General OxVox stance on covid 19?


God like member
6 Dec 2017
given the current climate/covid 19 situation , have OxVox committe pressed the board/ club regarding inconsistencies between the oufc(efl driven?) Policy on covid 19 and the lack of soap, hot or even warm water and non working hand driers in both male and female toilets under east, north and south stands ? Have OxVox been in communication with Stadco on the subject?

Wash your hands frequently & thoroughly is the advice given, but as we are all aware hand washing facilities at the breeze block are way below basic standards for frequent and thorough hand washing

As neither the board or stado appear to be taking the situation seriously as neither appear to be taking nhs advice seriously, should OxVox committee be contacting local media (ox mail, radio oxford, bbc south etc) to 'shame' both the board and stadco into addressing the serious lack of duty of care (to paying customers)

Isnt there an oxvox committee representative on the breeze block safety 'team'? Is said safety team pressing stado to rectify the situation?

should all the above fail to instigate immediate remedial action maybe oxvox committee should involve the council environmental health dept ?

Its all so well and good the club issuing a statement/policy on covid 19, but as things stand those words are hollow and somewhat contemptuous of paying customers, while the hand washing facilities are practically non existant, as they are currently.
Just saw a news item about the Cheltenham Festival which is going ahead. What I noted was that there were loads and loads of hand gel points for the punters, so it seems Cheltenham are taking the duty of care to thier customers seriously. I am hearing nothing from the club stadco or any of the football authorities whether they are putting anything in place to try and protect their fans. Plenty of tweets to try and encourage the folk of the shire to turn up but nothing on how they are trying to help protect us. The male toilets at most football grounds are designed for pre cofid19 male poor hygiene. Things have changed and as someone who falls into the at risk group on a number of levels I am having to think very seriously if I am going to be able to see my season ticket out. The club oxvox (I am a member) and stadco are not helping me in this delima.
Have just emailed oxvox to ask the question
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Be careful what you wish for, they may decide it is more "economically efficient" to close the stadium and fudge the club.

I`m not saying that is right but it is the notorious slum landlord with his hand on the helm.....
Good point Sarge.
Kassam has never looked after the facilities and this is pretty unacceptable at the moment.
Hopefully all will be ok by Saturday ?
I plan to take some wipes in case I need use the facilities, but will get on as normal. I'll assume the Stadco will do sweet FA (why change the habit of a lifetime) so a little caution is better than nothing.
Whilst replumbing the site to run hotwater is major investment and uikely to be achievable by Saturday, it surely is feasible to provide hand sanitiser at multiple points.
I plan to take some wipes in case I need use the facilities, but will get on as normal. I'll assume the Stadco will do sweet FA (why change the habit of a lifetime) so a little caution is better than nothing.

Wipes only work on hard, non-porous surfaces not skin.
Be careful what you wish for, they may decide it is more "economically efficient" to close the stadium and fudge the club.

I`m not saying that is right but it is the notorious slum landlord with his hand on the helm.....
Close the stadium rather than provide decent washing facilities in the stadium?
Surely even Kassam wouldng do that??
In reality, it's quick wipe of the tap to wash my hands and hope the dryer is working!
It’s really ironic last season I only saw the last 5 games at home due to lymphoma and due to that a non existent immune system, and this season 5 home games of which I am still not convinced that I should go to as I am for my own health
given the current climate/covid 19 situation , have OxVox committe pressed the board/ club regarding inconsistencies between the oufc(efl driven?) Policy on covid 19 and the lack of soap, hot or even warm water and non working hand driers in both male and female toilets under east, north and south stands ? Have OxVox been in communication with Stadco on the subject?

Wash your hands frequently & thoroughly is the advice given, but as we are all aware hand washing facilities at the breeze block are way below basic standards for frequent and thorough hand washing

As neither the board or stado appear to be taking the situation seriously as neither appear to be taking nhs advice seriously, should OxVox committee be contacting local media (ox mail, radio oxford, bbc south etc) to 'shame' both the board and stadco into addressing the serious lack of duty of care (to paying customers)

Isnt there an oxvox committee representative on the breeze block safety 'team'? Is said safety team pressing stado to rectify the situation?

should all the above fail to instigate immediate remedial action maybe oxvox committee should involve the council environmental health dept ?

Its all so well and good the club issuing a statement/policy on covid 19, but as things stand those words are hollow and somewhat contemptuous of paying customers, while the hand washing facilities are practically non existant, as they are currently.
As anyone in the NS knows who uses the one regular toilet facility for the Oxford part of the stand, there a row of I think 4 basins in a row and a single basin the other end, there are two paper towel dispensing machines that are normally empty before half time, I think at least one proberbly two more paper towel holders should be put in the NS toilets along with four gel points, this is a very small cost to be able to try and keep customers safe and should be implemented immediately throughout the stadium.

Football in general has an arrogance around this sort of stuff, but the customers should be their first priority.
Close the stadium rather than provide decent washing facilities in the stadium?
Surely even Kassam wouldng do that??

You reckon?
Closing the ground, or playing behind closed doors, the club probably have to pay the same under the lease.
Installing washing facilities that he hasn`t bothered with for the last decade.......... at a cost...
Close the stadium rather than provide decent washing facilities in the stadium?
Surely even Kassam wouldng do that??
why would a lifelong slum landlord give a flying f**k, when, presumably he gets his rent paid to him anyway (as per -really crap- contract)?
As anyone in the NS knows who uses the one regular toilet facility for the Oxford part of the stand, there a row of I think 4 basins in a row and a single basin the other end, there are two paper towel dispensing machines that are normally empty before half time, I think at least one proberbly two more paper towel holders should be put in the NS toilets along with four gel points, this is a very small cost to be able to try and keep customers safe and should be implemented immediately throughout the stadium.

Football in general has an arrogance around this sort of stuff, but the customers should be their first priority.

You have paper towel holders?? It would be nice if the East Stand had them as I don't use the airdryers.

Dr Harries said cancelling big outdoor events like football matches would not necessarily be a decision supported by science.

"The virus will not survive very long outside," she said. "Many outdoor events, particularly, are relatively safe."

? :)

Dr Harries said cancelling big outdoor events like football matches would not necessarily be a decision supported by science.

"The virus will not survive very long outside," she said. "Many outdoor events, particularly, are relatively safe."

? :)
Yep.... its events in small(er) intimate indoor venues where the risk is higher - pubs, clubs, live music venues etc
Local councils in the North West ( possibly other areas too?- Salford local council made an announcement yesterday) are considering temporarily suspending a variety of entertainment licences of pubs ( especially sports bars screening big sport events- inc Champions league, PL, and International events) , clubs and live music venues- subject to government / NHS/ Chief medical officer advice as the situation develops in the UK
YEp.... its events in small(er) intimate indoor venues where the risk ( is higher - pubs, clubs, live music venues etc
Local councils in the North West ( possibly other areas too) are considering temporarily suspending a variety of entertainment licences of pubs ( especially sports bars screening big sport events- inc Champions league, PL, and International events) , clubs and live music venues- subject to government / NHS/ Chief medical officer advice as the situation develops in the UK

Although there will be a risk in people travelling on public/mass transport to the large outside gatherings though. They'll need to loosen the parking restrictions so more people can come in cars for our home games.
Although there will be a risk in people travelling on public/mass transport to the large outside gatherings though. They'll need to loosen the parking restrictions so more people can come in cars for our home games.
a bit of cutting back of intrusive foliage, in some areas of the car park, would free up a number of additional spaces.... but, again, that's down to Stadco & the slum landlord :rolleyes:
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