National News Boris Johnson - Ousted Former PM

I'm sure lots of people are holding their nose/shielding their eyes whilst supporting this government because they see no tangible, realistic or palatable alternative. I think this is part due to further entrenchment/tribalism that has been encouraged by the media and exacerbated by extremely complicated issues being presented as a binary choices with little or no attempt at are either with us or against us.

Many cannot countenance being "against" even though much of what they see by being "for" smells very bad indeed. As bad as it may smell, they cannot countenance supporting an alternative, particularly for some if they are labouring under the misapprehension that they will be worse off as individuals if they did.

The situation again is not made any better by a simple binary win or lose voting system in FPTP. It is extremely backward and a disservice to true democracy which should work for the vast majority of people most of the time, surely.

And this is precisely why the whole issue of standards, morality and proberty in public life should be a massive issue people are made to care about. They work for us and use/misappropriate our money while doing it. They should be beyond reproach, rather than the snake oil salespeople we currently have to endure.

As an aside, It will be interesting the see the political direction Germany takes when Mutti finally shuffles off. A few weeks ago a CDU/Green coalition seemed likely, but now it seems the greens are forging ahead and could easily be the ones that pick and choose who they go into coalition with. The Greens political stance is pretty centerist and obviously majors on climate change and socially responsibility and reform as well as "making politics for society at large". As they aren't particularly left or right, it will be interesting to see if they can hoover up enough wavering voters who've had enough of the traditional parties and whether or not this will be somewhat of a blueprint of alternatives elsewhere.
I think Rishi Sunak would be a good Tory leader however I think race would come into it
I would really hope not.

Anyone who thinks skin colour, ethnicity, gender or sexuality is a reason not to vote for someone in the 21st Century, really deserves to forgo that right.

An extremely sad reflection on society if that is the case (and I am not at all convinced it is).
Does anyone remember all the talk of "levelling up"[emoji848]
Does anyone remember all the talk of "levelling up"[emoji848]

Neil O’Brien, the Conservative MP for Harborough in Leicestershire, is to be the Prime Minister's levelling up "tsar."

Hartlepool will be a litmus test......... Labour will get slaughtered and rightly so.

Unfortunately Kier appears to be haemorrhaging support faster than Boris for all the dalliances.
Neil O’Brien, the Conservative MP for Harborough in Leicestershire, is to be the Prime Minister's levelling up "tsar."

Hartlepool will be a litmus test......... Labour will get slaughtered and rightly so.

Unfortunately Kier appears to be haemorrhaging support faster than Boris for all the dalliances.
That's not how you spell tosser :ROFLMAO:
’The sailing set’, ‘gullible’, ‘stupid’, ‘vacuous’, ‘ignorant’?
As deflections from the inadequacies of the Labour Party go, these are special.
I don’t necessarily revel in seeing a rudderless political party, struggling to find their identity and especially when they’re in opposition but the longer the Keir Starmer s**t show continues the longer the Conservatives go on without credible challenge.
Appalling election results tomorrow may just be a blessing for his party in finding a new leader.
Yes but who?
I would really hope not.

Anyone who thinks skin colour, ethnicity, gender or sexuality is a reason not to vote for someone in the 21st Century, really deserves to forgo that right.

An extremely sad reflection on society if that is the case (and I am not at all convinced it is).
Unfortunately there are people who think that.
I’m no expert @Wallop but Angela Rayner?
Whether she’s what the party and electorate want, or need, is another question.
God no.

I thought Lisa Nandy performed well during the last leadership race but does she have leadership qualities? Maybe they can persuade Rory Stewart to help them out.
God no.

I thought Lisa Nandy performed well during the last leadership race but does she have leadership qualities? Maybe they can persuade Rory Stewart to help them out.
No one stands out, that’s the party’s problem, but by making Rayner deputy leader they must have had half an eye on her future leadership potential?
No one stands out, that’s the party’s problem, but by making Rayner deputy leader they must have had half an eye on her future leadership potential?
Sunak aside (and sadly as Bazzer thinks, he may not be a popular choice) Who stands out for the Tories :unsure:
Sunak aside (and sadly as Bazzer thinks, he may not be a popular choice) Who stands out for the Tories :unsure:
I am not affiliated to any political party but Mercer, Raab (yes, really), Sunak as you say, Zahawi are all better candidates than any Labour bigwigs. What a truly sorry state of affairs that represents.
I am not affiliated to any political party but Mercer, Raab (yes, really), Sunak as you say, Zahawi are all better candidates than any Labour bigwigs. What a truly sorry state of affairs that represents.
Posh doesn't mean better.
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