
I believe we couldn't afford the costs of their flights back, which of course we would have been liable for if they had appeared in any of the friendlies

The club got maximum value as we're so poor by sending them back as foot passengers on the ferry. They'll still be hitchhiking the rest of the way home.
Christophe Remy came on trial - played a pre-season friendly at Newcastle Town as a triallist. Matt le Tissier once had a trial at the club, but was told he wasn't good enough. He went on to have a pretty good career elsewhere...
Did you see Mark Angel when he came back as one of Rosies half time guests, he looked like a cross between a Farmer and with skin tight jeans, a right "Jack the Lad". According those in the know at the time "He Was"
Good for us in his prime
And there was me asking a question about the present and I get a waive of nostalgia!! Some nice memories though. I spoke with Christophe Reme many times and he was a really nice guy.
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