Hungary vs France

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Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
Imagine the meltdown on here if this was England in France’s shoes.

Just as I post this, France equalise!
Imagine the meltdown on here if this was England in France’s shoes.

Just as I post this, France equalise!
Given they've won the World Cup twice and the Euros twice in the last forty years the majority of their countrymen and women may be a little more forgiving.
If we play them we’ll get well and truly beaten and if we play France we’ll get murdered

I’ll put you down as a ‘glass half empty’ kind of England fan, Baz.

It’s 31 degrees in Budapest and is due to go up to 37 on Wednesday. Crikey.
Watching this on the box and was first astounded by the complete lack of face masks, social distancing and limits on crowd numbers. Reason being that Hungary decreed that masks were no longer needed in public and all other curbs were lifted - a month ago!
UK Gov travel advice? Don't go there.
Reported new cases in Hungary - 18th June 106 seven day average 91 out of a total population of only 10 million but, still pretty good.

I wonder how many cases they will have after the French supporters have gone home?
Given they've won the World Cup twice and the Euros twice in the last forty years the majority of their countrymen and women may be a little more forgiving.

I reckon they won't be.
Watching this on the box and was first astounded by the complete lack of face masks, social distancing and limits on crowd numbers. Reason being that Hungary decreed that masks were no longer needed in public and all other curbs were lifted - a month ago!
UK Gov travel advice? Don't go there.
Reported new cases in Hungary - 18th June 106 seven day average 91 out of a total population of only 10 million but, still pretty good.

I wonder how many cases they will have after the French supporters have gone home?

Judging by their death rates COVID may have already done it's worst there.
(It’s a person’s choice to go to a football match) Brilliant atmosphere. Great to watch. Fair play to Hungary.
It was nice to see a full stadium for a change not like these half empty stadiums we see now felt like normal for 90
The celebration for the first goal was disgraceful. What Kleinheisler did pushing the table into that scared woman's stomach was worse than Fiola sweeping her paperwork onto the floor. They both should be fined with the money going to a domestic violence charity.
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