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Boris (spaffing the facts) Johnson

There’ll be lots of dirt dug up on the candidates before the election.
Rory Stewart owned up to smoking opium in Iran fifteen years ago. He does look like a nerdy schoolboy so we can rule him out. He’s also anti brexit unlike virtually all the others.
I don’t think Boris will win. Probably Gove but Raab will no doubt do well and end up with a high profile job

Slightly ironic that Rory Stewart is described as being anti-Brexit when he has been the main cheerleader for the deal which would have taken us out in March if enough Tories had backed it.

His anti-No Deal rhetoric will mean the only way he can possibly win is by being the only candidate standing and it not being voted on by the Membership (which ain’t gonna happen).

If you want an insight into Stewart, give his recent Political Thinking podcast a listen. A good episode (as they all are generally).
For my money, the candidate who sounds most 'human' and who I'd like to see as leader is Rory Stewart. His problem is he looks a bit like a nerdy schoolboy and probably doesn't come across as statesmanlike enough. Realistically it will be Gove.
Who cares what a person looks like. Superficial. Honest, tough intellligent bloke whose dad was one of the top dogs at M6.

Like his style.
Slightly ironic that Rory Stewart is described as being anti-Brexit when he has been the main cheerleader for the deal which would have taken us out in March if enough Tories had backed it.

His anti-No Deal rhetoric will mean the only way he can possibly win is by being the only candidate standing and it not being voted on by the Membership (which ain’t gonna happen).

If you want an insight into Stewart, give his recent Political Thinking podcast a listen. A good episode (as they all are generally).
How are you so sure? Media love talking about Johnson because he’s one of their own.

You’d be surprised about the Tory membership. If they’d actually been given the chance to vote in 2016 leadership election things could have been so different. Stewart is doing ‘well in the polls’ according to Conservative Home sources.

Most members want a deal done quickly and most are more worried about prospect of far left Government.

I like Stewart ; thoughtful guy whose dad ran MI6.

Watch Cleverly as well; popular with rank and file and a straight shooter.
How are you so sure? Media love talking about Johnson because he’s one of their own.

You’d be surprised about the Tory membership. If they’d actually been given the chance to vote in 2016 leadership election things could have been so different. Stewart is doing ‘well in the polls’ according to Conservative Home sources.

Most members want a deal done quickly and most are more worried about prospect of far left Government.

I like Stewart ; thoughtful guy whose dad ran MI6.

Watch Cleverly as well; popular with rank and file and a straight shooter.

Cleverly is awful in front of a camera from what I've seen and doesn't look like he means what he says. On the Local elections night coverage, his attempts at deflection were genuinely laughable to the point Emily Thornberry started taking the mickey!

Stewart definitely seems the best of the bunch and appears to actually mean what he says*.

*He is a politician so that may not be the case.
Slightly ironic that Rory Stewart is described as being anti-Brexit when he has been the main cheerleader for the deal which would have taken us out in March if enough Tories had backed it.

His anti-No Deal rhetoric will mean the only way he can possibly win is by being the only candidate standing and it not being voted on by the Membership (which ain’t gonna happen).

If you want an insight into Stewart, give his recent Political Thinking podcast a listen. A good episode (as they all are generally).

Great tip, makes a great listen. Guy is very switched on. Hates "buzz words" likes honest language as well............. gets my vote!! ? (y)
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This is a load of bollox it goes to show how scared people are of Boris.
Why now? Why not 3 years ago.
Do you honestly think the 350 million payment to the Eu weekly was a lie, I think there is a bit more intelligence with the leave who would know what we pay to the Eu. What was wrong was the message on the side of the bus saying we could use the 350 million for the NHS instead with the operative word Instead, which how it was worded on the side of the bus.
From what I heard on the news about this fake figure that Boris used (did he say it? or was it just on the side of the bus) the true figure was not 350 million because we get a rebate so technically we give 350 million but we do get some back in the form of a rebate. But as far as I can see we do give 350 million, so where is the lie the remainer businessman who crowd funded to bring a private prosecution, he’s worried.
My understanding is that what was misleading was not so much the amount of money, but how it would/could be used. I remember Farage conveniently saying that there had bee some 'mistakes' in the calculations. just before he resigned. Boris has simply misrepresented the certain facts.
The fact is though that misrepresentation is hardly new, but this action against Johnson is an indication of the general mistrust which is now heightened.
I like Rory Stewart.
No spin.
Doesn’t speak just for the sake of it( question time last night)
Given the chance, I think he’s a politician,for not only dealing with the here and now, but who also looks beyond the usual 5 year cycle.
As an MP, he’d get my vote-whatever party.
I like Rory Stewart.
No spin.
Doesn’t speak just for the sake of it( question time last night)
Given the chance, I think he’s a politician,for not only dealing with the here and now, but who also looks beyond the usual 5 year cycle.
As an MP, he’d get my vote-whatever party.

