His reasoning, openness and articulation is certainly refreshing.People obviously like Stewart because he's the most likely to keep us in the EU. Seems like an honest man.
Not sure if he can really be called "refreshing" though, considering he went to Eton and is a career politician...
Your comment regarding New Labour may be close to the mark as I have seen that his skeleton in the cupboard( they all have them) is as a teenager he was a member of the Labour Party.I can perfectly understand the media love-in with Stewart’s quirky style and delivery, but it will wear very thin after a while particularly the more media exposure he gets. I think he might be in the wrong party though, very New Labour.
Clearly it’s looking like Boris, mainly because the grass roots believe he has the best chance of beating Corbyn and persuading ex Tory voters back from the Brexit Party.
None of them really fills me with much enthusiasm though, however Sajid Javid looks like a reasonable compromise, therefore gets my vote in this poll.
Your comment regarding New Labour may be close to the mark as I have seen that his skeleton in the cupboard( they all have them) is as a teenager he was a member of the Labour Party.
Agree Pete. Who in earth would you vote for?Hi. A few years ago I would have qualified as an 'out and out Labour voter' who believed socialism was the best chance of remedying the inequalities in our society. Pretty smug, eh?
I also enjoyed it when May made her disastrous decision to call an election and Corbyn rejuvenated Labour's standing.
Since then though, I've felt more confused than dedicated to the cause. Corbyn - undoubted dedicated socialist that he is in principle - is weak and indecisive. Failing to deal with loose cannons like Diane Abbott, making a complete hash of the anti-Semitism row, fence-sitting on far too many topics, like Brexit. I say 'confused' because my only voting options now are Greens or Lib Dems. I empathise with a lot of their policies, but they're just not strident enough on issues like re-distributing wealth.
Yes, Corbyn scares me too. A left winger who I just can't imagine leading the country.
I don't think Rory has enough concrete plans to get in the final 2. His time will come though.As one of the few on here who will actually get to vote on this I`m praying that Rory makes it to the party membership ballot.
Sadly it`ll be Bojo and Hunt..... but I`m eternally optimistic!!
It’s going to be Johnson that is plain to see. Probably because he is pro brexit which for those of us who voted to leave he would be our choice as next PM.
But it’s after we leave the EU what about the emergency services, what about the elderly, what about the disabled and the less infirm and what about the country as a whole? These are issues that sadly are being left behind because of brexit.
Whoever although it’s likely to be Boris who wins the race to be PM should call a general election as they would only be PM as a result the result of the Tory members vote and not as a result of a general election. A general election is what the leftist Labour Party want as the believe this would be their chance to win and if they did I fear they would ignore the referendum vote and be all happy if we were to remain as a result of another referendum.
Then they would go onto their spend, spend and spend policy and leave us up s**t creak, but as we’re the laughing stock of Europe at the moment at least Labour could disguise their ineptness and like all parties blame the others.
Hi Baz. Depends on your point ofd view, of course. The Tories favour fiscal responsibility. Austerity was a manifesto pledge of theirs. This has meant massively reduced spending on public services, down 70% since 2010. And you wonder why the emergency services and adult care are suffering? You can't have it both ways.
You say Labour would 'spend, spend, spend' as if they were 1960s pools winners. I would say increasing expenditure on the services we all need would be a positive thing. I'd even be willing to pay an extra 2p in the pound income tax to fund it, would you?
The whole notion of 'balancing the domestic books' is not something our economic competitors bother about. Have you seen the US' latest national deficit? They've lost count of the number of zeroes, but they don't care. The bailiffs will not be beating a path to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Also, Boris has today pledged super fast broadband for the whole country under his leadership. Questions are already being asked about where the billions to pay for this will come from. A commentator has described the job of Boris' first Chancellor as 'challenging'.
I would pay an extra 2p as well but there are many that wouldn’t and you know what the other side of the argument would be moaning that they’ve put the tax up, it’s catch 22 it doesn’t matter which party that would raise the tax the other side is always going to moan.Hi Baz. Depends on your point ofd view, of course. The Tories favour fiscal responsibility. Austerity was a manifesto pledge of theirs. This has meant massively reduced spending on public services, down 70% since 2010. And you wonder why the emergency services and adult care are suffering? You can't have it both ways.
You say Labour would 'spend, spend, spend' as if they were 1960s pools winners. I would say increasing expenditure on the services we all need would be a positive thing. I'd even be willing to pay an extra 2p in the pound income tax to fund it, would you?
The whole notion of 'balancing the domestic books' is not something our economic competitors bother about. Have you seen the US' latest national deficit? They've lost count of the number of zeroes, but they don't care. The bailiffs will not be beating a path to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Assuming Boris gets the PM job, he will have to keep some of his enemies in the cabinet otherwise he will face problems from those he’s dropped. Philip Hammond is one of those he will need to keep on side as he would be likely to cause trouble on the back benches.
Stewart is one of the intelligent and articulate MPs and it would be much better him being inside the cabinet than out.
Getting the correct balance will be a problem. I think there has to be a place for Gove and Raab, but Johnson will risk cabinet rebellion if he tries to fill all the jobs with brexiters
Obviously a remoanerJohnson can’t be stopped. He’s going to the final two and the party membership will elect him by a landslide. Can’t wait for all the working class Brexit voters to welcome him with open arms only to realise he’s letting all the rich folk off with paying less tax while they pay more national insurance to fund it. If they’re even perceptive enough to realise it at any point, of course. He’s a ‘good old boy’ after all, and that’s what matters. Not like he wasted over £40m on a bridge that was never completed, or millions more on the French water canons he purchased that aren’t even legal in this country (but how do they have different laws from us when the EU rules every part of our lives?!), or got an already innocent woman an even longer jail sentence in Iran by saying something stupid before shrugging and walking off. To name but a few absolutely catastrophic howlers that show he isn’t even fit to run his own bath, let alone the entire country, particularly at this tumultuous point in time.
I’d prefer Stewart by a million, billion miles to any of the rest of them, but there’s about as much chance of that happening as there is Nigel Farage joining the Lib Dems.