National News Rishi Sunak


Well-known member
21 May 2019
In a country* with fair laws this would be theft borne from greed.


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*country :)

Try and get the link right during your righteous indignation.

Envy & jealousy are unpleasant bedfellows.

Being from a successful business background suggests he is abundantly qualified for the post as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Maybe you don`t like it because of his skin colour.... or that he`s Hindu... or a teetotaller?
I find it so strange that when a left wing leader says ‘we should tax the rich more!’ and then the right wing media finds out they’re actually rich themselves and goes ‘Ooh! Hypocrite!!’

Well... no? They’re actually going with what they believe in, not acting in self interest. They’re not saying people shouldn’t be allowed to be rich, they’re saying that people with unimaginable wealth to most should pay a little more so that they can continue living in a nice society where everyone has free healthcare, the bins get taken every week and the roads are fixed.

The point in this instance is Rishi is both rich, and advocating tax breaks for the rich. He’s in power and enacting polices which benefit him, and a tiny proportion of the country, not the majority.
Envy & jealousy are unpleasant bedfellows.
Yeah, yeah yeah. If you are rich and criticise you are hypocritical and if you are poor you are jealous. Great way to justify greed? Grow up.

I've never posted on here ever to say I want more of anything for myself (other than goals 😁). I want much a better education system, better hospitals etc which we won't get with greedy bastards like Sunak in power. Period.
I find it so strange that when a left wing leader says ‘we should tax the rich more!’ and then the right wing media finds out they’re actually rich themselves and goes ‘Ooh! Hypocrite!!’

Well... no? They’re actually going with what they believe in, not acting in self interest. They’re not saying people shouldn’t be allowed to be rich, they’re saying that people with unimaginable wealth to most should pay a little more so that they can continue living in a nice society where everyone has free healthcare, the bins get taken every week and the roads are fixed.

The point in this instance is Rishi is both rich, and advocating tax breaks for the rich. He’s in power and enacting polices which benefit him, and a tiny proportion of the country, not the majority.

Show me a politician that hasn`t benefited from their position either by enacting policies or personal gain.

What is "unimaginable wealth"? It`s all proportionate if Rishi has many houses then that is much council tax going into the system equally it`s a hefty upkeep cost, employing folk to maintain and repair them..... it`s how a pyramid system works.
There are a few at the top and more at the bottom.... always has been always will be.
Even in ultra-communist countries not everyone is equal.... it`s a pipe dream that everyone can be.
Show me a politician that hasn`t benefited from their position either by enacting policies or personal gain.

What is "unimaginable wealth"? It`s all proportionate if Rishi has many houses then that is much council tax going into the system equally it`s a hefty upkeep cost, employing folk to maintain and repair them..... it`s how a pyramid system works.
There are a few at the top and more at the bottom.... always has been always will be.
Even in ultra-communist countries not everyone is equal.... it`s a pipe dream that everyone can be.
Council tax is an incredibly regressive tax hugely benefiting the obscenely rich.

I thought you were against pyramid systems? 🤔

The amount of his wealth he will 'recyle' employing people etc will be minimal compared to the wealth tied up in his properties. What could a proportion of that money do for the country if invested in say education? Which itself will be 'recycled' in employing a whole raft of people with different skills.
Show me a politician that hasn`t benefited from their position either by enacting policies or personal gain.

What is "unimaginable wealth"? It`s all proportionate if Rishi has many houses then that is much council tax going into the system equally it`s a hefty upkeep cost, employing folk to maintain and repair them..... it`s how a pyramid system works.
There are a few at the top and more at the bottom.... always has been always will be.
Even in ultra-communist countries not everyone is equal.... it`s a pipe dream that everyone can be.
He had many faults but I’m pretty sure that Jeremy Corbyn didn’t have any policies which were purely for personal gain. Bernie Sanders is another similar one. Plenty to criticise about both but that kind of person does what they think is right, rather what will make them and their cronies rich, like the Boris Johnsons/Donald Trumps of this world.

Also I never said that everyone should have equal money, it’s funny how the right immediately go to that, like they don’t see a difference between billionaires paying their way and extreme communism! There’s a middle ground somewhere to be found, but Rishi Sunak ain’t it.
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His father-in-law is a billionaire. Fair play to Sunak and the family he’s married in to, they’ve obviously been very successful at what they do. Nowt wrong with that.
Hail the thieves.
If he's so rich, why bother working? Why take a job as a politician? Why put himself in the public eye?
If he's so rich, why bother working? Why take a job as a politician? Why put himself in the public eye?
Being in a position to keep the morally corrupt laws in place allows him to protect and increase his wealth.

The only way Blair's Labour gained powers was to concede to the wishes of those with the money.
Being in a position to keep the morally corrupt laws in place allows him to protect and increase his wealth.

The only way Blair's Labour gained powers was to concede to the wishes of those with the money.
Best you vote him out then.

That's how democracy works.
Plenty of politicians do it for the ego massage and power trip, that much is obvious. Plenty do it as a way of preserving existing systems and keeping the wealth where it is (in the hands of the 1%) and some do it because they want to make a difference and change the way things are for so many have nots.
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Best you vote him out then.

That's how democracy works.
Depends on what you want democracy to achieve really. If your reason to vote is to preserve what you got and try to make yourself richer, the you will vote a certain way. If you care more for others and making sure those without have bit of a better life, you might choose to vote another.

It depends what your motivating factors are (and how much bullshit you are prepared to swallow).
Not in a 'first past the post' system it doesn't. It allow a minority to gain power and act as if it's won the majority of the votes. Which is wrong be it Labour or Tory.
Sadly though it isn’t going to change - another Cleggy embarrassment when ‘in power’
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