Current Player #28 Stephan Negru

he looked very decent in his 15 min plus 8 min added cameo - bit of a unit too- I think he won every header he challenged for
Given he came into a full throttle dog fight at a pivotal point in the gameI think he was most impressive. More of the same would be a welcome boost in the remaining games.
Very raw and he only played 6 times for Shelbourne in the Irish premier league prior to us buying him, but he was very highly thought of in Ireland and he is definitely one to look forward to for next season. Very commanding presence when he came on yesterday.
Wasn't on long but loved his aggression, hopefully he'll make he breakthrough next season and become a regular. An exciting looking prospect.
If you read this Stephan - take a bow - brilliant debut. At no point did I feel nervous when you were on the ball which is pretty rare when I watch a young centre back making his debut for us.

Composed, good in the tackle and good in the air.

Hope the nose heals well!
had a great game today, just shaded by Easty ( for obvious reasons) for my MoTM today
Is Negru concussed? Obviously had a bang on the nose but not necessarily concussion? He had a good debut.
Wasn't on long but loved his aggression, hopefully he'll make he breakthrough next season and become a regular. An exciting looking prospect.
Quite weird to think that Ben Purkiss doesn’t think that Negru is either imposing or physical!!
So Moore could be back for Saturday then?

Return to play guidelines following concussion:​

Concussion is a brain injury. There is no blood test or scan currently available that can diagnose it. The diagnosis is made on the basis of history and examination. Return to play after head injury/concussion should be treated as with any other injury. A period of rest, which, in this case, includes mental activity, should be followed by a gradual return to play, closely monitored by medical staff. Serial evaluations using SCAT 3, or whichever pre-season assessment was employed, should be used as an objective adjunct of measure of recovery.

  • The player should undergo a period of physical and mental rest for at least 24 hours after the injury (which includes the playing of video games or similar).
  • The physical return to play ‘steps’ should follow the course shown below, only progressing to the next step if there are no persistent/recurrent concussion symptoms, such as such as headache, feeling in a fog, disturbed or blurred vision, sleep disturbance, or unusual emotional behaviour
  • This process should also include serial SCAT 3 assessments, or assessment with whichever pre-season neuro-psychological assessment tool was employed.
  • The chosen neuro-psychological testing should be carried out every 48 hours after the injury, until return to play, and should show a gradual return to baseline. Clinical assessment should be made daily, whilst following the rehabilitation programme as outlined below.
  • Any recurrence or persistence of concussion symptoms such as headache, feeling in a fog, disturbed or blurred vision, sleep disturbance, or unusual emotional behaviour are signs that the player should return to the previous ‘return to play step’.
  • An improvement in the serial assessments, both clinical and neuro-psychological, whilst increasing the players’ work load, is an indication that they are ready to progress to the next step.

    The physical activity ‘steps’ of rehabilitation should follow this protocol.

    a) No activity
    b) Light aerobic exercise
    c) Sports specific exercise
    d) Non-contact training drills
    e) Full contact practice
    f) Return to play

    Each of these steps takes at least one day
  • The player should not be allowed to return to play for at least 6 days after the injury (it often takes longer than this) and in strict accordance with the return to play guidelines (above). This will include a return to baseline of the SCAT 3, or web-based, neuro-psychological criteria. A baseline profile will be available from the pre-season assessment.
  • The player should be examined, and receive the ‘all clear’ from the club medical officer before returning to play.
  • If progression back to full fitness is delayed in any way, urgent specialist advice should be sought for further assessment.
  • Any player who has suffered two or more concussive episodes during a season should be discussed with a suitably qualified neurological specialist prior to return to play.

So it depends on how he is progressing through the list. You'll see when he's back in training.
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