Scotland’s system and the pattern of play, we’ve got too many water carriers in the middle of the pitch. We don’t need Rice, Phillips and Mount all dropping short and passing five yards either side.

Grealish for me. Either he slots in to the midfield 3 instead of one of Mount/Phillips, or we play him further forward and put Foden more centrally.

Phillips may as well not be playing. He hasn’t been needed to break up play or crowd the midfield (where he was excellent against Croatia) and he doesn’t have the attributes required to break the lines or unpick a team who are playing almost a flat back 5 when we have the ball…
We’ve not been that controlling to many divas out there tonight, Kane has to go off so does Sterling and possibly James
We’ve not been that controlling to many divas out there tonight, Kane has to go off so does Sterling and possibly James

Not so much that England have controlled the game - but more saying we’ve delivered a measured showing and haven’t got suckered into a mucky, tackles in the rain, end to end grudge match derby - which Scotland would prefer
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