International News Holiday Makers "Entitlement"


Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
The Government were abundantly clear, when travel arrangements to other countries were created, that things could change very quickly.
There is a GLOBAL pandemic the clue is in the global bit!
The rules have subsequently changed to the detriment of a few people for the protection of the many.

How do the BBC find so many whining holiday makers that were seemingly blissfully unaware of what is going on?
Whilst understanding that some people make Holiday plans a year in advance, you do have to wonder how they thought things would be different just a few months into a Pandemic and why anyone would want to step into the unknown for non essential travel..One also assumes that some either still are or were furloughed in the recent months.
Same way that they find so many: teenagers who think they are entitled to 35 A*s because they've not had to go to school for 6 months; women who will suffer mental and physical health issues if they can't get their eyebrows done; families who will starve if their half price meal doesn't arrive at their table within minutes; etc;etc...

This is the age of entitlement

BTW if you think the BBC are bad, don't ever try to watch the ITN news
Same way that they find so many: teenagers who think they are entitled to 35 A*s because they've not had to go to school for 6 months; women who will suffer mental and physical health issues if they can't get their eyebrows done; families who will starve if their half price meal doesn't arrive at their table within minutes; etc;etc...

This is the age of entitlement

BTW if you think the BBC are bad, don't ever try to watch the ITN news
It's also the age of hysteria where people have to be shown to be angry or aggrieved about something/everything no matter how vacuous that thing might be.

Somebody shrugging their shoulders and saying..."oh well, I knew the risks/might've predicted this outcome, so I will just deal with it and get on with my life....." just doesn't make for very appealing column inches

So the journos tell us.

Black and white is where it's greys are allowed and considered thought is positively frowned upon.
Paid for two “holidays” to take the son to meet his gran (wife’s side) in the south of France in June and then his grandfather (my side) a couple of hours south of Paris last week.

Booked the flights in Jan/Feb when we were all sing happy birthday and wash your hands etc. before people were stockpiling bog roll.

Didn’t lose any money with BA and just went for the voucher option when it looked like there was no way we would travel. With everything last week we were actually just about to walk out the door on Wednesday to the airport before pulling the pin on it.

Got our taxes back for the flights, got the car parking back and all but £40 of the car hire so not a massive loss that will keep me up at night (which I’m pleased I’m in that position).

Don’t think everyone believes they’re entitled to go on holiday or booked things in July thinking this was done and dusted. We planned at the start of the year to take our first born to meet his grandparents and spend time with them. Having lost my last remaining one to Covid (as I’ve said before) I know how important that relationship is.

Anyway the good news is we’ve managed to get a holiday booked a week in Oldham and then Aberdeen to look forward to before heading back to Oxfordshire. ?
Somebody I know went for a jolly abroad last week for a few days - inessential travel at its finest - and then waltzed back in without a care in the world to a house that he shares with vulnerable people (over 65’s, underlying health conditions). One of whom is also pretty much the sole carer for somebody over 90. The place they went to has, in the last fortnight, had more total cases than France and nearly three times the deaths, despite having a smaller population. Have never even heard said country mentioned as a risk, however. Go figure.

Either way, the attitude and how brazenly they shrugged and just went despite the people around them back home really didn’t sit well with me. Needless, selfish and reckless. So when I see and hear people kicking off, whether it’s because they left early and made a mad dash to get back or because they’ve simply been asked to sit on their sofa for a couple of weeks once they return, it doesn’t surprise me. Entitlement everywhere. I really struggle to have any sympathy. Don’t want to have to stay in and self isolate? Don’t go abroad. Unable to quarantine upon your return because of work? Don’t go abroad. You know the risk by now - if you are unable or unwilling to have quarantine ‘imposed’ upon you, the onus is on you to not go. Not for the rest of the world to make exceptions because you simply couldn’t live without a few cheeky beers somewhere else.

If having to sit on your sofa and drink some cans, or maybe a few glasses of wine, is classed as some sort of sacrifice or major imposition, we really have gone beyond.
I haven’t had a cold or a sniff all year. As a other fb friend has posted.
It's good to see these comments. At the start of Covid19 I posted that people abroad thought the majority of British were very complacent and not taking it seriously.

I do worry for the majority of a lot of countries including the US, UK, even France, Germany as to put it bluntly, they are f***ed. Economically I feel the major impacts are still to happen.

It needs a complete change of mindset and I feel the majority are not open minded to change.
I do actually think (at this point in time) England is being fairly regimented in certain areas. The maximum of six people from two households (30 from 5? in Scotland), local lockdowns and the shutting of travel corridors a couple of examples. In France they permitted gatherings up to 5000 and in Spain they opened night clubs.

We’re by no means a shining beacon, far from it! I wouldn’t necessarily say the economy is “fucked” because people aren’t taking note of the rules. The economy is “fucked” because huge swathes of industry have sat idle because people have stayed at home, the govt. shut them down etc.

To me it highlights why a truly “world beating” or even just the apple/google track and trace system is so important. Pandora’s box is open now and Boris may huff and puff about another lockdown but there’s absolutely no way that will happen.
Don`t be like John...... entitled prick.

"I never thought they would re-impose quarantine after giving Portugal the all-clear," John told the BBC. "The airlines have us over a barrel and don't seem to have any sympathy."

i must admit that when Portugal came off the quarantine list the Mrs and i thought about it, had a look but decided not for us. Even though our up coming holiday to Tenerife isnt going to go ahead as we are just waiting for Tui to cancel it.
We just deffered until May 2021, Jet2 have been really good with everything. Gave us plenty of options and no extra charges.
I just can`t understand the logic of some people unless they are able/willing/can afford to risk the 2 weeks of quarantine.
We just deffered until May 2021, Jet2 have been really good with everything. Gave us plenty of options and no extra charges.
I just can`t understand the logic of some people unless they are able/willing/can afford to risk the 2 weeks of quarantine.
Just back from a lovely 2 weeks in Kefalonia . Booked last year and an absolutely much needed break after the stresses caused by the constant media hype over most things this year. I don't think that you are entitled to critise people when as much chance as catching anything from parts of this country or even your local Tescos!
We just deffered until May 2021, Jet2 have been really good with everything. Gave us plenty of options and no extra charges.
I just can`t understand the logic of some people unless they are able/willing/can afford to risk the 2 weeks of quarantine.
Or they will just ignore it anyway, just as they ignored the risk of going in the first place.... :unsure:
It's also the age of hysteria where people have to be shown to be angry or aggrieved about something/everything no matter how vacuous that thing might be.

Somebody shrugging their shoulders and saying..."oh well, I knew the risks/might've predicted this outcome, so I will just deal with it and get on with my life....." just doesn't make for very appealing column inches

So the journos tell us.

Black and white is where it's greys are allowed and considered thought is positively frowned upon.
Grey Lives Matter
Just back from a lovely 2 weeks in Kefalonia . Booked last year and an absolutely much needed break after the stresses caused by the constant media hype over most things this year. I don't think that you are entitled to critise people when as much chance as catching anything from parts of this country or even your local Tescos!

Not criticising per se, its just the whining folk on the telly who think everything will be hunky dory for "their two weeks in the sun".
And then moaning about the rules changing etc like it is somebody`s fault.
By all means take the chance if you wish, but if it goes pear shaped suck it up.
Not criticising per se, its just the whining folk on the telly who think everything will be hunky dory for "their two weeks in the sun".
And then moaning about the rules changing etc like it is somebody`s fault.
By all means take the chance if you wish, but if it goes pear shaped suck it up.
Completely agree , we had made provisions in case anything changed with work and it was at our own risk if it did .
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