He spoke a lot of sense on QT last night

problem with todays politics is appearance carries a lot of weight with some elements of the media

Stewart unfortunately does (to me) look like a cross between a posh school geek and a Thunderbirds villain
Cleverly is awful in front of a camera from what I've seen and doesn't look like he means what he says. On the Local elections night coverage, his attempts at deflection were genuinely laughable to the point Emily Thornberry started taking the mickey!

Stewart definitely seems the best of the bunch and appears to actually mean what he says*.

*He is a politician so that may not be the case.
But Emily Thornberry is another obstinate cow after Theresa May of course
My understanding is that what was misleading was not so much the amount of money, but how it would/could be used. I remember Farage conveniently saying that there had bee some 'mistakes' in the calculations. just before he resigned. Boris has simply misrepresented the certain facts.
The fact is though that misrepresentation is hardly new, but this action against Johnson is an indication of the general mistrust which is now heightened.
It’s more of being scared ? f someone that would kick the Eu’s a**e, and also the fella that is bringing this action had spent part of his crowd funding £50,000 apparently on sweeteners to gain further support, but at the end of the day what do we know....we’re just the people who vote.
It’s more of being scared ? f someone that would kick the Eu’s a**e, and also the fella that is bringing this action had spent part of his crowd funding £50,000 apparently on sweeteners to gain further support, but at the end of the day what do we know....we’re just the people who vote.
interesting piece in the independant .... on how we ended up in the mess known as Brexit

worth a read IMO

interesting piece in the independant .... on how we ended up in the mess known as Brexit

worth a read IMO

Just read it and I agree. Isn't it amazing how the misrepresentation of facts (with particular reference to immigration) plays into the electorates fears.
Gove looks like a Trumpton puppet and he just doesnt "get it", as he claimed he did recently to climate change protestors. Less charisma than May and slimey. Such a typical Tory. He makes tiny token gestures like banning plastic straws and cups but is a huge supporter of the plastic industry. He is an eco terrorist for his lack of real action. Regardless who gets the PM role, I think they will all be seen as part of the Brexit problem - they all have different solutions to Brexit and it has really highlighted the problems with the split in the party. Gove was one of the "lying initiators" and as culpable as Boris- the others just Tory wannabe highflyers. Are we just supposed to forgive and forget that their lack of action has contributed to this mess? The Tories as a party in their current form are gone, and Labour look likely to need to split. Change screwed up so badly already they will be reinvented by summer. I genuinely dont think anyone wants to be in power right now, but we may then get a transient party like Brexit to take us out and they look like likely to hold all the cards after a GE - no majority but enough to create a coalition under their terms?. We could easily become another Italy, with a change of PM /vote of no confidence in a new government every few months, until they sort this mess out. If we dont have a house which can come to a vote, then change the members of the house. I would say @ 31/05/2019 we have formally left, so there can be no further debate (other than at a GE a party promoting we rejoin) but keep trade flowing for 2 years until a new bespoke agreement is in place. We hold all the cards then. They can't decide they will tariff our goods - their industrial powerhouses won't let them. Surely even Gove sees that.
How would Boris kick the EU's a**e? What would he do? What would he say? How would he interact with other EU leaders? And why on earth would anyone be scared of him? You're heavy on emotion as usual Baz, but short on facts or anything to support your claim.
One thing is for certain he won’t lie down and roll over. The problem we have are idiot MP’s who don’t want to carry out the referendum result irrespective of how their constituencies voted.
At worst Boris would try and go for a no deal, but I’m sure he would want a decent deal.
Just heard the Director General of the CBI saying that a 'no deal Brexit' would be disastrous for British Industry, a view shared by the vast majority (90%+ was mentioned) of business owners who are members of the CBI.

Still, what the f**k do they know? I'd rather believe the man of the Clapham omnibus who thinks we should 'just get out' and hope everything turns out OK.

The same CBI whose "independence" in the Brexit debate has been somewhat undermined because it received more than £1,000,000+ in funding from the European Commission between 2009 - 2016?

The same CBI that only polls its members then represents that as the "view of all business" ? Not just its club?

The same CBI that greatly benefits from cheap labour?

There are 5.2 million businesses in the UK....... yet the CBI only speak for (roughly) 33% of them (mostly the large ones who can afford the fee`s...)
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One thing is for certain he won’t lie down and roll over. The problem we have are idiot MP’s who don’t want to carry out the referendum result irrespective of how their constituencies voted.
At worst Boris would try and go for a no deal, but I’m sure he would want a decent deal.

Boris would want a deal that's good for Boris, no more no less.

If you can take comfort in the fact that he'll attempt this whilst vocalising bullishly then good for you.

I can't.
Just read it and I agree. Isn't it amazing how the misrepresentation of facts (with particular reference to immigration) plays into the electorates fears.

If it didn't we wouldn't have an electorate.
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