Home Match Day Thread +++ 17/3/2018 OUFC v PETERBOUROUGH +++


Well-known member
8 Dec 2017
Torn between wanting it snowed of to give Robbie and Joe a chance to get fit and wanting to see a game. Anyway I think well need to score twice to get a draw so I'm going for a 2-2. Thomas and Henry both needs to start imo.
Steve Evans seems to think that the new manager will be in the directors box on Saturday. That's an odd statement for him to make unless he knows something we don't. Let's hope he's right and his presence will give the players the incentive to produce a performance. Squeaky bum time is fast approaching.
3.0 win for the U's, crowd supporting the team with some passion for 90 min's !

Well you can dream..
For some strange reason I actually think we will win this in a high scoring match. I think Faz will fire them up, and the players will want to impress the new manger coming in.

I’m going for a 4-2 victory

Obika 2, Thomas, and Brannagan.

Marriot 2 for Posh.
For some strange reason I actually think we will win this in a high scoring match. I think Faz will fire them up, and the players will want to impress the new manger coming in.

I’m going for a 4-2 victory

Obika 2, Thomas, and Brannagan.

Marriot 2 for Posh.
I so want you to be right
If we win this then the next Match day thread needs to be created in the Match day thread section, for me to then move! :)

Heart says 2-1 to us.
Head says 2-0 them :(
Kane Dickie Mous Ricardinho
Henry Ledson Brannagan IBR
Obika Thomas

3-1, Thomas x2 and Henry. COYY
Hopefully we can use the fact they played Tuesday to our advantage! They should become tired quicker and will probably look too slow the game down where ever possible. However for the first 60 minutes they will probably have a high intensity.
Subs could win us this game it's vital the likes of Napa,GVK are on the bench just because what pace they have to effect a tiring defence.

Kane Dickie Martin ASB
IBR Ledson Brannagan Ricardinho
Henry Thomas

I have a strangely good feeling about tomorrow, i reckon we're see some passion from this team.
2-1 after going 1-0 behind
Ledson penalty. Dickie with a header.

Remember this is a steve evans side so expect horrible football 1 ball upto Marriott. They also have Marcus Maddison who allegedly spat on another player down injured this season (don't know if true) but he likes to roll about a bit and our centre backs will have to go careful because you stick a leg out he goes down and he will do anything he can to win that foul.

1 thing i want to see from oxford players is a bit of passion, something goes against us crowd that ref and stop being nice as wrong and disgusting as it is go down whenever contact is made with your body, we've had so many cheap free kicks given away because this it's obvious the refs fall for it so start trying it ourselves.
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For those that go that like a good heckle and moan, just leave it at home for the rest of the season. Support the team and make some positive noise, whatever happens for 90 minutes. The team plays better when we make noise and support each and everyone of them unconditionally.

Even if you don't like Mousinho or Obika, lay it aside for the good of the team. COYY!
Going for a 2-1...late goal from Lego in front of the East Stand, he'll dive into the fans too :)
For those that go that like a good heckle and moan, just leave it at home for the rest of the season. Support the team and make some positive noise, whatever happens for 90 minutes. The team plays better when we make noise and support each and everyone of them unconditionally.

Even if you don't like Mousinho or Obika, lay it aside for the good of the team. COYY!

Yes (though I would substitute the words our club for "the team"). In reality most of this shower are going to be gone next season.... so poor performance is not going to make a big difference to them. It is us that will suffer. So we have to take a deep breath, forget the individuals who have disgraced the yellow shirt this season, and support our club. Logically it is a no-brainer.
Yes (though I would substitute the words our club for "the team"). In reality most of this shower are going to be gone next season.... so poor performance is not going to make a big difference to them. It is us that will suffer. So we have to take a deep breath, forget the individuals who have disgraced the yellow shirt this season, and support our club. Logically it is a no-brainer.

What about betting on your own club to be relegated?
Oh and a 0-0 draw tomorrow. Evans has a meltdown after they are denied a clear penalty and then finds out the south stand has run out of pies at half time
0-3 to the Posh........ok,ok I know it’s wrong but I hope I am wrong but have a nasty feeling
David Rush makes it 4-0! The portents are the same. Could be grave, could be wonderful. I am going for the latter. The stakes are just as high.
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