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Brexit Party Rally

Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. Those who want such a government / social organisation are fascists. If you want self governance under such a system you are a fascist. If 'putting your own house in order' involves wanting an authoritarian and nationalistic right wing system of government that's fascism.

Why are you associating a 'Franco-German alliance' (which doesn't actually exist, by the way) with fascism? Putin's Russia is a fascist entity, the EU is not. And why are you associating the efforts of world war veterans with a vote to leave the EU?

Yep, freedom and democracy, and to free Europe and save ourselves from fascist dictatorships. Anyone who actually believes the EU in any way replicates a fascist dictatorship needs to understand the term better. It was noticeable during the DDay commemoration how many veterans spoke proudly of being European.

........characterised by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

Sounds like the EU to me....................................... ;) (y)
........characterised by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

Sounds like the EU to me....................................... ;) (y)
... and very much like the tory party too ;)
Dictatorial power? No. We have a vote on anything proposed, and a veto on anything we don't like.

Forcible suppression of opposition? No. Members disagree and use vetoes all the time without any 'punishment'.

Strong regimentation of society? No. The 28 members can run their own societies as they choose.

Strong regimentation of the economy? To a certain extent, yes. It's a European Union. Playing by the same rules is what makes it tick, although some members bother more about obeying the rules than others (France).

So, the EU is not an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organisation, nor is it characterised by the factors you list, barring (possibly) the last one. Hardly a strong case for calling the EU fascist.
How would you describe Stalinist USSR or our lovely democratic Chinese republic ? Dissidents are disposed of quietly and if you don't agree with the regimes them gulag for you ....
Strange thing to lie about. Most GPs will sort your ears.
Dictatorial power? No. We have a vote on anything proposed, and a veto on anything we don't like.
Unless we have 3 allies we can NOT "veto anything we don` like". (1)

Forcible suppression of opposition? No. Members disagree and use vetoes all the time without any 'punishment'.
We voted to leave.... we are still "in", making it difficult for folk to leave could be perceived as "punishment".

Strong regimentation of society? No. The 28 members can run their own societies as they choose.
Within the over arching legal regulation.(2)

Strong regimentation of the economy? To a certain extent, yes. It's a European Union. Playing by the same rules is what makes it tick, although some members bother more about obeying the rules than others (France).
You play by the rules or get an "exemption" then? Like France..... ?

So, the EU is not an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organisation, nor is it characterised by the factors you list, barring (possibly) the last one. Hardly a strong case for calling the EU fascist.

It is more totalitarian now than it has ever been and wants more unity, more money and more control...... some of us saw that coming and how far it is now from the Common Market we joined...hence we voted to Leave.

Source 1: https://fullfact.org/europe/british-influence-eu-council-ministers/
Source 2 : https://ukandeu.ac.uk/fact-figures/does-eu-law-take-precedence-over-uk-law/
I know. What's that got to do with opposing fascism in Europe? I've already described Putin's regime as fascist. Are you suggesting that because I oppose extreme right wing organisations I must be a communist of left wing agitator? To make that assumption would be baffling.

I'll make it simple. Overt racism, from 'Britain First' type scumbags or its milder factions like UKIP is unnacceptable. Fascist repressive regimes as in Russia and China are equally abhorrent.
I wonder what you term as racism though , nationalism? Or just disagreeing with your point of view ?
What do you describe yourself as all you post is anti right wing stuff
I think calling Britain First and their ilk 'scumbags' is both mild and appropriate. I sincerely doubt that organisation is in the least interested in 'building dialogue' - they are racists with an extreme agenda.
Good for you. I admire your understanding. What's your view on the group 'Sonnenkrieg Division' who recently branded Prince Harry a race traitor and called for the rape and murder of white women who have relationships with black men? They are scumbags with whom I have no interest in building dialogue or understanding any concerns they might have.

The man who killed Jo Cox was associated with Britain First and considered murdering her reasonable because of her 'treason'. I would argue that a civilised society should have no interest in 'understanding' such people. What was his 'serious concern', I wonder, other than pure hatred?
What has that got to do with the massive generalisations who have said ? So we should blame every muslim for the murders of children in Manchester ?
Anyone who joins Sonnenkrieg Division or an organisation with similar aims knows exactly what they're doing and exactly what they believe in. Your analogy does not hold water. Of course not every Muslim is responsible for the acts of a Muslim extremist, but conversely every member of Sonnenkrieg IS culpable for anything any member of that organisation does, hence why it's illegal to join such extremist organisations and why membership could and should lead to imprisonment.
You are bringing up an obscure , racist fantasists and comparing them with the britain first group , The fact that you quote them as being some influential group is interesting
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